9 research outputs found

    Gait patterns and mood in everyday life

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    Background\bf Background Previous laboratory findings suggest deviant gait characteristics in depressed individuals (i.e., reduced walking speed and vertical up-and-down movements, larger lateral swaying movements, slumped posture). However, since most studies to date assessed gait in the laboratory, it is largely an open question whether this association also holds in more naturalistic, everyday life settings. Thus, within the current study we (1) aimed at replicating these results in an everyday life and (2) investigated whether gait characteristics could predict change in current mood. Methods\bf Methods We recruited a sample of patients (n = 35) suffering from major depressive disorder and a sample of age and gender matched non-depressed controls (n = 36). During a 2-day assessment we continuously recorded gait patterns, general movement intensity and repetitively assessed the participant’s current mood. Results\bf Results We replicated previous laboratory results and found that patients as compared to non-depressed controls showed reduced walking speed and reduced vertical up-and-down movements, as well as a slumped posture during everyday life episodes of walking. Moreover, independent of clinical diagnoses, higher walking speed, and more vertical up-and-down movements significantly predicted more subsequent positive mood, while changes in mood did not predict subsequent changes in gait patterns. Conclusion\bf Conclusion In sum, our results support expectations that embodiment (i.e., the relationship between bodily expression of emotion and emotion processing itself) in depression is also observable in naturalistic settings, and that depression is bodily manifested in the way people walk. The data further suggest that motor displays affect mood in everyday life

    "A cigarette a day keeps the goodies away"

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    Smoking leads to the development of automatic tendencies that promote approach behavior toward smoking-related stimuli which in turn may maintain addictive behavior. The present study examined whether automatic approach tendencies toward smoking-related stimuli can be measured by using an adapted version of the Approach-Avoidance Task (AAT). Given that progression of addictive behavior has been associated with a decreased reactivity of the brain reward system for stimuli signaling natural rewards, we also used the AAT to measure approach behavior toward natural rewarding stimuli in smokers. During the AAT, 92 smokers and 51 non-smokers viewed smoking-related vs. non-smoking-related pictures and pictures of natural rewards (i.e. highly palatable food) vs. neutral pictures. They were instructed to ignore image content and to respond to picture orientation by either pulling or pushing a joystick. Within-group comparisons revealed that smokers showed an automatic approach bias exclusively for smoking-related pictures. Contrary to our expectations, there was no difference in smokers' and non-smokers' approach bias for nicotine-related stimuli, indicating that non-smokers also showed approach tendencies for this picture category. Yet, in contrast to non-smokers, smokers did not show an approach bias for food-related pictures. Moreover, self-reported smoking attitude could not predict approach-avoidance behavior toward nicotine-related pictures in smokers or non-smokers. Our findings indicate that the AAT is suited for measuring smoking-related approach tendencies in smokers. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a diminished approach tendency toward food-related stimuli in smokers, suggesting a decreased sensitivity to natural rewards in the course of nicotine addiction. Our results indicate that in contrast to similar studies conducted in alcohol, cannabis and heroin users, the AAT might only be partially suited for measuring smoking-related approach tendencies in smokers. Nevertheless, our findings are of special importance for current etiological models and smoking cessation programs aimed at modifying nicotine-related approach tendencies in the context of a nicotine addiction

    Episodic memories in anxiety disorders

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    The aim of this review is to summarize research on the emerging role of episodic memories in the context of anxiety disorders (AD). The available literature on explicit, autobiographical, and episodic memory function in AD including neuroimaging studies is critically discussed. We describe the methodological diversity of episodic memory research in AD and discuss the need for novel tests to measure episodic memory in a clinical setting. We argue that alterations in episodic memory functions might contribute to the etiology of AD. We further explain why future research on the interplay between episodic memory function and emotional disorders as well as its neuroanatomical foundations offers the promise to increase the effectiveness of modern psychological treatments. We conclude that one major task is to develop methods and training programs that might help patients suffering from AD to better understand, interpret, and possibly actively use their episodic memories in a way that would support therapeutic interventions and counteract the occurrence of symptoms

    Large group exposure treatment

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    A large group one-session exposure treatment (LG-OST) based on indirect modeled exposure strategies was carried out to investigate its feasibility and effectiveness in a sample of highly spider fearful individuals (N\it N = 78). The stability of LG-OST-effects was assessed at 8-month follow-up (FU). Furthermore, a second sample (N\it N = 30) of highly spider fearful individuals was treated in a standard, single-person one-session treatment (SP-OST) design to compare LG-OST-effects to a standard spider fear treatment. Participants’ fear of spider was assessed by multiple questionnaires and by a behavioral approach test. The fear assessment took place before and after the respective intervention, and at 8-month FU in LG-OST. Regarding subjective spider fear measures, LG-OST mainly showed medium to large effect sizes, ranging from Cohen’s d\it d = 0.69 to d\it d = 1.21, except for one small effect of d\it d = 0.25. After LG-OST, participants approached the spider closer at post-treatment measures (d\it d = 1.18). LG-OST-effects remained stable during the 8-month FU-interval. However, SP-OST-effects proved superior in most measures. An LG-OST-protocol provided evidence for feasibility and efficiency. The effects of LG-OST were equal to those of indirect modeled exposure strategies, carried out in single-settings. LG-OST may represent a useful tool in future phobia-treatment, especially if it can match the effects of single-setting OST, e.g., by including more direct exposure elements in future large group attempts

    A new 3-day standardized eyeblink conditioning protocol to assess extinction learning from infancy to adulthood

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    Associative learning can be observed from the neonatal period onward, providing opportunities to examine changes in basic learning and memory abilities. One method that is suitable to study associative learning is classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) which is dependent on the cerebellum. Extinction learning can be systematically investigated in this paradigm by varying the context during learning and extinction. Because of methodological difficulties and ethical challenges, no studies have compared extinction learning using EBC across human development. Our goal was to test feasibility of a 3-day delay EBC paradigm that can be used from infancy to adulthood. Acceptance/safety was tested especially for infancy by investigating attrition rates and parental report on infant wellbeing. On a paradigm side, we tested if the paradigm leads to successful acquisition and extinction. An air puff served as unconditional stimulus (US) and a tone as conditional stimulus (CS). On day 1 during acquisition, participants received 36 US–CS pairings in context A. On day 2, participants received 12 acquisition trials in context A to consolidate association learning, followed by 48 extinction trials (tone alone presentations) in context B. Renewal was assessed on day 3 and incorporated 12 CS alone trials presented in both the acquisition context and the extinction context. Eyeblink responses were videotaped and coded offline. The protocol was tested with 12–36-months-old infants (N\it N = 72), adolescents (N\it N = 8), and adults (N\it N = 8). Concerning the acceptance/safety side, attrition ranged from 21 to 58% in infant samples due to the complex preparation of the children for the paradigm. However, attrition is equal to or lower than other infant learning paradigms. Parents of infant samples were very interested in the paradigm and reported low levels of infant stress, exhaustion, and negative feelings during the sessions. Data quality was very high, and no participant had to be excluded because of insufficient data. Concerning the paradigm side, participants showed successful acquisition and extinction as a group. The procedure is ethically sound, feasible, tolerated by many infants, and acceptable among parents. The data show successful acquisition and extinction rates, making the paradigm a valuable tool for investigating developmental changes in extinction learning over the lifespan

    Identifying characteristics of non-completers in fear conditioning paradigms with children and adolescents

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    The number of studies on fear conditioning in children and adolescents has increased in recent years. Most of these studies exclusively focus on data of completers while dropout rates, reasons for dropout, and specific characteristics of non-completers are underreported. This study systematically investigated data of 283 children and adolescents between 8 and 17 years (M\it M = 11.10, SD\it SD = 2.14) undergoing a differential fear conditioning paradigm using a female scream as unconditioned stimulus (US). The sample included 230 children and adolescents with a current primary anxiety disorder (separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia) and 53 non-anxious controls. The dropout rate was 24.1%. The most common reason to discontinue was being afraid of the US (59.1%) followed by the startle probe being too loud (15.2%). Logistic regressions revealed that younger age and a present anxiety disorder predicted dropout. There seem to be distinct characteristics potentially predicting dropout from fear conditioning paradigms. Thus, interpretability and generalizability of those paradigms are limited when non-completers are not considered. Future research should conscientiously look at these data more closely and investigate paradigms that work independent of age and diagnostic status

    Does napping enhance the effects of Cognitive Bias Modification-Appraisal training?

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    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterised by dysfunctional appraisals of the trauma and its consequences including one’s own symptoms. Experimental studies have shown that Cognitive Bias Modification-Appraisal (CBM-App) training can reduce dysfunctional interpretations and analog trauma symptoms. One important question is how to enhance the effects of CBM-App. Following work suggesting that sleep has beneficial effects on consolidation processes and can thus improve learning, the present study investigated whether a brief period of sleep (i.e., a nap) enhances the effects of CBM-App. All participants watched a stressful movie as an analogue trauma induction. After that, participants received either positive or negative CBM-App training. Within each training, half of the participants then had a 90-minute nap or watched a neutral movie. Results showed that the CBM training induced training-congruent appraisals. Sleep did not enhance this effect. Participants who slept, however, experienced fewer intrusive memories of the analogue trauma, but this effect was independent of the CBM condition. These results provide valuable information about the effects of sleep during a 90-minute nap period on encoding of analogue trauma and emotional learning in the context of appraisal, and highlight the importance of sleep as a focus for continued research

    Enhanced discriminative fear learning of phobia-irrelevant stimuli in spider-fearful individuals

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    Avoidance is considered as a central hallmark of all anxiety disorders. The acquisition and expression of avoidance, which leads to the maintenance and exacerbation of pathological fear is closely linked to Pavlovian and operant conditioning processes. Changes in conditionability might represent a key feature of all anxiety disorders but the exact nature of these alterations might vary across different disorders. To date, no information is available on specific changes in conditionability for disorder-irrelevant stimuli in specific phobia (SP). The first aim of this study was to investigate changes in fear acquisition and extinction in spider-fearful individuals as compared to non-fearful participants by using the de novo\textit {de novo} fear conditioning paradigm. Secondly, we aimed to determine whether differences in the magnitude of context-dependent fear retrieval exist between spider-fearful and non-fearful individuals. Our findings point to an enhanced fear discrimination in spider-fearful individuals as compared to non-fearful individuals at both the physiological and subjective level. The enhanced fear discrimination in spider-fearful individuals was neither mediated by increased state anxiety, depression, nor stress tension. Spider-fearful individuals displayed no changes in extinction learning and/or fear retrieval. Surprisingly, we found no evidence for context-dependent modulation of fear retrieval in either group. Here, we provide first evidence that spider-fearful individuals show an enhanced discriminative fear learning of phobia-irrelevant (de novo)\textit {(de novo)} stimuli. Our findings provide novel insights into the role of fear acquisition and expression for the development and maintenance of maladaptive responses in the course of SP

    Eating disorder treatment in routine clinical care

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    This descriptive study examined patient characteristics, treatment characteristics, and short-term outcomes among patients with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in routine clinical care. Results for patients receiving full-time treatment were contrasted with results for patients receiving ambulatory treatment. Data of a clinical trial including 116 female patients (18–35 years) diagnosed with AN or BN were subjected to secondary analyses. Patients were voluntarily admitted to one of nine treatment facilities in Germany and Switzerland. Patients received cognitive-behavioral interventions in accordance with the national clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of EDs under routine clinical care conditions, either as full-time treatment or ambulatory treatment. Assessments were conducted after admission and three months later. Assessments included a clinician-administered diagnostic interview (DIPS), body-mass-index (BMI), ED pathology (EDE-Q), depressive symptoms (BDI-II), symptoms of anxiety (BAI), and somatic symptoms (SOMS). Findings showed that treatment intensity differed largely by setting and site, partly due to national health insurance policies. Patients with AN in full-time treatment received on average 65 psychotherapeutic sessions and patients with BN in full-time treatment received on average 38 sessions within three months. In comparison, patients with AN or BN in ambulatory treatment received 8–9 sessions within the same time. Full-time treatment was associated with substantial improvements on all measured variables for both women with AN (d\it d = .48-.83) and BN (d\it d = .48-.81). Despite the relatively small amount of psychotherapeutic sessions, ambulatory treatment was associated with small increases in BMI (d\it d = .37) among women with AN and small improvements on all measured variables among women with BN (d\it d = .27-.43). For women with AN, reduction in ED pathology were positively related to the number of psychotherapeutic sessions received. Regardless of diagnosis and treatment setting, full recovery of symptoms was rarely achieved within three months (recovery rates ranged between 0 and 4.4%). The present study shows that a considerable amount of patients with EDs improved after CBT-based ED treatment in routine clinical care within three months after admission. Intensive full-time treatment may be particularly effective in quickly improving ED-related pathology, although full remission of symptoms is typically not achieved. A small amount of ambulatory sessions may already produce considerable improvements in BN pathology and weight gain among women with AN. As patient characteristics and treatment intensity differed largely between settings, results should not be interpreted as superiority of one treatment setting over another. Furthermore, this study shows that treatment intensity is quite heterogeneous, indicating the possibility for increasing effectiveness in the treatment of EDs in routine clinical care