2 research outputs found

    Dominance relations when both quantity and quality matter, and applications to the\r\ncomparison of US research universities and worldwide top departments in economics

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    In this article, we propose an extension of the concept of stochastic dominance intensively\r\nused in economics for the comparison of composite outcomes both the quality and the\r\nquantity of which do matter. Our theory also allows us to require unanimity of judgement\r\namong new classes of functions. We apply this theory to the ranking of US research\r\nuniversities, thereby providing a new tool to scientometricians (and the academic\r\ncommunities) who typically aim to compare research institutions taking into account both\r\nthe volume of publications and the impact of these articles. Another application is provided\r\nfor comparing and ranking academic departments when one takes into account both the size\r\nof the department and the prestige of each member.Ranking, dominance relations, citations.

    Dominance relations and universities ranking

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    This paper proposes a theory for establishing dominance relations between universities on the basis of their scientific production and the number of citations their publications received in given time window. We apply this theory to the ranking of French Universities.Ranking; dominance relations; citations