182 research outputs found

    Effects of organic manuring (chicken droppings) on growth of Labeo rohita Ham. spawn

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    An experiment was conducted in six nursery ponds to determine the effect of different doses of organic fertilizer (chicken droppings) on growth and survival of Labeo rohita spawn. Ponds were stocked with four-days old L. rohita spawn at a density of 25 g/decimal and reared for 25 days. Three doses of organic fertilizer viz. 20kg, 10 kg and 5kg per decimal were tried in treatments Tp T2 and T3 respectively with two replication each. Fry were fed twice a day with a mixture of fine mustard oil cake and rice bran at the ratio of 1:1. The highest growth (6.33 em and 3.33 g) and survival rate (72.30%) were observed for the treatment T2. Physico-chemical and biological parameters were found within the productive range for all the treatments

    Effects of cowdung application on the production of mud crab (Scylla serrata Forskal) in brackishwater pond

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    A culture experiment of mud crab for 84 days was conducted in earthen pond at Brackishwater Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Paikgacha, Khulna. The aim of the experiment was to study the effects of cowdung application on crab production and water quality. There were three treatments as without cowdung (T1), 500 kg cowdung/ha/fortnight (T2) and 750 kg cowdung/ha/fortnight (T3) with three replicates for each. The result was evaluated on the basis of growth, production, survival rate etc. The experimental months were mid-April '96 to mid-July '96. To maintain a good water quality, water was exchanged in every spring tide. The range of salinity during the experiment was 8-19 ppt. Trash fish and fresh shrimp head were used as feed on raw basis in every alternate week at a rate of 8% body weight of crab at the same time rice bran and wheat flour were used at a rate of 2% body weight as a source of carbohydrate. The production of T1, T2 and T3, were 720.35 kg, 862.16 kg and 669.19 kg/ha respectively. Though the effects of cowdung on production of crab is insignificant but in terms of production, survival rate and growth, the study suggest that the application of cowdung in addition to feed can be recommended for mud crab culture at a rate of 500 kg/ha/fortnight

    Effects of supplementary feeds on growth and survival of freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium resenbergii [i.e. rosenbergii] deMan)

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    Highest growth of prawn was obtained with Feed B (743 kg/ha) with highest survival rate (60.88%) followed by Feed A where production and survival rate was 659 kg/ha and 53.50%, respectively. Feed A contained 30% dry ground cow viscera, 40% oil cake, 20% rice-bran and 10% heat bran. Feed conversion ratios were found to be 7.60:1 for Feed A and 6.46:1 for Feed B, which indicated that Feed B was more efficiently utilized by the prawn than Feed A. Statistical analysis revealed that the differences in production of prawns among the treatments were highly significant (P< 0.01)

    Optimization of stocking density for environmental-friendly improved extensive shrimp farming system in south-west part of Bangladesh

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    An experimental culture practice of P. monodon on extension approach was conducted in two brackish water earthen ponds of Demonstration Farm and Training Center (DFTC), Kaliganj, Satkhira. The experiment was aimed to provide farmers with appropriate technology that can immediately improve pond yield with keeping the environment in friendly condition. For optimization of stocking density of a cost effective environmental friendly improved extensive shrimp farming, the ponds were stocked with coastal river post larvae of P. monodon at the stocking rates of 2 pls/m² and 2.5 pls/m² without supplementary feeding. To control experimental error another five farmer's gher were used as replicates of each demo-pond. Considering the farmers buying ability, cost of inputs and other facilities kept minimal. The impact of stocking density was evaluated on the basis of growth, survival rate, production and economic return. Better production (average 299.01 kg/ha) with same survival rate (39.33%) were found with a stocking density of 2.5 pls/m² without causing any deterioration in the culture environment

    Effect of farm made feeds on polyculture of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and three brackishwater finfish species

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed made from locally available ingredients on polyculture of shrimp and three brackishwater finfish species. Hatchery produced post-larvae (PL) of shrimp Penaeus monodon (0.005g) were stocked at the rate of 15,000 PLs/ha. Brackishwater finfish species Liza parsia, Mugil cephalus and Rhinomugil corsula of 0.63-1.4lg collected from local rivers were stocked at the rate 8,000, 1,000 and 2,000/ha, respectively in four treatments. Shrimp and finfishes were fed four different experimental diets composed of fish meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, oyster shell power and vitamin premixes at the rate of 3-5% estimated crop/day for 195 days. Among four treatments, P. monodon showed comparative better growth in T4 and T3. Finfish L. parsia showed its better performance in treatment T2. Species M. cephalus and R. corsula showed insignificant production. P. monodon showed better growth with diet of fish meal and mustard oil cake@ 28.84 and 33.65%, respectively in T 3 and 19.22 and 43.27%, respectively in treatment T4

    A mixed culture trail of mud crab (Scylla serrata Forskal) with tilapia ( Oreocromis niloticus L.)

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    A ten-month study on mixed culture of mud crab Scylla serrata with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed in brackish water earthen ponds using live tilapia fry as the only feed for crab. The monthly growth rate varied from 9.07-19.llg among four treatments. Treatment T 1, cw: 0.68cm (±0.72) and bw: 19.11 gm (±12.97) showed highest performance which was followed by T 3, cw: 0.62cm (±0.60) and bw: 13.42 gm (±10.51), T4, cw: 0.65cm (±0.64) and bw: 13.20 gm (±9.89) and T2, cw: 0.36cm (± 0.25) and bw: 9.07 gm (±8.05). Highest survivability of crabs was also recorded in T 1 (21.5%) which was followed by T 2 (15.65%), T4 (14.95%) and T 3 (14.15%). In terms of survivability, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed among the treatments whereas these were recorded as insignificant difference (p<0.05) in final weight, weight gain and production of crabs and tilapia. Mixed culture of mud crab with tilapia could make more rewarding than crab monoculture but the study suggests that only tilapia fry can not fulfill the feed requirement of crabs in respects of survivability, final body weight and weight gain. Besides, existed salinity level of 4-12 ppt during experimental period might be the another key factor for low survivability and weight gain

    Ecology of Shakla heel (Brahmanbaria), Bangladesh

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    The bed Shakla, comprising an average area of 75.0 ha is located in the northeastern region (Brahmanbaria district) of Bangladesh. The study was carried out to assess the ecological aspects of bed ecosystem. Surface run-off and increase inflow of rain water from the upper stretch during monsoon cause inundation and resumption of connection between beel and parent rivers. The range of dissolved oxygen (DO) content ( 4.5-8.9 mg/L) was found congenial for aquatic life. pH was in the alkaline range (7.3-8.5) and free C02 was reletavely high. Lower values of total hardness and total alkalinity indicated less nutrients in the beel water. A wide variation (1.4-27.2 x 103 ceHs/L) in the standing crop of total plankton was recorded during study period of which phytoplankton alone contributed about 90%. Phytoplankton diversity in the beel represented by three groups viz. Chlorophyceae, Myxophyceae and Bacillariophyceae in order of abundance. A total of 52 fish species belonging to 36 genera, 20 families and 1 species of prawn were identified so far from the beel. About l3 types of fishing method were found in operation. Seine nets (moshari berja, ghono berjal) and gill net (current jal) were identified as detrimental gear killing juveniles of different species during post spawning period. Kua fishing was also found harmful due to dewatering nature. A total of 11 species belonging to 11 genera and 10 families of aquatic weeds were identified from the beet The eggs of Macrobrachium Jamarrei were identified into the Najas najas vegetation during April-September

    Quantitative and qualitative assessment of plankton: some ecological aspect and water quality parameters of the river Meghna, Bangladesh

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    Investigation on the seasonal distribution and abundance of various major taxa of phyto and zooplankton and the corresponding physico-chemical characteristics were carried out in four selected stations between the latitude 22°35.494N N-23°23.987 N and longitude 90°35.793 E- 90°49.061 E of the Meghna river system, Bangladesh. Drop count method was followed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of both phyto- and zooplankton. A total of 41 phytoplankton genera belonging to 17 families and 13 zooplankton genera belonging to 11 families were recorded. Zooplankton growth cycle was noticeably less (3.0%) than the phytoplankton abundance almost throughout the study period. Quantity of plankton registered to increase chronologically from the upper to lower stretches of the river. During summer investigation the load of phytoplankton was recorded maximum (11,300-51,850 No/1). Ratio-wise quantitative difference between zoo- and phytoplankton in composition of the total standing crop fluctuated between 1.0:5.5 and 1:1037. Among the phytoplanktonic groups, Chlorophyceae was found to be dominating (95.0%) in all sampling stations. Protococcus, a single genus of Chlorophyceae played a unique role during summer, contributing the highest density of about 74.0%. The pattern of qualitative and quantitative difference of plankton standing crop in different sampling sites can be attributed to the existing physico-chemical characteristics, mainly water temperature, pH and hardness

    Impact of stocking density on growth and survival rate of mud crab (Scylla serrata Froskal)

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    A 10-weeks culture trial of mud crab, Scylla serrata in brackish water earthen pond was conducted in different stocking densities. The aim of the experiment was to identify a suitable stocking density for optimum production. There were three treatment as 5000 crab lings/ha, 10000 crab lings/ha and 15000 crab lings/ha of each with three replications. The initial mean weight of crab lings were same (5.5 ± 0.13 g). The experimental month was June '95 to August '95. The size of each pond was 500 m². To maintain good water quality water was exchanged in every spring tide. The salinity during the experiment were 2-18ppt. Prepared feed of about 32% protein consisting fish meal, MOC rice bran and wheat flour was used at 5% of their body weight. In terms of production, survival rate, growth and carapace width, the stocking density having 10000/ha showed the best (P<O.O5) performance followed by 5000/ha and 15000/ha

    Water quality management on the enhancement of shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.) production in the traditional and improved-traditional ghers of Bangladesh

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    On-farm research on enhancement of P. monodon production through water quality management was carried out in five ghers of Paikgacha, Khulna. Based on the prevailing condition of the ghers, lime in the form of CaCO(sub 3), urea and TSP were used as the major inputs to minimize the soil-water acidity and to ensure the availability of natural food particles in the water bodies. Exchange of water at required level also practiced for the qualitative improvement of culture water. Ghers of varying sizes showed that water quality management and fertilization have a positive impact on production performance of P. monodon (61.59% increment) that yielded an average production of 385.43 kg/ha/crop against the present traditional rate of 238.50 kg/ha/year
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