21 research outputs found

    Dual polymer conditioning of alum sludges

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    Bu çalışmada ikili polieletrolit (PE) şartlandırmayla alum çamurlarının susuzlaşabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Farklı PE dozajlarının şartlandırmaya etkileri araştırılmıştır İyi bir şartlandırma ve dolayısıyla susuzlaşabilirliğin elde edilebilmesi için optimum şartlandırıcı ve şartlandırıcı dozu belirlenmiştir En uygun şartlandırıcı olarak katyonik (Hyd. CP 509), anyonik(Hyd.7170) ve noniyonik (Hyd.8000) PE’ler seçilerek deneyler yürütülmüştür. Çamur numuneleri değişik karıştırma koşulları altında tekli ve ikili şartlandırmaya tabi tutularak susuzlaşabilirlik özellikleri birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çamurun yumak direnci ve zeta potansiyeli ölçülerek susuzlaşabilirlik üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. İkili şartlandırma deneylerinde şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. İkili şartlandırmada tekli şartlandırmaya göre daha iyi susuzlaşabilirlik sağlanmakta, daha az PE ilavesi ile minimum KES değerine ulaşılmakta ve daha güçlü yumaklar elde edilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: İkili şartlandırma, susuzlaştırma, flokülasyon, polielektroli, kapiler emme süresi.In this study, alum sludge dewatering is experimented by dual conditioning. The effects of the different polyelectrolytes dosages on conditioning are researced Optimum conditioner and conditioner dosages have been determined in order to obtain dewatering and a better conditioning by the experiments made in this research. Hyd. CP 509(cationic), Hyd. 7170(anionic) and Hyd. 8000(nonionic) type polyelectrolytes are used in this study as more appropriate conditioners. Dewatering properties of single and dual conditioning are measured and compared each other. Floc strength and zeta potantiel are measured and their effects on dewatering are researced. The results in dual conditioning experiments are as follows: Dual conditioning provides a better dewatering compared to single conditioning. Minimum CST values are reached by adding less polyelectrolyte in dual conditioning. Floc strength is better in dual conditioning. It has been observed on dual conditioning experiments that dewatering obtained by adding cationic polyelectrolyte on anionic polyelectrolyte is better than adding anionic polyelectrolyte on cationic polyelectrolyte. It has been observed that dewatering which is obtained in dual conditioning experiments by adding nonionic polyelectrolyte on cationic polyelectrolyte is better than dewatering obtained by adding cationic polyelectrolyte on nonionic polyelectrolyte.Keywords: Dual conditioning, dewatering, flocculation, polyelectrolyte, capillary suction time (CST

    Youth Suicides in the Second Wave of the Pandemic in Turkiye

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    Objective: It is widely recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated social isolation have significant short- and long-term effects on mental health worldwide. Previous studies have yielded mixed results regarding the short-term impact on mental health during the first wave of the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the influence of the second wave of the pandemic on suicide rates among children and adolescents. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study recorded cases of self-harm among children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, who were admitted to our center's pediatric emergency department between November 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021. These cases were compared with those admitted during the same months one year prior, considering similar age groups and diagnoses. Results: A total of 53 cases were included in our study, with 21 cases occurring before the pandemic and 32 cases during the second wave. While the total number of admissions decreased during the second wave of the pandemic, there was an increase in suicide attempts. Suicide attempts were more prevalent among females, often linked to family or peer-related issues and impulsivity. Conclusions: The findings of our study highlight the evident long-term adverse effects on mental health during the second wave of the pandemic. To effectively address these consequences in the future, it is crucial to comprehend the devastating long-term impact of the pandemic on mental health

    Zaman serileri için yeni bir model seçme algoritmasının oluşturulması: karşılıklı bilgi model seçme algoritması.

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    Time series model selection has gained a significant popularity,and a variety of methods has been introduced in the recent years. It is crucial for a method to propose a candidate model as the final model that explains the procedure underlying a series best and provides accurate forecasts among many candidates. In this study, it is aimed to create an algorithm for order selection in Box-Jenkins models that combines penalized natural logarithm of mutual information among the original series and predictions coming from each candidate. The penalization is achieved by subtracting the number of parameters in each candidate and empirical information the data provide. Simulation studies under various scenarios and application on a real data set imply that our algorithm offers a promising and satisfactory alternative to its counterparts.  M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Zaman Serileri İçin Model Seçme ve Tahmin Etme Kriterinin Oluşturulması: Yeni Bir Algoritma

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    Modellemenin önemli olduğu zaman serilerinde, olası birkaç model arasından veriye en uygun olanını seçmek önemli bir konudur. Zaman serilerinde modelleme yaparak verinin bir sonraki zaman diliminde nasıl bir değer alacağını öngörmek oldukça önemlidir. Yapılan tahminlerin gerçek veri ile uyum oranının yüksek olması, olası negatif etkilere karşı önlem alınması açısından kritik bir önem taşımaktadır. Literatüre bakıldığında, zaman serilerinde model seçimi için birçok kriter ve algoritmanın yer aldığı gözlenmektedir. Bu projede, var olan algoritma ve kriterler kayan pencere yaklaşımı ile harmanlanarak yeni bir algoritma geliştirilecektir. Serinin pencereler şeklinde incelenmesinin, mevcut aykırı değerlerin model seçiminde serinin tamamında değil, sadece bulundukları pencerede etkin olmasını mümkün kılması öngörülmektedir. Bu algoritma böylece, aykırı değerlere karşı daha sağlam olacağı düşünülmektedir

    Generation of monthly precipitation series and the performance of homogeneity tests

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    Climate studies have gained importance due to the significant effect of climate change. The extreme meteorological events can cause floods, droughts, sudden change in the temperature or change in the climate trends. Since they have an important effect on human beings and the environment, these meteorological variables should be predicted and some precautions should be taken if possible. In order to conduct any kind of statistical analysis, the nonclimatic effects should be determined and corrected or removed. Otherwise, any kind of meteorological effect should be kept to reflect the change in the variable. If there is any nonclimatic effect in the variable, the series is defined as inhomogeneous. The most important climatic variables are temperature and precipitation. The precipitation variable cannot be modeled efficiently due to its nonsymmetric shape and high variability. First, monthly total precipitation amount is simulated based on real station records. Then, in each simulation, artificial breakpoints are created and the homogeneity analysis are conducted to detect the inhomogeneity and the results are compared to decide on the best performed homogeneity test for precipitation

    Exploring biomarkers in the overactive bladder: Alterations in miRNA levels of a panel of genes in patients with OAB

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    Aims: It has been demonstrated that there are abundant stable microRNAs (miRNAs) in plasma, which is potentially disease-specific. Adrenergic and muscarinic pathways play an important role in voiding physiology. Alterations in the levels of miRNAs are thought to influence the regulation of these pathways at the molecular level. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of miRNAs with overactive bladder pathogenesis and to provide a new perspective to treatment approaches. Methods: This study included patients with an overactive bladder (OAB) diagnosis and a healthy control group. All patients completed a validated OAB-V8 questionnaire. The relative expression levels of 12 miRNAs were examined in plasma by PCR. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated to evaluate the diagnostic qualification of miRNAs. Results: The relative expression levels of let-7b-5p, miR-92a-3p, miR-98-5p, miR-142-3p, and miR-200c-3p were significantly upregulated and miR-139-5p was significantly downregulated in patients with OAB and no correlation was determined between the levels of miRNAs with OAB symptom score. Among the miRNAs, miR-98-5p provided the highest diagnostic accuracy alone (area under curve [AUC] = 0.79) in ROC analysis. The combination of miR-98-5p + miR-139-5p was seen to be a good indicator (AUC = 0.839). Conclusions: These results suggest that alteration of the miRNA levels can be used as auxiliary parameters to explain the pathophysiology of OAB syndrome and could shed light on new treatment options. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc