55 research outputs found
Robust control charts via winsorized and trimmed estimators
In process control, cumulative sum (CUSUM), exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), and synthetic control charts are developed to detect small and moderate shifts. Small shifts which are hard to detect can be costly to the process control if left undetected for a long period. These control charts are not reliable under non-normality as the design structure of the charts is based on the sample mean. Sample mean is sensitive to outliers, a common cause of non-normality. In circumventing the problem, this study applied robust location estimators in the design structure of the control charts, instead of the sample mean. For such purpose, four robust estimators namely 20%-trimmed mean, median, modified one-step M-estimator (MOM), and winsorized MOM (WMOM) were chosen. The proposed charts were tested on several conditions which include sample sizes, shift sizes, and different types of non-normal distributions represented by the g-and-h distribution. Random variates for each distribution were obtained using SAS RANNOR before transforming them to the desired type of distribution. Robustness and detection ability of the charts were gauged through average run length (ARL) via simulation study. Validation of the charts’ performance which was done through real data study, specifically on potential diabetic patients at Universiti Utara Malaysia shows that robust EWMA chart and robust CUSUM chart outperform the standard charts. The findings concur with the results of simulation study. Even though robust synthetic chart is not among the best choice as it cannot detect small shifts as quickly as CUSUM or EWMA, its performance is much better than the standard chart under non-normality. This study reveals that all the proposed robust charts fare better than the standard charts under non-normality, and comparable with the latter under normality. The most robust among the investigated charts are EWMA control charts based on MOM and WMOM. These robust charts can fast detect small shifts regardless of distributional shapes and work well under small sample sizes. These characteristics suit the industrial needs in process monitoring
Lansia atau lanjut usia merupakan fase kehidupan manusia yang telah mencapai usia 60 tahun keatas. Hal tersebut tertulis dalam Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1998 terkait Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia. Di Indonesia, jumlah penduduk lansia tergolong tinggi dengan jumlah mencapai 9,92% dengan jumlah 26,82 juta jiwa. Penelitian ini menggambarkan pola perawatan lansia yang dilakukan oleh keluarga dan panti jompo yang ada di Kota Surakarta serta membandingkan bagaimana pola perawatan yang dilakukan oleh dua pihak tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus untuk mendapatkan pendalaman data secara deskriptif berupa pengalaman keluarga dan perawat di panti jompo dalam memberikan perawatan kepada lansia. Data primer penelitian ini didapatkan dari wawancara mendalam dengan 25 narasumber serta data sekunder berupa studi literatur. Hasil data yang didapatkan ditranskip lalu diolah menggunakan teknik analisis data dari Glaser & Strauss yakni analisis perbandingan tetap yang membandingkan satu datum dengan datum lainnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pemenuhan selfcare pada lansia tetap membutuhkan bantuan sebab lansia mengalami selfcare defisit sehingga membutuhkan nursing system dari orang disekitarnya meskipun terdapat perbedaan intensitas dalam pemberian perawatan terhadap lansia yang sehat dan menderita sakit. Dalam proses perawatan lansia dalam keluarga dilakukan oleh anak dan juga pasangannya dengan dijelaskan dalam 11 kategori, sedangkan perawatan dalam panti dilakukan oleh perawat. Perbandingan pola perawatan lansia oleh keluarga dan panti jompo terletak pada program perawatan yang diberikan serta motif dalam pemberian perawatan tersebut
Pengaruh Modal Minimal Dan Pemahaman Investasi Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Berinvestasi Saham Di Pasar Modal (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa FE Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh modal minimal dan pemahaman investasi terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi di pasar modal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo tahun 2018-2021. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Purposive Sampling dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin, didapat sampel sebanyak 100 mahasiswa. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu statistik deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, uji regresi berganda dan pengujian hipotesis. Metode analisis menggunakan program aplikasi SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) Variabel modal minimal berpengaruh negatif terhadap minat investasi di pasar modal dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,745 0,05 dan nilai thitung sebesar -0,326 1,984. 2) Variabel pemahaman investasi berpengaruh positif terhadap minat investasi di pasar modal dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 0,05 dan nilai thitung sebesar 4,629 1,984. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah modal minimal berpengaruh negatif terhadap minat berinvestasi mahasiswa, sedangkan pemahaman investasi berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berinvestasi mahasiswa
Penerapan Algoritma A Star Dalam Pencarian Mesin ATM Terdekat di Palembang Berbasis Android
ATM mulai banyak ditemui di berbagai tempat umum dan strategis seperti pusat perbelanjaan, minimarket dan tempat khusus yang telah di sediakan oleh pihak bank. Namun, permasalahan yang sering terjadi di masyarakat umumnya adalah mencari lokasi ATM di daerah sekitarnya maupun di daerah yang baru di datangi serta tidak ada keinginan untuk bertanya pada warga sekitar dimana lokasi ATM terdekat. Sehingga pengembang aplikasi membuat aplkasi pencarian lokasi ATM dengan berbagai macam algoritma. Alasan inilah yang membuat penulis mencoba menerapkan salah satu algoritma yaitu algoritma A Star dalam pencarian mesin ATM terdekat di Palembang berbasis Android. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mencari lokasi ATM terdekat
Abstrak: Stunting adalah masalah gizi utama yang akan berdampak pada kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi dalam masyarakat. Ada bukti jelas bahwa individu yang stunting memiliki tingkat kematian lebih tinggi dari berbagai penyebab dan terjadinya peningkatan penyakit. Stunting akan mempengaruhi kinerja pekerjaan fisik dan fungsi mental dan intelektual akan terganggu. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para ibu dalam menilai status gizi dan tumbuh kembang, serta mengetahui tentang pijat bayi (baby massage). Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui sosialisasi menggunakan ceramah dan diskusi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan bekerja sama dengan pemerintah Desa Moncongloe dan Kader Anggrek. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dihadiri oleh 30 ibu yang memiliki bayi. Dampak dari kegiatan pelatihan ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan para ibu yang diukur melalui kuisioner. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan setelah kegiatan yaitu sebesar 80%. Kegiatan ini dalam upaya peningkatan status gizi, sebagai salah satu pencegahan stunting di masyarakat Moncongloe.Abstract: Stunting is a major nutritional problem that will have an impact on social and economic life in society. There is clear evidence that stunted individuals have higher rates of death from various causes and an increased incidence of disease. Stunting will affect physical work performance and mental and intellectual functions will be disrupted. This community service activity aims to improve the ability of mothers in assessing nutritional status and growth and development, as well as knowing about baby massage. The method used in this activity is a method that focuses on the activeness of participants through lecture and discussion methods. Implementation of activities in collaboration with the Moncongloe Village government and the Orchid Cadre. This service activity was attended by 30 mothers who have babies. The impact of this training activity was able to increase the knowledge of mothers as measured through a questionnaire. There is an increase in knowledge after the activity that is equal to 80%. This activity is an effort to improve nutritional status, as one of the prevention of stunting in the Moncongloe communit
Implementation of National Insight Values in Successful Social Knowledge Learning Case Study: Elementary School Students
Life in the nation and state requires constant discussion about the breadth of a scientific study of national insight in Indonesia. The principles of Pancasila serve as a link to foster national consciousness. With globalization, Indonesia's state ideology and Pancasila as the nation's way of life are losing their value and being replaced by foreign cultures. This article discusses how the benefits of social science learning to increase nationalistic insight in elementary school students. The focus of the research is the practical implementation of social science lessons in expanding the nationalistic insight of an elementary school student. The purpose of this research is to measure how well various educational approaches can improve students' understanding of progress. The research shows that teachers can implement nationalistic insights sourced from social science subjects through two approaches with Contextual Teaching Model (CTL) learning methods and also practical methods such as Indonesian history art performances, Indonesian history exhibitions and others. Effective learning can improve students' understanding of the development of Indonesian independence and strengthen students' nationalism
Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Digital Pada Usaha Penjahit Minang Baru
The preparation of financial statements is one of the most important things for a business, especially the MSME business sector. However, there are still many MSME business actors who have not been able to make financial statements properly and correctly, including this New Minang Tailor business which still uses makeshift financial statements and still uses financial reports manually, thus making it difficult for the owner of this New Minang Tailor to see income. and monthly expenses. Based on the existing problems, we aim to help the owner of this New Minang Tailor business, by providing training on the preparation of Digital-Based Financial Reports (Book Warung Application), the Digital Book Warung Application is one of the digital- based financial reporting applications where it is easy and simple to use by MSME actors. The methods used in this training are: Identification, Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation.
Based on the results of this digital-based Financial Report preparation training, I got positive results in understanding and being able to apply it in this New Minang Tailor business
The Effect of Median Based Estimators on CUSUM Chart
Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) chart has been used extensively to monitor mean shifts.It is highly sought after by practitioners and researchers in many areas of quality control due to its sensitivity in detecting small to moderate shifts. Normality assumption governs its ability to monitor the process mean. When the assumption is violated, CUSUM chart typically loses its practical use. As normality is hard to achieve in practice, the usual CUSUM chart is often substituted with robust charts.This is to provide more accurate results under slight deviation from normality. Thus, in this paper, we investigate the impact of using robust location estimators, namely, median and Hodges-Lehmann on CUSUM performance. By pairing the location estimators with a robust scale estimator known as median absolute deviation about the median (MADn), a duo median based CUSUM chart is attained.The performances of both charts are studied under normality and contaminated normal distribution and evaluated using the average run length (ARL). While demonstrating an average power to detect the out-of-control situations, the in-control performances of both charts remain unaffected in the presence of outliers. This could very well be advantageous when the proposed charts are tested on a real data set in the future. A case in point is when the statistical tool is used to monitor changes in clinical variables for the health care outcomes.By minimising the false positives, a sound judgement can be made for any clinical decision
Numerical Study of Ducted Turbines in Shallow Water Environment
The development of tidal turbines, particularly for shallow water applications, is still in its early stages. Vertical axis tidal turbines (VATT) are often preferred for shallow water due to the bidirectional nature of tidal currents. Implementing a channelling system around a tidal turbine can significantly stabilise the flow field, increase the current velocity, and enhance the energy efficiency of the turbine. However, there has been limited exploration of using channelling techniques to improve the performance of VATTs in turbid areas. This study employs a numerical analysis using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate VATTs. The VATT model is represented by a cylindrical object with a diameter and height of 5 meters. The simulation focuses on the wake characteristics and the design of turbine arrays. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are utilised as flow viscous solvers in ANSYS Fluent, and the effectiveness of the ducts in energy conversion is calculated using the realizable two-layer  turbulence model. The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of converging devices on tidal turbine performance and propose an optimal design for shallow water applications. The proposed ducted design shows an increase in current speed passing through the device by 11.1%. Although the wake generated by the multi-row staggered array layout disperses the flow to the side of the domain, the model demonstrates a 0.9% improvement in velocity magnitude. Conversely, the results for the single-row inline layout indicate the most favorable arrangement for shallow water applications, with a 19.4% increase in velocity magnitude and a shorter wake generation
Numerical Study of Ducted Turbines in Shallow Water Environment
The development of tidal turbines, particularly for shallow water applications, is still in its early stages. Vertical axis tidal turbines (VATT) are often preferred for shallow water due to the bidirectional nature of tidal currents. Implementing a channelling system around a tidal turbine can significantly stabilise the flow field, increase the current velocity, and enhance the energy efficiency of the turbine. However, there has been limited exploration of using channelling techniques to improve the performance of VATTs in turbid areas. This study employs a numerical analysis using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate VATTs. The VATT model is represented by a cylindrical object with a diameter and height of 5 meters. The simulation focuses on the wake characteristics and the design of turbine arrays. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are utilised as flow viscous solvers in ANSYS Fluent, and the effectiveness of the ducts in energy conversion is calculated using the realizable two-layer  turbulence model. The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of converging devices on tidal turbine performance and propose an optimal design for shallow water applications. The proposed ducted design shows an increase in current speed passing through the device by 11.1%. Although the wake generated by the multi-row staggered array layout disperses the flow to the side of the domain, the model demonstrates a 0.9% improvement in velocity magnitude. Conversely, the results for the single-row inline layout indicate the most favorable arrangement for shallow water applications, with a 19.4% increase in velocity magnitude and a shorter wake generation
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