60 research outputs found

    Correlation and path analysis of yield and yield components of confectionary sunflower

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    Path coefficient analysis was applied to gain information on direct and indirect effects of studied traits (seed oil content, kernel oil content, seed protein content, kernel protein content, head diameter, kernel ratio and plant height) on sunflower seed yield. Traits which exhibit the highest effects on seed yield will be used as a selection criterion in confectionary sunflower breeding. The research was conducted during three vegetation seasons on 22 experimental confectionary sunflower hybrids, created in breeding program the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. Among the largest number of examined traits, significant and highly significant correlations were found. With the analysis of simple correlation coefficients a low interdependence was determined between, kernel protein content, plant heights with seed yield. Negative but weak correlation was determined between kernel oil content, seed protein content, kernel ratio with seed yield. Established a negative strong correlation of head diameter (-0.190*) and negative very strong correlation of seed oil content (-0.351**) with seed yield. The seed oil content had a very strong direct negative effect on seed yield (DE=-0.831**). The head diameter, plant height, seed protein content had weak negative direct effect on seed yield. Kernel protein content and kernel oil content has demonstrated a weak direct positive effect on seed yield. Path coefficient analysis for seed yield showed very strong direct effect for kernel ratio (DE=0.487*) on seed yield, it shows that the kernel ratio is important selection criterion for confectionary sunflower breeding

    Quality of wheat cultivars created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek in relation to high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW ā€“ GS) composition

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of high molecularweight glutenin subunits(HMW-GS) composition of the Glu-1 loci on the quality of winter wheat cultivars created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Materials and Methods: Ten winter wheat cultivars were grown in 4 different locations during two years in a randomized complete block (RCB) experimental design with three repetitions at each location. Samples were collected and subjected to quality analysis and determination of HMW-GS composition by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Results: Considering theHMW-GS composition, the most frequent subunit at the Glu-A1 locus was N, at the Glu-B1 locus 7+9 and at the Glu-D1 locus 2+12. The analyzed cultivar Demetra, with subunits 5+10 at the Glu-D1 locus, has shown the best bread-making quality. Among cultivars with subunits 2+12 at the Glu-D1 locus, the cultivars with subunits 7+8 at the Glu-B1 locus have shown on average better characteristics of gluten strength with regard to higher values of Gluten Index and resistance to exstensibility ratio (R/Ext). The results of the linear correlation between quality parameters and HMW-GS composition, expressed as the Glu-1 score, have shown the most significant (P<0.05) influence ofHMW- -GS on Gluten Index r=0.42), dough energy (r=0.48) and dough maximum resistance (r=0.47). Conclusions: These results indicated that the presence of HMW-GS 5+10 and 7+8 contributes to higher bread-making quality of analyzed cultivars. TheHMW-GS composition has predictive value in quality analysis, therefore, the composition ofHMW-GS at the Glu-1 loci has to be taken into consideration when parents for a bread wheat breeding programme are chosen

    Correlation and path coefficient analysis for protein yield in confectionary sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)

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    The most important criteria for introducing new confectionary hybrids into the production is high protein yield. Path coefficient analysis was used to obtain information on direct and indirect effects of studied traits (seed oil content, kernel oil content, seed yield, kernel protein content, mass of 1000 seeds, kernel ratio and hull ratio) on protein yield. The research was conducted during three vegetation seasons, on 22 experimental confectionary sunflower hybrids created in the breeding program at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. Strong and very strong correlations were found among the largest number of examined traits. A weak negative interdependence was determined between kernel oil content, kernel protein content, mass of 1000 seeds, hull ratio, and protein yield using the analysis of simple correlation coefficients. Positive but weak correlation was determined between protein yield and seed oil content, and kernel ratio. Very strong positive correlation was determined between protein yield and seed yield (0.468**). The seed oil content had a very strong direct negative effect on protein yield (DE=-0.734**). The mass of 1000 seeds had a weak negative direct effect on protein yield. Kernel protein content and kernel oil content demonstrated a weak direct positive effect on protein yield. Path coefficient analysis of protein yield showed a very strong positive direct effect of kernel ratio (DE=1.340**), seed yield (DE=0.657**) and hull ratio (DE=0.992*). These findings confirm the effect of seed yield, kernel ratio, and hull ratio on protein yield, and their importance as the selection criteria in confectionary sunflower breeding

    Varijabilnost komponenti prinosa ozime uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) i njihova korelacija sa prinosom semena

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    Designing breeding programs for rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars with improved seed and oil yields require information about the genetic variability of traits effecting seed and oil production. This investigation was undertaken in order to examine phenotypic and genetic variability, broad-sense heritability, genetic gain under selection and interrelationships of some agronomic and seed quality traits of investigated genotypes. Genotypes, years and their interaction showed significant variation for all studied characters. Phenotypic variability coefficients were higher than genetic ones. Broad-sense heritability estimates ranged from 12.66% (for ripening period) up to 52.12% (for days to first pods filling). Expected genetic gain was lowest for days to maturity (0.45%) and highest for height to the first lateral branch (12.94%). The analysis of genetic correlations revealed that seed yield per plant is highly and positively associated with pods per plant, oil content, plant height and ripening period, although significant negative correlations were found between seed yield per plant and leaves per plant, days to maturity, protein content, days to first pods filling, days to flowering, height of the first lateral branch and 1000 seed weight. Genetic path-coefficient analysis indicated that pods per plant and oil content were the most important components of seed yield per plant. Their direct effects on seed yield per plant were p=0.472 and p=0.082, respectively. Protein content had highly significant negative direct effect on seed yield (p=-0.365), followed by 1000 seed weight (p=-0.017) and height to the first lateral branch (p=-0.081). These observations will support the selection of genotypes with desired traits for further rapeseed seed and oil yield improvement.Za organizovanje dobrog oplemenjivačkog programa na uljanoj repicu (Brassica napus L.) neophodno je poznavanje genetičke varijabilnosti svojstava koja utiču na prinos semena i ulja. Istraživanja su sprovedena da bi se ispitala fenotipska i genotipska varijabilnost, heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu, genetička dobit od selekcija i međuzavisnost agronomskih važnih osobina i svojstava kvaliteta semena kod ispitivanih genotipova. Genotipovi, godine i njihova interakcija signifikantno su varirale za sva ispitivana svojstva. Fenotipski koeficijent varijacije bio je veći od genotipskog. Heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu kretala se od 12.66% (za vreme sazrevanja) do 52.12% (broj dana do formiranja prve mahune). Očekivana genetička dobit bila je najniža za broj dana do sazrevanja (0.45%) i najviÅ”a za visinu do prve bočne grane (12.94%). Analiza genetičkih korelacija ukazala je na visoku i pozitivnu vezu prinosa semena po biljci sa brojem ljuski po biljci, sadržajem ulja, visinom biljke i vremenom sazrevanja, a negativna korelacija je utvrđena između prinosa semena po biljci i broja listova po biljci, dana do zrenja, sadržaja proteina, broja dana do formiranja prve mahune, broja dana do cvetanja, visine prve bočne grane i težine 1000 semena Analiza koeficijenta putanje ukazala je da su broj ljuski po biljci i sadržaj ulja najvažnije komponente prinosa semena po biljci. Njihovi direktni efekti na prinos po biljci su bili p=0.472 i p=0.082. Sadržaj proteina imao je visokoznačajan negativan direktan efekat na prinos semena (p=-0.365), potom masa 1000 semena (p=-0.017) i visina do prve bočne grane (p=-0.081). Ova istraživanja predstavljaju osnov za dalje oplemenjivanje uljane repice poboljÅ”anog prinosa semena i ulja

    Quantitative analysis of oil yield and its components in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)

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    Increasing of oil yield is one of the most important goals in sunflower, (Helianthus annuus L.) breeding programs. The objectives of this research were to assess the interrelationships between oil yield and its components on 14 sunflower hybrids developed within a breeding program of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. Field trials were set up according to completely randomized block design, (CRBD) on three locations during two growing seasons, (2002 and 2003). Plant height, 1,000 grain weight, test weight, grain yield, oil content and oil yield were analyzed. Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were highest for grain yield, followed by oil yield and 1,000 grain weight. High values of heritability were estimated for oil content and plant height, medium for 1,000 grain weight and test weight, and low values for grain and oil yield. Highly significant positive correlation was estimated between grain yield and oil yield, but the association between grain yield and oil content was negative and low. A positive correlation coefficient was estimated between 1000 grain weight and grain yield, and a negative one between 1000 grain weight and oil content. Grain yield and oil content expressed the strongest direct effect on oil yield

    Effect of morphological and physiological traits on seed yield and oil content in sunflower

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    Path coefficient analysis was used to separate direct and indirect effects of studied traits on seed oil content and seed yield, and to identify traits that could be used as selection criteria in sunflower breeding. Significant and highly significant correlations were found between most of the examined traits. Highly significant negative correlations have been established between stem diameter, total leaf area per plant, head diameter and 1,000-seed weight on one side and seed oil content on the other. Highly significant positive correlations have been established between seed yield on one side and stem diameter, total leaf area per plant, head diameter, total number of seeds per head, and the 1,000-seed weight on the other. The weight of 1,000 seeds had a highly significant direct negative effect on seed oil content and a highly significant direct positive effect on seed yield. The total number of seeds per head has demonstrated a highly significant direct positive effect on seed yield and oil content. The total leaf number per plant has demonstrated a significant direct positive effect on seed yield. A path coefficient analysis of seed yield at phenotypic level indicated that maximum direct effects were shown by the weight of 1,000 seeds, total number of seeds per head and total leaf number per plant. The total number of seeds per head was the most important trait that determined seed yield and oil content. The obtained results can be used in sunflower breeding programs aimed at the development of sunflower hybrids that combine high genetic potentials for seed yield and seed oil content

    Heritability and correlations of quantitative traits in sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Istraživanja su provedena na 14 hibrida stvorenih u okviru oplemenjivačkog programa Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Pokusi su postavljeni po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja tijekom tri godine (2002-2004) na lokalitetu Osijek. Analizirana su svojstva: visina biljke, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa, prinos zrna, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Procjenjena je heritabilnost, genetska dobit i provedena path analiza povezanosti istraživanih svojstava i prinosa ulja. Istraživani hibridi su se značajno razlikovali u svim ana-liziranim svojstvima. Procjenjene su visoke vrijednosti heritabilnosti za visinu biljke, masu 1000 zrna, hektolitarsku masu i sadržaj ulja. Heritabilnost za svojstva prinos zrna i prinos ulja je pokazala niže vrijednosti. Najveću izravnu genetsku dobit imala su svojstva visina biljke i sadržaj ulja, a najmanju prinos zrna i prinos ulja. Najveće direktne utjecaje na prinos ulja ostvarili su prinos zrna i sadržaj ulja.Investigations were carried out with 14 hybrid create in frame of the Agricultural Institute Osijek breeding program. Trials were established as randomize block design in four replication during three years (2002-2004) in region of Osijek. Following traits were analyzed: plant height, 1000 kernel weight, hectolitre mass, grain and oil yield and oil content. Heritability, genetic gain and path analysis correlation between investigated traits and oil yield were evaluated. Investigation hybrids showed significant difference for all analyzed traits. High value heritability for plant height, 1000 kernel weight, hectolitre mass and oil content were evaluated. Heritability for grain and oil yield showed lower value. The biggest genetic gain showed plant height and oil content, and the lowest grain and oil yield. The strongest direct effects to oil yield were assessed for grain yield and oil content
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