67 research outputs found
Strategi Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Kunjung Pemustaka di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram. 2021. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai ada 2 yaitu; a) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Kunjung di Masa Pandemi Covid-19; dan b) Mengetahui apa saja Kendala yang di hadapi Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Kunjung di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan pada laporan akhir ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Tehnik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu a) Observasi b) Interview atau Wawancara, c) Dokumentasi. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh peneliti dalam meningkatkan minat kunjung pemustaka di masa pandemi covid-19 di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Mataram yaitu: a) Promosi perpustakaan; b) Pengadaan koleksi; c) Strategi menciptakan layanan prima; d) Kolaborasi dengan masyarakat kegiatan pengembangan koleksi di tokoh masyarakat; e) Penerapan protokol kesehatan. Akan tetapi mempunyai kendala yaitu anggaran yang masih kurang sarana dan prasarana dan lain sebagainya. Ahli IT yang masih belum ada, dan lokasi kurang strategis.Kata Kunci: Strategi Perpustakaan, Minat Kunjung, dan Pemustak
Dukungan Komunitas Belajar dan Ketekunan Akademik Pada Mahasiswa
Ketekunan akademik sangat diperlukan bagi mahasiswa agar dapat menyelesaikan pendidikan di perguruan tingggi dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi dukungan komunitas belajar terhadap ketekunan akademik pada mahasiswa. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa fakultas psikologi universitas X berjumlah (n) = 214 yang terdiri dari 47 laki-laki dan 167 perempuan, dengan teknik sampling menggunakan cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala dukungan sosial dengan realiabilitas alpha cronbach 0,957 dan skala ketekunan akademik dengan reliabilitas alpha cronbach 0,865. Hasil analisa data menggunakan uji korelasi product moment pearson diperoleh koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,565 dengan signifikansi (p)=0,000 (p<0,001). Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa dukungan sosial komunitas belajar berkorelasi positif dengan ketekunan akademik. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa mahasiswa perlu memiliki kelompok belajar yang dapat memberi dukungan secara akademik maupun non akademik
Food is an essential commodities and strategic. Rice is one commodity food that has an important role, both in terms of producers, consumers, government, the community and the environment in general. With increasing population, increasing levels of education and income per capita then the need for rice in particular food consumption also increased. The enthusiasm of the public to consume organic rice is also expected continues to increase along with the awareness of people to live healthy. Research in Consumer Behavior Analysis of Organic Rice in Jember conducted in order to determine: (1). Factors that influence the behavior of consumers in the purchase of organic rice in Jember, (2). Is there a relationship between level of education and income levels of consumers with consumer response to quality attributes of rice in the purchase of organic rice in Jember. This study was conducted in Jember with sampling and identification method in the field. The results showed: (1). the factors that influence consumer behaviour in purchasing organic rice in Jember is the quality factor (texture, grain, color, taste), promotion factor (friend information, leaflets, sellers, packaging), health factors (nutrition and nourishment), factor of safety of consuming (where to buy, certification, pesticide residues) and factor of prices (2). There is no real relationship between the levels of education of consumers with consumer response to quality attributes of rice in the purchase of organic rice in Jember (3). There is no real relationship between the levels of income the consumer response to the quality attributes of rice in the purchase of organic rice in Jember. Key words : Organic Rice, Consumer Behavior, Quality Attributes of Ric
Titin Agustina, The Procedure of Pawn Credit in the Wonogiri Branch of Pawnshop, Final
Project Report, Diploma III Program of Administration Management, Social and Political
Sciences Faculty of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University, 2009, 39 pages.
This final project report is written with the objective of finding out how the procedure of pawn credit is
in Wonogiri Branch of Pawnshop from the security goods giving to the appraisal of security goods
value to the payment and auction procedures.
The theoretical foundation of this final project writing is the definition about the procedure of pawn
credit, that is, a series of methods, the procedures becoming a fixed provision in applying the pawn
credit undertaken by an institution, in this case the pawnshop, starting from the process of giving the
security goods to the preparation of pawn ticket and fund clearing..
The final project writing used a descriptive observation type. Descriptive observation is the observation
conducted to the independent variable without comparing or correlating it with other variable.
Meanwhile, three techniques of collecting data were used by the writer, namely interview, observation
and literary study.
The result of observation the writer had conducted for about 1 month shows that the procedure of pawn
credit is the one comprising the procedure of giving the security goods, filling the credit application
form, appraising, KPK consent and pawn ticket preparation. The simple and uncomplicated procedure
of pawn credit in Wonogiri Branch of Pawnshop is consistent with what the customers expect. This
uncomplicated procedure facilitates the customers in deriving the credit according to their needs.
Nevertheless, the process of implementation still encounters the obstacle for the personnel. Such
obstacle leads to the difficulty of pawn credit process proceeding
The apple from Batu that be famous by apple batu is the special plantation from Batu City in Malang. Recently, the crop tend to decrease due to the increasing of land using movement to hausing business. The aim of the research were the to analyze the apple batu by competitive dan comparative advantages compared by import apple from overseas, to analyze the sensitivity of aplle batu caused by the changing of the increasing of input price and decreasing of output price. Furthermore, the analyze method that used are competitive and comparative analyze that calculated by BSD, KBSD and PCR value. The result shows that the apple batu has competitive and comparative advantages by BSD value less than the exchange rate and the KBSD and PCR value less than 1. Key word : Competitive advantage, Comparative advatage, Batu Appl
Pendekatan PRA (Participatory Research Appraisal) dalam Pengembangan Kopi Arabika Specialty Ketinggian Sedang Berbasis Kawasan di Kabupaten Jember
Kopi Arabika yang berada di Kabupaten Jember ini diharapkan dapat menjadi kopi arabika specialty ketinggian sedang dan berbasis kawasan karena hanya bisa ditanam di ketinggian lebih dari 700 dpl. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sedangkan penentuan daerah penelitian secara purposive method. Tujuan utama dari pelatihan pengolahan primer dan pengolahan sekunder yang diberikan kepada petani adalah untuk memberikan nilai tambah (added value) kepada komoditas kopi terutama kopi arabika ketinggian sedang di Kabupaten Jember.Berdasarkan hasil uji testcup, final score kopi arabika ketinggian sedang dari Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan Taman Putri Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Panti adalah sebesar 60.50. Hasil dari uji testcup kopi arabika di Desa Karangpring Kecamatan Sukorambi Kabupaten Jember adalah sebesar 78.50.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kopi arabika di Kabupaten Jember sangat berpotensi untuk mendapatkan kualitas specialty asalkan memenuhi persyaratan bahan baku dan diolah secara basah dengan SOP dari Puslitkoka. Berdasarkan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi bahwa kegiatan penelitian dengan menggunakan PRA (Participatory Research Appraisal)dalam pengembangan kopi arabika specialty ketinggian sedang berbasis kawasan di Kabupaten Jember memerlukan upaya yang terus-menerus dengan melibatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat desa hutan yang benar-benar-benar ingin melakukan Perubahan dalam menjawab kebutuhan utamanya untuk meningkatkan pendapatannya serta dukungan dari berbagai pihak yang secara sinergis untuk mendukung aktifitas dalam melakukan pengolahan primer maupun pengolahan sekunder
Consumer decision making to buy purebred chicken meat in pure traditional markets is higher than SNI traditional markets which have advantages in cleanliness, facilities, and service. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of consumers and the determinants of consumer decision-making to buy chicken meat in pure and traditional SNI markets. The research method used was descriptive-analytic. The sample was 100 people with convenience sampling. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used to analyze consumer characteristics, and logistic regression to analyze consumer decision-making factors. The results showed that there was a relationship between the consumer's occupation and the decision to buy chicken meat, and there were differences in education and income between consumers in pure traditional markets and SNI traditional markets. Variables that significantly influence consumer decisions are the price of purebred chicken, location, number of family members, and education. For managers of traditional markets in Situbondo Regency, it is necessary to arrange shops, improve market facilities such as waiting rooms and maintain cleanliness so that they remain consumer choices
Model Pembangunan Alternatif Berbasis Masyarakat Pada Taman Nasional Meru Betiri [Alternative Model of Community Development in Meru Betiri National Park]
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melakukan kajian model pengembangan masyarakat oleh Taman Nasional Meru Betiri; dan menyusun model pembangunan alternatif masyarakat desa penyanggah di kawasan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri Berbasis Masyarakat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di semua Seksi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri. Sumber data adalah informance yang terlibat dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Hutan dan ekosistem di kawasan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode pemantauan cepat yaitu Indepth interview, Observasi lapang, FGD melalui berbagai macam teknik pengumpulan data (Triangulasi teknik). Metode Analisis Data dan observasi menggunakan analisis Data Interaktif. Hasil penelitian: 1) Pemberdayaan masyarakat desa penyangga di Kawasan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri dilakukan melalui tiga cara : kegiatan rehabilitasi hutan, pemberian ternak dan optimalisasi tanaman obat. Selain itu ada upaya pengembangan model desa konservasi. Strategi yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan mezzo melalui pembentukan kelompok masyarakat secara lokal seperti : SPKP, Ketan Merah, MMB, Kader Konservasi, Jaketresi melalui pemberdayaan melalui pendidikan, pelatihan dan dinamika kelompok, dan 2) Model pembangunan alternatif masyarakat desa penyangga berbasis masyarakat lokal dengan menekankan pada capacity building
Empowerment of Watermelon Farmer at Mojosari Village Puger District Jember in Producing Watermelon Low Pesticide Residue
Mojosari Village, Puger Sub-district, is the largest watermelon center in Jember Regency. In 2017, the total harvested area reached 900 Ha and productivity reached 290.72 kW / Ha. The problem that often arises in watermelon cultivation is the attack of plant pests. Pests that often attack watermelons include caterpillars, whitefly, fruit flies, and thrips. Pest control that is often used by farmers is sprayed with chemical pesticides. The spraying of chemical pesticides began to be complained about by farmers because they were not able to control pests, this was probably because the pests were already resistant to pesticides. The decline in watermelon quality is also caused by soil conditions that have begun to decrease in nutrient content, due to the use of excessive chemical fertilizers. Farmers become dependent on chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers in watermelon cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary to educate farmers to reduce the use of excessive chemical pesticides and fertilizers. One alternative is to use environmentally friendly biological control agents. The result of this activity is that farmers can reproduce biological agents, namely the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana, Trichoderma, entomopathogenic nematodes, and make organic fertilizers. Farmers can produce biological agents and apply them to watermelon fields. The resulting watermelon is more durable to store and does not rot easily after harvest
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