156 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento inicial de Plátano CV. D'Angola irrigado em diferentes populações.

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    O trabalho avaliou o desenvolvimento inicial da bananeira cv. D'Angola, tipo plátano, conduzidas no Distrito Irrigado Jaguaribe-Apodi (DIJA), em Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brasil. As populações de 1.111 (Testemunha), 2.500, 2.778, 3.125, 3.571 e 4.167 plantas por hectare, obtidas, respectivamente, nos arranjos 3,0 x 3,0 m, 2,0 x 2,0 m, 2,0 x 1,8 m, 2,0 x 1,6 m, 2,0 x 1,4 m e 2,0 x 1,2 m, foram avaliadas aos 113 e 140 dias após o plantio (05/11/2014). Entre as avaliações, houve aumento de 20,9% no diâmetro do pseudocaule (15,3 a 18,5 cm), de 33,6% na altura da planta (160,5 a 214,4 cm) e de 11,5% no número de folhas vivas por planta (11,3 a 12,6 unidades). Em relação à testemunha, o tratamento com 3.125 plantas por hectare foi o único superior quanto ao diâmetro do pseudocaule (18 cm vs. 14.4 cm). Todos foram superiores quanto a altura da planta (187,5 vs. 144,0 cm) e semelhantes quanto ao número de folhas vivas (Dunnett, p < 0,05). Houve efeito linear para populações quanto ao número de folhas (y=10,6312+0,0004*x R²=50%)

    Crescimento da Bananeira Pacovan ken na Chapada do Apodi.

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    Com a busca dos produtores por variedades mais produtivas e resistentes a doenças, a Embrapa lançou no mercado em 2006, dentre outras, a bananeira cv. Pacovan Ken, apresentando resistência a Sigatoka Negra. A cultivar Pacovan Ken (PV42-68) é um híbrido tetraploide (AAAB), pertencente ao subgrupo prata, obtida por meio de cruzamento entre a cv Pacovan (AAB) com o híbrido M-53 (AA)

    Synchronization of estrus with two doses of cloprostenol at different intervals and Artificial Insemination in dairy goats.

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    The present study evaluated the efficacy of two protocols for estrus synchronization with different intervals in order to use them in artificial insemination (AI) in Saanen and Alpine multiparous goats in June (end of the natural mating season). The animals were allocated into two groups, according to breeding, parity, and body condition score to receive two doses of 37.5 ?g d-cloprostenol (Prolise®, ARSA SRL, Buenos Aires, Argentina) latero-vulvar 7.5 (n=23) and 11.5 (n=25) days. No animal became pregnant after NM. In AI animals, conception rate was 69.2% (9/13) for T7.5 and 70.6% (12/17) for T11.5 (P> 0.05). Even at the end of the breeding season, the protocols were able to synchronize a significant percentage of animals in a short window of time, resulting in a high conception rate after AI

    Rendimentos de cultivares de macaxeira fertirrigada no tabuleiro de russas, Ceará

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    A obtenção de raízes de mandioca de mesa ou macaxeira que permita atender mercado diversificado e durante o ano todo, pode ser alcançado inserindo novas cultivares e a fertirrigação no sistema de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho identificar cultivares de macaxeira superiores em cultivo fertirrigado no Tabuleiro de Russas, CE. Avaliaram-se as cultivares Cacau Manteiga, Manteiga, Cacauzinho, Gema de Ovo, Amarelinha, Paraná, Dourada, Eucalipto, Santo Antônio e Kiriris, Recife e Mojuí dos Campos. Os manejos da adubação e irrigação foram semelhantes aos utilizados pelo produtor. Foram avaliadas as biomassas frescas da parte aérea e de raízes, as dimensões de raízes e o índice de colheita, quando em plantas com sete meses de idade. As cultivares Kiriris, Dourada, Manteiga, Gema de Ovo, Amarelinha, Paraná e Recife foram as mais produtivas

    Induction of synchronous estrus in Morada Nova ewes: effects of distinct progestagen duration regimen and non-surgical embryo recovery as a tool to access efficiency measurements.

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    Abstract: The first stet for applying superovulation is to know the responsiveness of the ewe to different estrous synchronous protocol duration and possible implications on embryo yield. On the other hand for nonsurgical embryo recovery (NSER) a well consolidated protocol should be tested and, in Morada Nova ewes, successful non-surgical uterine access was reported (Fonseca et al., 2019. Reprod Fertil Devel, 31:17-26). In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency different synchronous estrus induction and NSER as additional tool to evaluate the results these protocols in pluriparous Morada Nova ewes. A total of 18 pluriparous sheep were divided into three treatment groups with 6 (T6, n=6), 9 (T9, n=6) and 12 (T12, n=6) days of 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Progespon®, Zoetis, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil). The NSER mean duration was 27.6±1.4 min, with recovery of 99.8% of injected fluid and embryo recovery rate of 62.97% (17/27). These preliminary results indicated that all protocols provided similar results and that NSER can be successfully performed and used as additional toll in synchronous estrous induced Morada Nova ewes independently from the duration of progestogen regimen to assure that viable embryos can be produced by ewes subjected by these protocols. [Indução do estro sincrônico em ovelhas Morada Nova: efeitos do regime de duração distinto do progestágeno e recuperação não cirúrgica do embrião como uma ferramenta para acessar medidas de eficiência].Edição dos resumos do XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de maio 2019

    Nonsurgical embryo recovery in Lacaune ewes superovulated with different doses of FSH.

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    Abstract: Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) is a reproductive biotechnique that allows accelerated genetic improvement of the species. In ruminants, the variability of the superovulatory response is a limiting factor for MOET programs. In addition, specifically in sheep, it is difficult to conduct embryo recovery by transcervical via, due to the anatomy of the cervical canal. The dose of 100 mg pFSH appeared to be not sufficient to reach a high superovulation response while 200 mg resulted in good superovulatory response. [Coleta transcervical de embriões em ovelhas da raça Lacaune superovuladas com diferentes doses de FSH].Edição dos resumos do XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de maio 2019

    Effects of two d-cloprostenol administrations given at different intervals on estrus and ovulation in cyclic dairy goats.

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    Abstract: Goats are seasonal breeders depending on breed and latitude. Among the hormonal methods used in controlled reproduction programs, there are those that mimic the activity of the corpus luteum and those that inhibit it. Prostaglandin (PGF2?) fits the latter, with the advantage of having a better cost-benefit, since it is cheaper and more natural method, as it has fewer side effects than progestin devices. In addition, the literature is incipient regarding follicular and ovulatory data in goats subjected to PGF2? or its analogues. This study aimed to check in dairy goats the efficiency of estrus synchronization treatment using two doses of d-cloprostenol administered in different intervals, during the natural breeding season. The results quoted above suggest that the administration of dcloprostenol in cyclic dairy goats can efficiently synchronize estrus and ovulation and this fact encourages further studies using these protocols in association with Fixed Time Artificial Insemination in goats. [Efeitos de duas administrações de d-cloprostenol feitas em diferentes intervalos no estro e na ovulação em cabras leiteiras cíclicas].Edição dos resumos do XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal, Gramado, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de maio 2019