7 research outputs found

    Restructuring Foreign Worker Policy and Community Transformation in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is one of the most rapidly growing economies in Asia and is blessed with foreign workers inflow to sustain the economic growth process. However, the strong national sentiments among the local community, which harbors ill perception towards the foreign workers, lead to regrettably vague policies concerning foreign workers. As far as this issue is concerned, Malaysia needs to reform the policy regulations so that foreign workers will be able to integrate into the economic transformation of the country. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the current regulations regarding foreign workers policy in Malaysia. Arguably, foreign worker regulations can be improved by referring to Malaysia’s past experience and copy the models of other foreign-workers-friendly countries. A process-oriented methodology was adopted in this study to understand the issues associated with foreign workers, community transformation, and policy implementation. The result of this study shows that superior implementation and enforcement of foreign labor regulations would lead to harmonization and transformation of the community

    The Contribution of Localization Management System on Zakat Institution Performance

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    This paper attempts to analyze the concept of localization and its relationship with the psychological performance of zakat. It argued that localization could produce development opportunities from the management decentralization of supply chain in zakat institution. In this study, localization is treated as the mediator, while property rights of zakat and asset specificity performed as the independent factors in determining the performance of zakat. Data from 428 samples of zakat payers reveal that localization was performed as the complementary partial mediation toward the performance of zakat. This is due to the property rights of zakat and the asset specificity have the direct impact on the psychological performance. Hence, further exploration of the innovation in supply chain management, especially on the aspect of decentralization of zakat is needed. This study suggested that development opportunities could be met by applying the concept of localization in the zakat institution

    Bureaucratic Quality and Institution Building in Nigeria (An Appraisal of the Activities of Universal Basic Education)

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    The paper examines qualitiesof bureaucracy thattransformed  growth and development and the problems associated with institution building in Nigeria. Modern bureaucracy has qualities that transform the economy as engine of growth and development such as merit system but in Nigeria the quality of bureaucracy is very low leading to weak institution as well as vicious policy circle. The paper relied on interviews conducted with the stakeholder of Universal Basic Education and secondary data such as news papers, text books and journals. The findings revealed inherent problems associated with the institution such as lack of autonomy,appointment is not based on merit, poor remuneration, poor working condition are some of theproblems  that create  weak institution in Nigeria. The paper recommends increase in motivation as well as improve working condition in order to achieved policy objectives. Keywords: Institution; State; Bureaucracy & Developmen

    The contribution of localization management system on zakat institution performance

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    This paper attempts to analyze the concept of localization and its relationship with the psychological performance of zakat.It argued that localization could produce development opportunities from the management decentralization of supply chain in zakat institution. In this study, localization is treated as the mediator, while property rights of zakat and asset specificity performed as the independent factors in determining the performance of zakat. Data from 428 samples of zakat payers reveal that localization was performed as the complementary partial mediation toward the performance of zakat. This is due to the property rights of zakat and the asset specificity have the direct impact on the psychological performance. Hence, further exploration of the innovation in supply chain management, especially on the aspect of decentralization of zakat is needed. This study suggested that development opportunities could be met by applying the concept of localization in the zakat institution

    Sustainable basic education transformation through public-private partnership in Nigeria

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    Private organizations are now the most important actors in provision of quality education in Nigeria government tinance is complemented by inputs from external partners such as NGOs, Communities, household, religious institutions and private companies, though public sector remains an important player in providing education services to the masses but due to economic recession the budgetary allocation to education is fluctuating which is affecting quality education there by denying populace rights to basic education leading to such problems such as prostitution, armed robbery, kidnapping, rise and activities of such groups such as Boko EIaram and Niger Delta militancy, the paper examines roles of public private partnership in providing alternative option as well as challenges of private sector partnership in education finance for the achievement of Education for all in 2015 and attainment of aims and objectives of millennium development goals.The paper relied on content analysis such as text books. journals and reports on the activities of public private partnership.The findings revealed that the relationship between private provision of education and indicator of educational quality is positive, which means that private sector can deliver high quality education at cheaper rate and minimize corruption.The paper suggests increase in public private participation to enhance effective and quality education in Nigeria

    Why Malaysia needs research universities?

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    The aim of this article is to address issues relating to the transformation of the Malaysian economy and the policy shift in Malaysia over the last five decades.The launching of the Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3), 2006-2020, and the new strategy of innovation led-growth is expected to drive industrialization to a higher level of global competitiveness, through transformation and innovation of the manufacturing and services sectors.This paper argues that innovation led-growth strategy in Malaysia needs research universities as an active engine of growth.The multi-dimensional role of universities is discussed by using open innovation approach. In addition, the triple helix system of relationships between university, industry and government could be expected to enhance the relevance of universities as active agents of innovation and sustainable development