28 research outputs found


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    The title of this research paper is “Improving Students’ Pronunciation of Alveopalatal Sounds by Using English Songs”. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Baleendah. Due to pandemic of Covid-19, the research was conducted online by using WhatsApp and Google Classroom. The purposes of this research were to identify the effectiveness of songs in improving students’ pronunciation ability of alveopalatal sounds and find out the students’ responses toward the use of songs in learning alveopalatal pronunciation. The research applied a pre-experimental research method, then used one group pretest-posttest design to conduct the research. The study then chose 30 students of XI Tata Boga 4 as the sample for experimental group. The instruments used in this research were pre-test, posttest and questionnaire. The data from pre-test and posttest were analyzed and calculated. According to the result of calculation, the value of t-observer was 7.015, then the freedom was 29 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed test is 2.045. Based on the calculation of t-observed, it was higher than the t-table. In other words, there was a significant different score before and after the treatment. Therefore, the method of the research is effective. Then, the result of questionnaire showed that the students gave positive responses toward the use of songs in learning alveopalatal pronunciation and they felt enjoyed, pleasant and motivated. They were able to pronounce alveopalatal words, but they still needed efforts to get used to. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of songs in learning alveopalatal pronunciation can give a significant effect to the students. It is effective to make them interested, enjoyed and comfortable in learning pronunciation. By using song, they are not only able to improve pronunciation, but also improve listening skill and vocabulary mastery


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    This research paper is entitled “The Effectiveness of The Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model in Improving English Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi-experimental study done in the seventh grade students of Junior High School)”. The aims of the research is to know whether or not there is significant difference in the students’ scores before and after the treatment by using TGT learning model for improving student’s English vocabulary mastery and to find out the students’ responses through the use of TGT learning model in improving their vocabulary mastery. The population of this research is the seventh grade students of Margahayu 1 junior high school which consists of ten classes from seventh grade. The writer take 32 students as the sample of the study. In this study there are two groups, the experimental group and the control group. The sample of this research are class VII-A as experimental group and VII-B as control group. In obtaining the data, the writer uses pre-test, post-test and questionnaires. From the computation of pre-test and post-test scores result shows that with the degree of freedom (df)= N1 + N2 – 2 = 32 + 32 - 2 = 62, at P = 0,5 of two tailed, the critical value of t is 1.998. The result of pretest is 0.8125 lower than the critical value of t (t-table) 1.998 (0.8125 < 1.998). It means that there is no significant difference between in english vocabulary mastery between theexperimental group and the control group before treatment. After the experimental group was given the treatment, the t-observed value is 4.106. So t-observed was higher than of t-tbale (4.106 > 1.998). It means that there was significant difference between TGT learning model and the conventional method in improving English vocabulary mastery to seventh grade of Margahayu 1 junior high school. It also supported by the students’ response in questionnaires. The result showed 32 students (78% of the students) agreed that TGT learning model helped them to understand meaning and increase vocabulary, to remember new vocabulary, to help each other in the learning process, and TGT learning model helped them in improving English vocabulary mastery. This means that the students’ responses about TGT learning model are positiv


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    The title of the research paper was “Listening to English Songs as a Means of Improving Students’ Ability in Pronunciation”. This study was conducted on the September 1st 2021 until September 8th 2021. The objectives of the study were to find out whether or not the English songs were effective for teaching pronunciation and to find out the students responses toward the used of English songs. The method that was used in this research was pre-experimental design. There was only one group to be researched. The sample was the second grade students of MA Quwatul Iman that consist of 20 students. The instruments were test and questionnaire. The research findings were the value of t- that was higher than the t- table (10.45 > 2.086) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted, stating that there was significant difference in the result of students score before and after the treatment using English songs. This means that the use of English songs in teaching pronunciation to the second grade students of MA Quwatul Iman is effective. Then the writer found out that students liked being taught pronunciation by using English songs. It was shown by the result of the questionnaires that was 75% of the students answered being taught studying by using English songs was interesting. And 90% of the students answered that they like this method. It can be concluded that the students’ response toward the use of English song in teaching pronunciation was good and positiv


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    The paper is entitled “Teaching Reading Skills Through Jenga Games” ( Pre-Experimental Study Done in The Second Grade of Junior High School). This research focused on finding out Jenga Games can improve the students’ reading skills. The subject of this research were second grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung. The population of this research is the VIII-A grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung, with the 30 students. In conducting this research, the researcher collected the data from the class that was carried out through pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The result of this result showed that teaching reading skills through jenga games was effective. The result showed that in significance degree of 0.05, the value computation is (7.741 > 2.045 ). It means that t0 (t-observation) is higher than tt (t-table). It could be said that t-test was higher in the than t-table. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The result showed that the through Jenga Games for teaching reading descriptive text is effective. It means the jenga games technique improve the students reading skills descriptive text in second grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung. And the result of questionnaire showed that most students’ agreed that using Jenga Games improve their reading skills, this also means that they gave positive responses. They like, feel fun and easier in using Jenga Games to improve their reading skills.Keywords: Jenga Games, Reading Skill


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    The research paper is entitled “The Effectiveness of Two Stay- Two Stray Technique in Improving Students’ Reading Ability of News Item Text”. It is written as a particular to fulfilment of the requirements for talking Sarjana Pendidikan degree. This pre-experimental research is done in the fisrt grade of PUQ Pameungpeuk Senior High School. This research is conductedto answer the question Is two stay–two stray technique effective to improve students’ reading ability of news item text to the first grade of Senior High School? What are the students’ response toward the use of two stay- two stray technique in improving students’ reading ability of news item text? The population of this research is the first grade students of PUQ Pameungpeuk Senior High School 2019/2020. They are four classes (10 MIPA 1, 10 MIPA 2, 10 IPS and 10 BAHASA). The number of population is 116 students. The sample is one class in 10 MIPA 1. The number of sample is 30 students as the experimental group. So, the total sample in this research is 30 students. The result of computation shows t-observed is 9.883 and t-table 2.045 (t-observed > t-table, at p= .05). Based on the result above, the researcher conclude that t-observed is higher than t-table. It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It meant that two stay – two stay technique was effective for improving students’ reading ability of news item text. Based on the questionnaire, the researcher also got the result that most of the students like two stay- two stray technique in improving students’ reading ability of news item text. Beside that, the students got the motivation and enthusiasm in reading English text by using two stay- two stray technique. It means students of PUQ Pameungpeuk Senior High School gave a positive respond toward the use of two stay- two stray technique. Therefore, the researcher conclude that the first grade students of PUQ Pameungpeuk Senior High School like two stay- two stray technique in improving students’ reading ability of news item text.Key word: Reading, Two Stay- Two Stra


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    The research study entitled “The correlation between students listening ability andspeaking skill”. This correlation study done in the first semester of regular of EnglishEducation Study Program at Bale Bandung University 2019/2020 academic yearconsisted of 27 students. The research questions of this research (1) Is there anycorrelation between students’ listening ability and their speaking skill? (2) If there iscorrelation it is high, moderate, and low? To answer the research, the researcher usedPearson Product Moment. It was found that the derived t = 5.071 is greater the tablecritical value of t = 2.060, at p = .05 with df = 25 (5.071>2.060). It was proved by theresult of the analysis that the r value is 0.213. The result of this research showed thatthere correlation between students’ listening ability and their speaking skill. And thecorrelation is low between students listening and speaking skill


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    This paper entitled “The Use of Picture in Teaching The Present Continuous Tense”. It is about use of pictures in teaching verb-ing in present continuos tense. It is written as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. This pre-experimental research is done in the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Baleendah, With df= N-1= 27-1= 26, at p= 0.05 of two tailed, the value of t-table = 2.056. As the derived t is bigger than that of the t-table (2.257>2.056), Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, stating that there is significant difference in students’ mean scores before and the after the treatment using pictures in the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6. The mean of post-test is significantly higher than the mean of pre-test. This means that the picture in teaching the present continuous tense to eight grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 is effective. Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Baleendah give a positive response toward use of picture. Therefore the writer concluded that eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Baleendah like learning verb-ing using pictures


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    The research paper entitled “Series of Picture as a Means of Improving Students’ Writing Recount Text Ability” is submitted to the English Educational Sciences of Bale Bandung University as a partial fulfillment of the requirenment for taking Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. The focus of the research is that media series of picture could improve students’ desire in learning writing. The students could be more excited and easier to understand the text. Pre – experimental design was used in this research. The second grade students of SMP 1 Solokanjeruk which consist 32 students were chosen as the population. They were asked to fill out the first performance test (Pre-Test) then got the treatment (Series of Picture) and finally the students were asked to fill out the second performance test (Post-Test). Furthermore the score of post-test was higher than pre-test. The result of pre–test and post–test score were analyzed through the dependent t-test formula, with df = N – 1 = 32-1 = 31 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed was 2.021. As the derived t was bigger than that of the t-table 2.64 > 2.021, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and alternative of hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, stating that there was significant different in students’ score before and after treatment using series of picture as a means of improving writing recount text ability. In other words, this method was effective to improve students’ ability in writing recount text. From the questionnaire, most of the second grades of junior high school in Solokanjeruk gave positive responses toward series of picture as a means of improving writing recount text ability. They felt happy in learning English especially when they were learning writing recount text, they did not get the difficulties moreover, learning recount text using series of picture was easier to understand and very helpful in improving student’s writing skill


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    The title of this research paper is “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by using Index Card Match”. It is to fullfill one the requirements to the English Education Study Program of FKIP UNIBBA for sarjana pendidikan degree. There are two purposes of the research paper; those are whether index card match is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery of the second grade of Junior High School Handayani 1 Banjaran, and the students’ response towards the Index card match in vocabulary learning. The research method used in this paper is pre-experimental. The population of this research is students of second grade of Handayani 1 Banjaran, and the sample is one class of the second grade having 30 students. The instruments are pre-test, treatment, post-test and questionnaires. The result of the research shows that there is significant difference in the students mean score before and after the treatment by using index card match. The result of the t-test computation shows that the value of the derived t (to) is higher than that of the critical t (t-table) (6.219>2.045). It means that the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This means that index card match in vocabulary learning is effective. This means index card match method is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Meanwhile based on on the analysisof the answer of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that the students give positive response, almost all of the students were interested to improve vocabulary using index card match. The use of Index Card match can help and make them easier to improve their vocabulary skill in learning vocabulary


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    The research paper entitled “The Use of Small Group Discussion Method in Teaching Students’ Reading Comprehension”. The purpose of the study was to know if there is a significant difference between the small group discussion method and the conventional method in teaching reading comprehension to eighth-grade students in Junior High School. This research was conducted at SMP Banjar Asri, located at Jln. Gunung Puntang KM 1. This type of research is quasi-experimental. The population of this research was eight grades of SMP Banjar Asri and the sample was 30 students of VIII B as the experimental class and 30 students of VIII C as the control class. In collecting data, the researcher used a test named pre-test and post-test. This research indicated that the pre-test means score of the experiment class was 58 and the mean score of the control class was 53. After giving treatment, the post-test means score of the experiment class was 75 and the means score of the control class was 60. The result indicated that the students who taught by using the small group discussion method got a higher score than the students who taught by a conventional method. The result of the analysis t-test calculation, where the t-observe is bigger than the t-table. As the derived t = 7.462 exceeds the table critical value of t = 2.000, at p= 0.05 with Df = 58 (7.462 > 2.000). Therefore, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, stating that there is a significant difference between the small group discussion method and conventional teaching in teaching students reading comprehension in the eighth grade of Junior High School, and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the Small Group Discussion Method is effective in improving students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the result of the data from the questionnaires was almost all of the students answered liked being taught reading comprehension by using the small group discussion method. It was shown by the result of the questionnaire that 90% of the students answered that learning narrative text in reading comprehension through small group discussion is effective. It can be concluded that students’ responses were positive, and good and can improve students’ reading comprehension. Keywords ; SGD, Methode, Reading Comprehensio