3 research outputs found

    Machine Translation: Deficiency in Translating English Sentences with Different Temporal References into Arabic

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    The study investigates the accuracy of machine translation from English sentences with different temporal references into Arabic. Google translator (GT) was used in this experiment. 12 English sentences with different temporal references divided into 3 sectors, present, past and future sector, were given to GT to and translated into Arabic. The output was again given to Google were to retranslate them back into English (round-trip translation). Furthermore, Arabic equivalent sentences for the English 12 sentences were given to GT to check their English translation. Results suggest that instead of facilitating English language in general and temporal references in particular, GT is a source of confusion for nonnative English speakers. It turns out also that GT is inaccurate in its translation of English sentences with different temporal references into Arabic. Keywords: translation, Machine Translation, Arabic, temporal reference, tens

    La TraducibilitÀ Dei Tempi Verbali Tra L’Arabo E L’Italiano in Contesto Guidato Come Lingua Straniera

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    Lo scopo di questa ricerca è verificare la traducibiltà dei tempi verbali dall’italiano all’arabo e viceversa e poter quindi elaborare del materiale didattico mirato a facilitare l’apprendimento dell’italiano. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è pratico: analizzare la competenza linguistica degli studenti nel campo dei tempi verbali tramite la traduzione e verificare l'interferenza della lingua madre nell’apprendimento dell’italiano come lingua straniera a livello universitario. L’ipotesi generale è che la diversità tipologica tra l’italiano e l’arabo, e quindi la diversità linguistica nell’uso dei tempi verbali in entrambe le lingue, sia la causa degli errori. Su tale piano pratico si è costruito un test nel quale viene richiesto agli studenti di tradurre delle frasi dall’italiano all'arabo e viceversa. Parole Chiavi: Traduzione Arabo, Tempi Verbali Dirversità lingüística, Lengua Stranier

    The Sources and Types of Reading Miscues Produced by 6th Grade Students at Public Schools in Jordan

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    This study was conducted to explore the types and sources of reading errors produced by 6th grade  students at Jawza governmental secondary school at Al-Karak directorate of education. The sample of the study consists of  20 students. The result of the study showed that students produced different types of reading miscues. This included reading omission, repetition, mispronunciation, pausing and word by word reading categories. In light of these results, the study provides several pedagogical implications that could hopefully used by teachers to improve their student reading. The study recommends that further future researches study be conducted in this field to investigate this area. Keywords: Reading Miscues, Omission, Repetition, Pausing and Mispronunciation