7 research outputs found

    Determinants of Poverty in Rural Tigray:Ethiopia Evidence from Rural Households of Gulomekeda Wereda

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    The  study was carried out at Gulomekeda wereda of Tigray National Regional State with the main objectives to describe correlates or determinants of rural poverty   in the study area. In order to attain this objective the study made use of cross-sectional household survey  data collected by Relief Society of Tigray (REST) from 191 sample households .The data collected were analyzed and discussed applying poverty index, descriptive statistics and logit regression model analyses. To this end, identifying poor and non poor households; examining the incidence, depth and severity of poverty in the community;  demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of poor and non poor households and measurement of the dimensions of poverty have been made.Using cost of basic needs approach the study found that total poverty line (food and non food poverty line) of the area is 2094 birr per year per adult equivalent. Using this poverty line as bench mark the study indicated that 51 percent of the households are poor. The result of the logistic regression model revealed that out of 12 variables included in the model, 8 explanatory variables are found to be significant up to less than 10% probability level. Accordingly, total family size & dependency ratio were found to have positive association with poverty of the household and statistically significant. Meanwhile, farm size, total livestock owned(TLU), value of asset, educational status of the household head, access to credit and access to off farm income were found out to have strong negative association with the households poverty status and statistically significant up to less than 10 percent level of significance

    Estimates of Growth of Agricultural Sector in East Africa Pastoral Regions: Evidence from Ethiopia (Afar Regional State)

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    Employing commonly used national account estimation methodology we find  livestock sub sector contributed the greatest share to the agricultural regional Real Gross Domestic Product  which is 88.40 percent in 2010/11 and  87.80 percent 2011/12which is almost similar with rest of east Africa countries like in Sudan and Uganda contributing 86%and 80% respectively. Livestock sub sector is followed by crop sub sector with 6.89 and 7.44 percent in 2010/11 and 2011/12, respectively. The remaining balance was occupied by the forest sub sector. During the year 2011/12, the real growth rate of agriculture and allied activities of the region was 5.16 percent

    Consumption Inequality in Rural Households of Tigray Regional State: Estimates from Households of Gulomekeda Wereda

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    Study was conducted at Gulomekeda wereda of Tigray National Regional State with the main objectives of analyzing consumption inequality in the study area and analysis the socioeconomic condition of the society from consumption side. In order to attain this aim the study made use of the secondary data collected by Relief Society of Tigray (REST) from 191 sample households from four rural kebeles of the wereda.The data collected were analyzed and discussed applying Gini coefficient ;Lorenz curve and  descriptive statistics. As the researcher estimated using DASP software the Gini-coefficient is 0.30. If we express it in percent Gini index is 30%. That is total inequality of the population accounts for 0.30 or 30%. This shows that there is low inequality among population

    Assessing Households Vulnerability to Poverty in Ethiopia: Estimates from Sedentary Areas of Afar Region: Ethiopia

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    During analysis of vulnerability to poverty across time there is a chance that a household that is not poor becomes poor, one that is poor remains poor. This leads to vulnerability assessment in terms of ‘vulnerability to poverty’. ‘Vulnerability to poverty’ is the probability that a household will be poor next period. So it is an important concept to deepen the understanding of poverty, since it reveals information on what measures should be taken to prevent poverty while poverty dynamics largely imply the past and contemporary poverty situation and is helpful on how to alleviate the existing situation Using four round HCIS survey panel data for the years 2004, 2008, 2011 and 2014, collected by central statistics authority of Ethiopia, this thesis examined vulnerability to poverty of rural households in Afar region: Ethiopia. It also analyzed correlates of vulnerability to poverty. Using Stratified random sample of 360 households was drawn from sedentary zones of Afar region. To estimate the vulnerability to poverty of a household the researcher adopted the vulnerability measure in Chaudhuri (2003). In order to estimate this measure the researcher followed a three step Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) to estimate the expected log per adult equivalent consumption expenditure. Using these estimates and assuming that per adult equivalent consumption expenditure is log normally distributed the researcher estimated the vulnerability measure as the probability that the standard normal variate will fall below standardized poverty line. Thus, using the GLS estimates determinants of vulnerability was analyzed using OLS method and later on logit model for comparison. The finding shows that there is high vulnerability to poverty, i.e. high probability of becoming poor in a period ahead, in the region and it is significantly and negatively correlated with household head age, agricultural extension services, land fertility use of improved seeds, irrigation, off farm income, farm size, TLU but  positively correlated with household age squared, dependency ratio and family size

    Estimates of Growth of Agriculture in Afar Regional State: Ethiopia

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    Using commonly used national account estimation methodology we find  livestock sub sector contributed the greatest share to the agricultural regional Real Gross Domestic Product  which is 88.40 percent in 2010/11 and  87.80 percent 2011/12which is almost similar with rest of east Africa countries like in Sudan and Uganda contributing 86%and 80% respectively. Livestock sub sector is followed by crop sub sector with 6.89 and 7.44 percent in 2010/11 and 2011/12, respectively. The remaining balance was occupied by the forest sub sector. During the year 2011/12, the real growth rate of agriculture and allied activities of the region was 5.16 percent. Keywords: growt

    Consumption Based Inequality Analysis in Rural Households of Tigray Regional State:Ethiopia

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    Study was conducted at Gulomekeda wereda of Tigray National Regional State with the main objectives of analyzing consumption inequality in the study area and analysis the socioeconomic condition of the society from consumption side. In order to attain this aim the study made use of the secondary data collected by Relief Society of Tigray (REST) from 191 sample households from four rural kebeles of the wereda.The data collected were analyzed and discussed applying Gini coefficient ;Lorenz curve and  descriptive statistics. As the researcher estimated using DASP software the Gini-coefficient is 0.30. If we express it in percent Gini index is 30%. That is total inequality of the population accounts for 0.30 or 30%. This shows that there is low inequality among population

    Determinants and Coping Strategies of Household Food Insecurity Evidence from Agro Pastoralists of Afar Region (Zone Two)

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    This research is conducted in Zone two of Afar Region with objective of identifying the major determinants of household food insecurity and listing out of local coping strategies. To achieve the specified objectives, both primary and secondary data sources were used. Primary data were collected from four Kebelles through structured questionnaire. To analyze the collected data both descriptive and inferential analysis were employed. In the case of inferential analysis binary logit model was used. Furthermore, indices such as Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT), Gini Coefficient, Lorenz Curve and Coping Strategy Index were also usedAbsolute food poverty line for the study area is found to be ETB 2,828.64 per adult per year. The incidence, depth and severity of food insecurity are found to be 35.67 percent, 10.65 percent and 4.72 percent, respectively. The most severe coping mechanisms households took include selling household asset and dropping children out of schooling. Access to agricultural extension services, participation in safety net program and educational status of household are identified as negative and significant determinants of household food insecurity. In contrast, sex of household head and family size are found to be positive and significant covariates of household food insecurity. To meet the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG), i.e., eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in the study area to the target level, greater focus should be given on creating off farm income generating activities, constructing dams for irrigation and improving the current agricultural advisory services in intensity and coverage. Keywords: Food Insecurity, Coping Strategies, Binary Logit and Zone Two