20 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Emotion Detection from Text using Semantic and Syntactic Relations

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    Abstract-Emotion detection from text is a relatively new classification task. This paper proposes a novel unsupervised context-based approach to detecting emotion from text at the sentence level. The proposed methodology does not depend on any existing manually crafted affect lexicons such as WordNetAffect, thereby rendering our model flexible enough to classify sentences beyond Ekman's model of six basic emotions. Our method computes an emotion vector for each potential affectbearing word based on the semantic relatedness between words and various emotion concepts. The scores are then fine tuned using the syntactic dependencies within the sentence structure. Extensive evaluation on various data sets shows that our framework is a more generic and practical solution to the emotion classification problem and yields significantly more accurate results than recent unsupervised approaches

    The Role of Preprocessing for Word Representation Learning in Affective Tasks

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    Affective tasks, including sentiment analysis, emotion classification, and sarcasm detection have drawn a lot of attention in recent years due to a broad range of useful applications in various domains. The main goal of affect detection tasks is to recognize states such as mood, sentiment, and emotions from textual data (e.g., news articles or product reviews). Despite the importance of utilizing preprocessing steps in different stages (i.e., word representation learning and building a classification model) of affect detection tasks, this topic has not been studied well. To that end, we explore whether applying various preprocessing methods (stemming, lemmatization, stopword removal, punctuation removal and so on) and their combinations in different stages of the affect detection pipeline can improve the model performance. The are many preprocessing approaches that can be utilized in affect detection tasks. However, their influence on the final performance depends on the type of preprocessing and the stages that they are applied. Moreover, the preprocessing impacts vary across different affective tasks. Our analysis provides thorough insights into how preprocessing steps can be applied in building an effect detection pipeline and their respective influence on performance

    Machine Learning Predictions of Electricity Capacity

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    This research applies machine learning methods to build predictive models of Net Load Imbalance for the Resource Sufficiency Flexible Ramping Requirement in the Western Energy Imbalance Market. Several methods are used in this research, including Reconstructability Analysis, developed in the systems community, and more well-known methods such as Bayesian Networks, Support Vector Regression, and Neural Networks. The aims of the research are to identify predictive variables and obtain a new stand-alone model that improves prediction accuracy and reduces the INC (ability to increase generation) and DEC (ability to decrease generation) Resource Sufficiency Requirements for Western Energy Imbalance Market participants. This research accomplishes these aims. The models built in this paper identify wind forecast, sunrise/sunset and the hour of day as primary predictors of net load imbalance, among other variables, and show that the average size of the INC and DEC capacity requirements can be reduced by over 25% with the margin of error currently used in the industry while also significantly improving closeness and exceedance metrics. The reduction in INC and DEC capacity requirements would yield an approximate cost savings of $4 million annually for one of nineteen Western Energy Imbalance market participants. Reconstructability Analysis performs the best among the machine learning methods tested

    Trajectory-User Linking Using Higher-Order Mobility Flow Representations

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    Trajectory user linking (TUL) is a problem in trajectory classification that links anonymous trajectories to the users who generated them. TUL has various uses such as identity verification, personalized recommendation, epidemiological monitoring, and threat assessments. A major challenge in TUL modeling is sparse data. Previous TUL research heavily relies on sequence-to-sequence models such as RNNs and LSTMs, with trajectory segmentation to combat sparsity, but segmentation does not sufficiently address the issue and existing models often ignore data skewness, resulting in poor precision and performance. To address these problems, we present TULHOR, a TUL model inspired by BERT, a popular language representation model. One of TULHOR’s innovations is the use of higher-order mobility flow data representations enabled by geographic area tessellation. This allows the model to alleviate the sparsity problem and also to generalize better. TULHOR consists of a spatial embedding layer, a spatial-temporal embedding layer and an encoder layer, which encodes properties and learns a rich trajectory representation. It is trained in two steps, first using a masked language modeling task to learn general embeddings, then fine-tuned using a balanced cross-entropy loss to make predictions while handling imbalanced data. Experiments on real-life mobility data show TULHOR’s effectiveness as compared to current state-of-the-art models

    Voices on Craft, Chemistry, & Computing

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    Literary scholar Marie Lo, chemist Tami Lasseter Clare and computer scientist Ameeta Agrawal take inspiration from the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art\u27s Weaving Data exhibit and weave together stories of their work. Our Tag, We\u27re It series brings together researchers from different disciplines to share their unique perspectives on a topic.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/tag/1005/thumbnail.jp