40 research outputs found

    Frequency of Toxoplasmosis in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Trinidad

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    Toxoplasmosis has been reported to occur in several animals and humans causing different clinical manifestations. The study was conducted to determine the frequency of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies (IgG) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) across farms in Trinidad using a latex agglutination test. Of a total of 333 water buffalo tested, 26 (7.8%) were seropositive for T. gondii antibodies. Seropositivity for toxoplasmosis was statistically significantly (P < 0.05; χ2) higher in adult water buffalo, 12.4% (14 of 113) compared with young water buffalo, 4.2% (6 of 143). Seropositivity for toxoplasmosis across the seven farms ranged from 0.0% (0 of 20) in Farm G compared with 20.0% (10 of 50) detected in Farm B. The differences in seropositivity by management system, free-ranging 6.7% (14 of 213) and semi-intensive 10.0% (12 of 120) and by sex, in male 6.7% (7 of 104) and female 8.3% (19 of 229) water buffalo, were not statistically significant (P > 0.05; χ2). This is the first documentation of toxoplasmosis in water buffalo in Trinidad

    Otpornost na antimikrobne tvari, fenotipska obilježja i fagotipovi sojeva vrste B. abortus izdvojenih iz goveda i azijskih bivola (Bubalus bubalis) u Trinidadu.

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    Strains of Brucella abortus isolated from cattle and domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Trinidad and Tobago were characterized as to their phenotypic features, phage types and resistance to antimicrobial agents using standard methods. A total of 86 isolates were recovered from the lymph nodes of 14 apparently healthy seropositive cattle and 17 water buffalo, skin lesions of 9 water buffalo and aborted tissues of 16 water buffalo. In addition 2 vaccine strains, B. abortus strains 19 (S19) and RB51 (SRB51) were tested. All (100.0%) strains of B. abortus tested grew in the presence of penicillin G, i-erythritol and basic fuchsin but none (0.0%) grew in the presence of thionin blue. All 88 (100.0%) strains of B. abortus were susceptible to bacteriophages TB and BK2 but 84 (95.5%) were lysed by bacteriophage Wb. Of the 8 antimicrobial agents tested by the disc diffusion method, all 42 (100.0%) cattle and water buffalo carried resistant isolates and all 88 (100.0%) isolates of B. abortus exhibited resistance to one or more of the antimicrobial agents. All sources considered, resistance was high to azithromycin (100.0%), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (98.9%) and moxifl oxacin (80.7%) and low to streptomycin (5.7%), tetracycline (1.1%) and doxycycline (1.1%). The differences in prevalence of resistance of B. abortus isolates to antimicrobial agents were statistically significant (P0.05; χ2). Resistance to antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of human brucellosis poses a public health hazard, but most of the strains had similar phenotypic characteristics and bacteriophage susceptibility patterns.Određivana su fenotipska obilježja, fagotipovi i otpornost na antimikrobna sredstva sojeva bakterije Brucella abortus izdvojenih iz goveda i azijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) u Trinidadu i Tobagu. Ukupno je 86 izolata bilo izdvojeno iz limfnih čvorova 14 klinički zdravih serološki pozitivnih goveda i 17 indijskih bivola, iz ozljeda kože devet bivola te tkiva pobačenih plodova 16 bivola. Analizirana su bila i dva cjepna soja bakterije B. abortus, soj 19 (S19) i RB51 (SRB51). Svi analizirani sojevi razmnožavali su se u prisutnosti penicilina G, i-eritritola i bazičnog fuksina, a nijedan se nije razmožavao u prisutnosti tioninskog modrila. Svih 88 sojeva bilo je osjetljivo na bakteriofage TB i BK2, a 84 (95,5%) bili su lizirani bakteriofagom Wb. Sva pretražena goveda i bivoli nosili su sojeve rezistentne na jednu ili više antimikrobnih tvari. Uzročnici su bili testirani na 8 antimikrobnih tvari disk-difuzijskim postupkom. Velika otpornost ustanovljena je na azitromicitestirani na 8 antimikrobnih tvari disk-difuzijskim postupkom. Velika otpornost ustanovljena je na azitromicin (100,0%), sulfametoksazol/trimetoprim (98,9%) i moksifloksacin (80,7%). Slaba otpornost bila je ustanovljena na streptomicin (5,7%), tetraciklin (1,1%) i doksiciklin (1,1%). Razlike u prevalenciji rezistencije izolata B. abortus na antimikrobne tvari bile su statistički značajne (P<0,05; χ2), ali su izolati iz goveda i bivola imali sličnu prevalenciju otpornosti (P<0,05; χ2). Otpornost na antimikrobne tvari rabljene za liječenje bruceloze u ljudi ima javnozdravstveno značenje. Većina izolata ima slična fenotipska obilježja i sličnu osjetljivort na bakteriofage

    Patogenost izolata bakterije Escherichia coli iz pasa bez proljeva i njihova osjetljivost prema antibioticima

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    E. coli isolated from dogs in Trinidad were tested for their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents using the disk diffusion method. Antimicrobial agents and concentrations included cephalothin (KF, 30 μg), ampicillin (AMP, 10μg), kanamycin (K, 30 μg), neomycin (N, 30 μg), gentamicin (CN, 10 μg), sulphamethoxazole/ trimethoprim (SXT, 23.25 μg/1.75 μg), nalidixic acid (NA, 30 μg) and norfloxacin (NOR, 10 μg). The overall prevalence of resistance to one or more antimicrobial agents for E. coli isolated from dogs was 47.9%. The difference in prevalence across the various sources of the isolates from dogs was statistically significant (P<0.001; χ2). Overall, resistance was highest to cephalothin (30.1%). A total of 45 resistance patterns were observed from dogs from all sources and the predominant pattern was KF (25.6%). It was concluded that the relatively high prevalence of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst E. coli isolates from non-diarrhoeic dogs in Trinidad may pose zoonotic and therapeutic problems.Izolati E. coli iz pasa u Trinidadu bili su testirani na osjetljivost prema antimikrobnim tvarima difuzijskim testom. Upotrijebljene su sljedeće antimikrobne tvari i njihove koncentracije: cefalotin (KF , 30 μg), ampicilin (AMP, 10 μg), kanamicin (K, 30 μg), neomicin (N, 30 μg), gentamicin (CN, 10 μg), sulfametoksazol/ trimetoprim (SXT, 23.25/1.75 μg), nalidiksična kiselina (NA, 30 μg) i norfloksacin (NOR, 10 μg). Sveukupna prevalencija otpornosti na jednu ili više antimikrobnih tvari za izolate E. coli iz pasa iznosila je 47,9%. Razlika u prevalenciji izolata s različitih izvora bila je statistički značajna (P<0,001; χ2). Općenito je otpornost bila veća prema cefalotinu (30,1%). Ukupno je 45 izolata pokazivalo otpornost s pretežitošću prema cefalotinu (25,6%). Zaključeno je da relativno velika prevalencija izolata E. coli iz pasa bez proljeva u Trinidadu otpornih prema antimikrobnim tvarima može predstavljati problem u zoonotskom i terapijskom smislu

    Serovarovi Salmonella spp. izdvojeni iz zdravih mačaka u Trinidadu i njihova osjetljivost prema antibioticima

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    The prevalence of Salmonella spp. in non-diarrhoeic cats across Trinidad was determined. The serovars of Salmonella spp. isolated were identified and the resistance to eight antimicrobial agents was determined. Of the 94 cats sampled 2 (2.1%) were positive for Salmonella spp. with two serovars identified: S. Johannesburg and a serovar belonging to Group C1. Only 1 isolate was resistant. It was concluded that the isolation of Salmonella spp. from apparently healthy cats poses a health hazard to their owners, since most serovars are known to be potentially pathogenic. Furthermore, the existence of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst Salmonella isolates from cats could cause chemotherapeutic consequences to their human owners.U Trinidadu je istražena proširenost Salmonella spp. u klinički zdravih mačaka. Izdvojeni serovarovi Salmonella spp. bili su identificirani te im je određena otpornost na osam antimikrobnih sredstava. Od 94 mačke, dvije (2,1%) su bile pozitivne na salmonele s dva identificirana serovara: S. Johannesburg i serovar koji pripada skupini C1. Jedan izolat bio je rezistentan. Može se zaključiti da izdvajanje Salmonella spp. iz zdravih mačaka predstavlja zdravstvenu opasnost za njihove vlasnike, jer je poznato da je većina serovarova potencijalno patogena. Nadalje, rezistencija izolata iz mačaka na antimikrobna sredstva može imati kemoterapeutske posljedice na njihove vlasnike

    Prevalencija crijevnih helminata u tovnih pilića u Trinidadu.

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    A study was conducted between September 2009 and August 2010 to identify intestinal helminths in commercial broiler chickens and estimate their prevalencet in Trinidad. Three hundred and forty four intact intestines of commercial broiler chickens were obtained from eight counties and examined. Of these 36 (10.5%) were found to harbor helminths. The chickens were found to have a single infection with nematodes (5.5%), a single infection with cestodes (4.1%) and a mixed infection with nematodes and cestodes (0.9%). No intestinal trematodes were detected. Four species of nematodes were identified as Ascaridia galli (5.8%), Heterakis gallinarum (0.9%), Subulura brumpti (0.3%), Capillaria sp. (0.3%), and the three species of cestodes found were Raillietina echinobothrida (2.3%), R. cesticillus (0.9%) and Choanotaenia infundibulum (2.3%). Helminth infection was found to be highest in the county of St. George (34.9%) followed by St. Andrew (14%), Caroni (9.3%), Victoria (9.3%), Mayaro (9.3%), Nariva (2.3%), St. Patrick (2.3%) and St. David (2.3%). A significant (P<0.001) difference was found in the prevalence of helminth infection between the counties. In spite of the short life span and rearing under intensive farm management, broiler chickens in Trinidad harbor several intestinal helminths.Provedeno je istraživanje radi identifikacije helminata tovnih pilića i određivanja njihove prevalencije u Trinidadu u razdoblju od rujna 2009. do kolovoza 2010. U sklopu istraživanja bila su pretražena 344 uzorka crijeva pilića podrijetlom iz osam pokrajina u Trinidadu. Helminti su pronađeni u ukupno 36 uzoraka crijeva (10,5%). U 5,5% pretraženih uzoraka bila je ustanovljena jedna vrsta nematoda, u 4,1% uzoraka jedna vrsta cestoda, dok je miješana invazija dokazana u 0,9% pretraženih uzoraka. Ni u jednom pretraženom uzorku crijeva nisu pronađeni metilji. Identifi cirane su četiri vrste nematoda i to Ascaridia galli (5,8%), Heterakis gallinarum (0,9%), Subulura brumpti (0,3%), Capillaria sp. (0,3%) te tri vrste trakavica Raillietina echinobothrida (2,3%), R. cesticillus (0,9%) i Choanotaenia infundibulum (2,3%). Najveća prevalencija bila je dokazana u pokrajini St. George (34,9%). Manja prevalencija dokazana je u pokrajinama Caroni (9,3%), Victoria (9,3%), Mayaro (9,3%), Nariva (2,3%), Sv. Patrick (2,3%) i Sv. David (2.3%). Značajna razlika (P<0,001) bila je dokazana u prevalenciji helminata u pilića iz različitih pokrajina. Može se zaključiti da neovisno o kratkom životnom vijeku i uvjetima intenzivnog uzgoja, proizvodnju tovnih pilića u Trinidadu ugrožavaju helminti

    Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Group 1 Coronaviruses in South American Bats

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    Bat coronaviruses (Bt-CoVs) are thought to be the precursors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. We detected Bt-CoVs in 2 bat species from Trinidad. Phylogenetic analysis of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene and helicase confirmed them as group 1 coronaviruses

    An investigation into the prevalence of dog bites to primary school children in Trinidad

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To estimate the prevalence of dog bites to primary school children between the ages of 8–12 years using a semi-structured interview process. With the increase in the pet population and popularity of dangerous breeds of dog and a high stray dog population combined with a dearth of information on the risk of dog attacks to children in Trinidad, a semi-structured interview process was used to determine risk factors associated with dog attacks.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire survey of 1109 primary school children between the ages of 8–12 years was conducted in Trinidad from November 2002 to September 2003. The survey was conducted to determine the risk factors such as age, gender, size of dog and relationship of dog and victim, in dog bite incidents. The chi-square statistic and odds ratios were used to estimate risk factors for a bite incident.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-eight percent of children were bitten at least once by a dog. Gender (male) and owning a dog were statistically significant risk factors (p = 0.003 and 0.008 respectively, χ<sup>2 </sup><it>df</it>, 95% confidence). Most attacks occurred outside of the home (58.0%) followed by the victims' home (42.0%) and were by a dog known but not owned (54.6%) by the victim. Many victims (33.0%) were bitten without having any interaction with the dog and the majority (61.9%) of victims did not receive professional medical assistance. Overall, the lower leg or foot was most often injured (39.3%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A public educational campaign is needed on responsible pet ownership. In addition, children must be taught effective ways of avoiding attacks or reducing injury in the event of a dog attack. The Dangerous dogs Act 2000 must be proclaimed in parliament by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to exert more pressure on pet owners to safeguard the public from the menace of dog attacks.</p

    Foodborne disease outbreaks in Barbados (1998-2009): a 12-year review

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