21 research outputs found
A Comparison of Feature-Based and Neural Scansion of Poetry
Automatic analysis of poetic rhythm is a challenging task that involves
linguistics, literature, and computer science. When the language to be analyzed
is known, rule-based systems or data-driven methods can be used. In this paper,
we analyze poetic rhythm in English and Spanish. We show that the
representations of data learned from character-based neural models are more
informative than the ones from hand-crafted features, and that a
Bi-LSTM+CRF-model produces state-of-the art accuracy on scansion of poetry in
two languages. Results also show that the information about whole word
structure, and not just independent syllables, is highly informative for
performing scansion.Comment: RANLP 201
KUCST@LT-EDI-ACL2022: Detecting Signs of Depression from Social Media Text
In this paper we present our approach for detecting signs of depression from
social media text. Our model relies on word unigrams, part-of-speech tags,
readabilitiy measures and the use of first, second or third person and the
number of words. Our best model obtained a macro F1-score of 0.439 and ranked
25th, out of 31 teams. We further take advantage of the interpretability of the
Logistic Regression model and we make an attempt to interpret the model
coefficients with the hope that these will be useful for further research on
the topic
Bertsotarako arbel digitala
Askok izan dugu bertso bat idazteko gogoa askotan, baina errima eta abilezia falta
medio, albo batera utzi izan dugu. Zenbat alditan eskatu izan diogu bertsolari
ezagun bati bertso bat idazteko norbaiten urtebetetze egunerako? Maiz utzi dugu
bertso bat idatzi gabe osatu ahal izan ez dugulako. Honi irtenbidea emango dio
bertsotarako arbel digitalak, 24 orduz eskuragarri izango dugun laguntzaileak
BertsoBot: lehen urratsak
[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduko teknikak erabilita, poesia-sorkuntza automatikoan lehen urratsak eman dira. Hau erdiesteko, corpusen prozesamenduan oinarritutako bilaketak erabili dira, bai bilaketa arruntak eta baita bilaketa semantiko aurreratuak ere, horretarako IXA taldean garatutako tresna ezberdinak erabiliaz. Hizkuntza poetikoko testuek, gramatikaltasun eta metrika hertsitik haratago, semantika eta pragmatika barneratuta dituzte. Lan honetan semantikaren auziari heldu zaio nagusiki.[EN]In this text, I present the rst steps in computatinal linguistics, to allow the automatic generation of poetry. In order to achieve it, di erent corpora search techniques have been used, from simple string-match searches, to advanced semantic searches, using di erent tools developed by the IXA group. Poetic language is more than simple metrics and gramaticality, as it has plenty of semantical and pragmatical information. In this work we focused on semantics
Fashion Style Generation: Evolutionary Search with Gaussian Mixture Models in the Latent Space
This paper presents a novel approach for guiding a Generative Adversarial
Network trained on the FashionGen dataset to generate designs corresponding to
target fashion styles. Finding the latent vectors in the generator's latent
space that correspond to a style is approached as an evolutionary search
problem. A Gaussian mixture model is applied to identify fashion styles based
on the higher-layer representations of outfits in a clothing-specific attribute
prediction model. Over generations, a genetic algorithm optimizes a population
of designs to increase their probability of belonging to one of the Gaussian
mixture components or styles. Showing that the developed system can generate
images of maximum fitness visually resembling certain styles, our approach
provides a promising direction to guide the search for style-coherent designs.Comment: - to be published at: International Conference on Computational
Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design : EvoMUSART 2022 - typo
corrected in abstrac
Erato: Automatizing Poetry Evaluation
We present Erato, a framework designed to facilitate the automated evaluation
of poetry, including that generated by poetry generation systems. Our framework
employs a diverse set of features, and we offer a brief overview of Erato's
capabilities and its potential for expansion. Using Erato, we compare and
contrast human-authored poetry with automatically-generated poetry,
demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying key differences. Our
implementation code and software are freely available under the GNU GPLv3
Multimodal detection and classification of head movements in face-to-face conversations : exploring models, features and their interaction
In this work we perform multimodal detection and classification of head movements from face to face video conversation data. We have experimented with different models and feature sets and provided some insight on the effect of independent features, but also how their interaction can enhance a head movement classifier. Used features include nose, neck and mid hip position coordinates and their derivatives together with acoustic features, namely, intensity and pitch of the speaker on focus. Results show that when input features are sufficiently processed by interacting with each other, a linear classifier can reach a similar performance to a more complex non-linear neural model with several hidden layers. Our best models achieve state-of-the-art performance in the detection task, measured by macro-averaged F1 score.peer-reviewe
BertsoBot: lehen urratsak
[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduko teknikak erabilita, poesia-sorkuntza automatikoan lehen urratsak eman dira. Hau erdiesteko, corpusen prozesamenduan oinarritutako bilaketak erabili dira, bai bilaketa arruntak eta baita bilaketa semantiko aurreratuak ere, horretarako IXA taldean garatutako tresna ezberdinak erabiliaz. Hizkuntza poetikoko testuek, gramatikaltasun eta metrika hertsitik haratago, semantika eta pragmatika barneratuta dituzte. Lan honetan semantikaren auziari heldu zaio nagusiki.[EN]In this text, I present the rst steps in computatinal linguistics, to allow the automatic generation of poetry. In order to achieve it, di erent corpora search techniques have been used, from simple string-match searches, to advanced semantic searches, using di erent tools developed by the IXA group. Poetic language is more than simple metrics and gramaticality, as it has plenty of semantical and pragmatical information. In this work we focused on semantics