33 research outputs found

    Domino Logic Testing Systems and Methods

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    A domino logic test circuit includes a dynamic node, a precharge device for charging the dynamic node, and an output inverter for inverting an output of the dynamic node. A logic network is coupled to the dynamic node for discharging the dynamic node in accordance with logic. A footer device enables and disables the logic network. A keeper device is coupled to the dynamic node for retaining a charge state of the dynamic node while awaiting the logic network to operate in accordance with the logic. A test mode selection device is coupled to the dynamic node and is configured to enable a latch in the test mode. A phase selection device is configured to receive at least a wait signal and to enable selection of at least a precharge phase for charging the dynamic node to a voltage level, a write phase for generating a value to the latch based on the logic and the voltage level of the dynamic node, and a wait phase for enabling reading the value. The selection is based, at least partially, on the wait signal state

    A Framework for the Detection of Crosstalk Noise in FPGAs

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    In recent years, crosstalk noise has emerged a serious problem because more and more devices and wires have been packed on electronic chips. As integrated circuits are migrated to more advanced technologies, it has become clear that crosstalk noise is the important phenomenon that must be taken into account. Despite of being more immune to crosstalk noise than their ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) counterparts, the dense interconnected structures of FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays) invite more vulnerabilities with crosstalk noise. Due to the lack of electrical detail concerning FPGA devices it is quite difficult to test the faults affected by crosstalk noise. This paper proposes a new approach for detecting the effects such as glitches and delays in transition that are due to crosstalk noise in FPGAs. This approach is similar to the BIST (built-in self test) technique in that it incorporates the test pattern generator to generate the test vectors and the analyzer to analyze the crosstalk faults without any overhead for testing

    Secured Hardware Design - an Overview

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    Security is a prime concern in the design of a wide variety of embedded systems and security processors. So the customer security devices such as smart cards and security processors are prone to attack and there are on going research to protect these devices from attackers who intend to extract key information from these devices. Also an active attacker can induce errors during computation and exploit the faulty result to extract the key information embedded in the processor. Due to the design time issues weakness in the design is often revealed in the manufactured chips. Also because the post- manufacture security evaluation is time consuming and expensive, these security issues have to be considered at the design phase. This paper outlines some of the hardware attacks and provides a general idea of the process of these attacks

    Testing of Asynchronous NULL Conventional Logic (NCL) Circuits

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    Due to the absence of a global clock and presence of more state holding elements that synchronize the control and data paths, conventional automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) algorithms would fail when applied to asynchronous circuits, leading to poor fault coverage. This paper focuses on design for test (DFT) techniques aimed at making asynchronous NCL designs testable using existing DFT CAD tools with reasonable gate overhead, by enhancing controllability of feedback nets and observability for fault sites that are flagged unobservable. The proposed approach performs scan and test points insertion on NCL designs using custom ATPG library. The approach has been automated, which is essential for large systems; and are fully compatible with industry standard tools

    Teaching Asynchronous Digital Design in the Undergraduate Computer Engineering Curriculum

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    As demand continues for circuits with higher performance, higher complexity, and decreased feature size, asynchronous (clockless) paradigms will become more widely used in the semiconductor industry, as evidenced by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors\u27 (ITRS) prediction of a likely shift from synchronous to asynchronous design styles in order to increase circuit robustness, decrease power, and alleviate many clock-related issues. ITRS predicts that asynchronous circuits will account for 19% of chip area within the next 5 years, and 30% of chip area within the next 10 years. To meet this growing industry need, students in Computer Engineering should be introduced to asynchronous circuit design to make them more marketable and more prepared for the challenges faced by the digital design community for years to come

    A BIST Approach for Configurable Nanofabric Arrays

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    This work proposes a Built-in Self Test (BIST) approach to test crossbars for a defined set of faults. The BIST can classify the different programmable elements in the crossbars as non-defective or defective with a certain fault type. The logic synthesis can then configure the crossbar by avoiding these defective elements

    Nanofabric PLA Architecture with Double Variable Redundancy

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    It has been shown that fundamental electronic structures such as Diodes, and FET\u27s can be constructed using selectively doped semiconducting carbon nanotubes or silicon nanowires (CNT\u27s, SiNW\u27s) at nanometer scale. Memory and Logic cores using these technologies have been proposed, that use the configurable junctions in two-dimensional crossbars of CNT\u27s. These memories and logic arrays at this scale exhibit significant amount of defects that account for poor yield. Configuration of these devices in presence of defects demands for an overhead in terms of area and programming time. In this work, we introduce a PLA (programmable logic array) configuration that makes use of design-specific redundancy in terms of number of nanowires, in order to simplify the process of programming the PLA, increase the yield and reduce the time complexity and in turn, the cost of the system

    Faulty Behavior of Storage Elements and Its Effects on Sequential Circuits

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    It is often assumed that the faults in storage elements (SEs) can be modeled as output/input stuck-at faults of the element. They are implicitly considered equivalent to the stuck-at faults in the combinational logic surrounding the SE cells. Transistor-level faults in common SEs are examined here. A more accurate higher level fault model for elementary SEs that better represents the physical failures is presented. It is shown that a minimal (stuck-at) model may be adequate if only modest fault coverage is desired. The enhanced model includes some common fault behaviors of SEs that are not covered by the minimal fault model. These include data-feedthrough and clock-feedthrough behaviors, as well as problems with logic level retention. Fault models for complex SE cells can be obtained without a significant loss of information about the structure of the circuit. The detectability of feedthrough faults is considered

    On Fault Modeling and Testing of Content-addressable Memories

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    Associative or content addressable memories can be used for many computing applications. This paper discusses fault modeling for the content addressable memory (CAM) chips. Detailed examination of a single CAM cell is presented. A functional fault model for a CAM architecture executing exact match derived from the single cell model is presented. An efficient testing strategy can be derived using the proposed fault mode

    Modeling of Substrate Noise Effects in Dynamic CMOS Circuits

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    The decrease in the feature size has led to the integration of both digital and analog circuits on the same silicon die which has led to many crosstalk issues. The crosstalk due to the substrate interactions also plagiarizes complete digital systems. This paper lays emphasis on this fact and because of the vulnerability of dynamic CMOS circuits to noise; a brief study of the effects of substrate variations on the performance of the dynamic CMOS circuits is carried out in this paper. The effects of substrate noise at very high frequencies (above 10 GHz) are also depicted in this paper. In order to accurately estimate the effects of substrate noise a substrate model is proposed and verified for functionality in the last section of this paper