14 research outputs found
Microsatellites for the genus Cucurbita and an SSR-based genetic linkage map of Cucurbita pepo L.
Until recently, only a few microsatellites have been available for Cucurbita, thus their development is highly desirable. The Austrian oil-pumpkin variety Gleisdorfer Ölkürbis (C. pepo subsp. pepo) and the C. moschata cultivar Soler (Puerto Rico) were used for SSR development. SSR-enriched partial genomic libraries were established and 2,400 clones were sequenced. Of these 1,058 (44%) contained an SSR at least four repeats long. Primers were designed for 532 SSRs; 500 primer pairs produced fragments of expected size. Of these, 405 (81%) amplified polymorphic fragments in a set of 12 genotypes: three C. moschata, one C. ecuadorensis, and eight C. pepo representing all eight cultivar groups. On an average, C. pepo and C. moschata produced 3.3 alleles per primer pair, showing high inter-species transferability. There were 187 SSR markers detecting polymorphism between the USA oil-pumpkin variety “Lady Godiva” (O5) and the Italian crookneck variety “Bianco Friulano” (CN), which are the parents of our previous F2 mapping population. It has been used to construct the first published C. pepo map, containing mainly RAPD and AFLP markers. Now the updated map comprises 178 SSRs, 244 AFLPs, 230 RAPDs, five SCARs, and two morphological traits (h and B). It contains 20 linkage groups with a map density of 2.9 cM. The observed genome coverage (Co) is 86.8%
Molecular evolution of Wcor15 gene enhanced our understanding of the origin of A, B and D genomes in Triticum aestivum
The allohexaploid bread wheat originally derived from three closely related species with A, B and D genome. Although numerous studies were performed to elucidate its origin and phylogeny, no consensus conclusion has reached. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the genes Wcor15-2A, Wcor15-2B and Wcor15-2D in 23 diploid, 10 tetraploid and 106 hexaploid wheat varieties and analyzed their molecular evolution to reveal the origin of the A, B and D genome in Triticum aestivum. Comparative analyses of sequences in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats suggest that T. urartu, Ae. speltoides and Ae. tauschii subsp. strangulata are most likely the donors of the Wcor15-2A, Wcor15-2B and Wcor15-2D locus in common wheat, respectively. The Wcor15 genes from subgenomes A and D were very conservative without insertion and deletion of bases during evolution of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid. Non-coding region of Wcor15-2B gene from B genome might mutate during the first polyploidization from Ae. speltoides to tetraploid wheat, however, no change has occurred for this gene during the second allopolyploidization from tetraploid to hexaploid. Comparison of the Wcor15 gene shed light on understanding of the origin of the A, B and D genome of common wheat
Genetic analysis of artificial Triticinae amphidiploid Aurotica based on the glaucousness trait
Changes in plant genomes of hybrid origin which become apparent on different levels of phenotypic manifestation of genetic and epigenetic changes are an important object of cytogenetics and molecular genetics. The changes in expression of the glaucousness trait in the artificial Triticinae amphidiploid Aurotica (AABBTT) were investigated; haplotypes of plants with the appearance of glaucous and non-glaucous genes were determined by hybridization experiments. It was suppoted that the changes in expression can be explained by (epi)mutations abolishing the efficiency of dominant alleles of orthologous series of glaucous inhibitor gene Iw. Analysis of F2 population with SSR markers specific to 2B and 2D wheat chromosomes and 2T chromosome of Aegilops mutica manifested associated inheritance of the Wms 102 and Wms 702 loci, which mapped to the short arm of chromosome 2D. The Wms 702 marker was linked to the Iw2(T) gene and can now be used to detect that gene.Изменения в геноме растений гибридного проис-хождения, которые проявляются на разных фенотипических уровнях реализации генетических и эпигенетических изменений, интенсивно исследуются цитогенетикой и молекулярной генетикой. Изучали изменения экспрессии признака наличие/отсутствие воскового налета у искусственного амфидиплоида Авротика (Triticinae, AABBTT). Гибридологическим анализом установлены гаплотипы растений с контрастными фенотипами и показано, что изменение экспрессии признака связано с (эпи)мутацией, которая приводит к утрате активности доминантного аллеля ортологической серии генов Iw —ингибиторов воскового налета у пшеницевых. Микросателлитный анализ расщепляющихся популяций по SSR-локусам, специфичным для 2B и 2D хромосом пшеницы и 2T хромосомы эгилопса, показал сцепленное наследование локусов Wms 102 и Wms 702, локализованных на плече 2DS, а локус Wms 702 сцеплен с геном Iw2(T) и может быть использован для определения этого гена.Зміни у геномі рослин гібридного походження, які виявляються на різних фенотипних рівнях реалізації генетичних та епігенетичних змін, інтенсивно досліджуються цитогенетикою та молекулярною генетикою. Вивчали зміни експресії ознаки наявність/відсутність воскової осуги у штучного амфідиплоїда Авротика (Triticinae, AABBTT). Гібридологічним аналізом встановлено гаплотипи рослин з контрастними фенотипами та показано, що зміна експресії ознаки пов’язана з (епі)мутацією, яка призводить до втрати активності домінантного алеля ортологічної серії генів Iw — інгібіторів воскової осуги у пшеницевих. Мікросателітний аналіз популяций, що розщеплюються, за SSR-локусами, специфічними для 2B та 2D хромосом пшениці та 2T хромосоми егілопсу, показав зчеплене успадкування локусів Wms 102 та Wms 702, локалізованих на плечі 2DS, а локус Wms 702 зчеплений з геном Iw2(T) та може бути використаний для визначення цього гена