2,265 research outputs found
Hijriyah Months and The Construction of Religious Moderation in The Sombaopu Community of Gowa, South Sulawesi
This research examines the response of the people of Sombaopu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi in responding to difference views in determining the beginning of the Hijriyah (Islamic lunar calendar) months. This issue needs special attention because it holds the potential for internal conflict among Muslims. This research is classified as descriptive qualitative field research. The aim is to obtain an overview of social phenomena that exist among the Muslim community in Sombaopu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research focuses on the public's response to differences in determining the beginning of the Hijriyah months which is connected to the concept of religious moderation as an effort to prevent society from extreme understandings and practices that are not in accordance with religious guidelines and regulations. This research concludes that religious moderation can be a solution in preventing the emergence of social conflict while strengthening the sense of unity and integrity in society. The success of this effort can be achieved more quickly if the relevant parties, especially government institutions, religious organizations and community leaders are actively involved in this activity
Our goal was to identify the practical usage of medication management apps and what they can offer a consumer especially in their old age, keeping in view the aspect of medication adherence.A search of FREE medication management apps was conducted on app store of iPhone/Android operating system. Apps were included if they had a medication management system which included a reminder setup option and had an easy to use interface.Of the 22 apps on IOS and 18 apps on Android identified by strategy all met the inclusion criteria. WebMD and Drugs.com rated the highest among the apps because of their basic medication reminder feature coupled with their enhanced levels of functionality. WebMD was rated best for its information and usability which included a symptom checker, medication reminder, list of disease conditions, drug list with Indications, dosage information, side effects, drug interactions, drug use in pregnancy and lactation, first aid information, local health facilities listings, tests and procedures listings, healthy living tips, food and recipes.Finding a medication management app is challenging if you are looking for a specific type of apps as most of the apps are not tested by any authorized drug regulatory authority for example FDA. Almost all have no reviews and are not affiliated to any healthcare organization. Despite being untested, medication apps represent a possible strategy that pharmacists, healthcare workers, carers and family members of elderly patients can recommend for helping nonadherent patients and incorporate into their practice.Ă‚
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Menggambar Bentuk Berbasis Komputer
Mahasiswa Program StudiDesain Komonikasi Visual FSD UNM dituntut memiliki kompetensi menggambar alam benda dan lingkungan sekitar, media pembelajaran sebagai perangkat dalam mewujudkannya, maka dipandang perlu pengembangan media pembelajaran yang efektif, efisien dan praktis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) memperoleh kompetensi dan tujuan pembelajaran, (2) menetapkan kerangka sistematika media pembelajaran berbasis komputer, (3) menentukan bentuk konvigurasi media pembelajaran berbasis komputer yang efektif, dan (4) memperoleh gambaran persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran yang berbasis komputer, terutama aspek efektifitas dan kepraktisannya. Penelitian pengembangan yang dilaksanakan melalui uji lapangan dengan langkah-langkah, yaitu pengembangan media pembelajaran, memvalidasi, uji coba dan revisi akhir produk. Hasil penelitian, yakni: (1) media pembelajaran berbasis komputer yang dikembangkan terbagi ke dalam 5 bagian dan telah divalidasi oleh ahli media dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah, yakni definisi menggambar, unsur-unsur rupa dalam menggambar, aspek-aspek penting dalam menggambar, prosedur umum menggambar benda dan alam sekitar, dan beberapa contoh gambar benda dan alam sekitar; (2) melalu media pembelajaran berbasis komputer mengalami peningkatan pemahaman yang efektif dariskor 41,90 menjadi 69,83 terjadi peningkatan kemajuan rerata 27,93%; (3) media dinyatakan efisien karena dapat disajikan dengan durasi waktu + 30 menit; dan (4) media pembelajaran praktis digunakan yang ditunjukkan melalui persepsi mahasiswa menyatakan masing-masing sangat praktis 17,24%, praktis 75,86% dan cukup praktis 6,90%. Karena itu disarankan kepada pengampu mata kuliah untuk menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tersedia dan variatif agar kemampuan mahasiswa dapat memenuhi kompetensi mata kuliah Menggambar Bentuk
Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Agama Islam Melalui Metode Penugasan dan Resitasi pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertamna di Balikpapan
The purpose of this research is to increase motivation and recitation. This study used a classroom action research design. The research subjects were students of class IX totaling 22 students. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the learning activities of the subject matter of faith in students’ final day gradually. Process evaluation shows an increase in the effectiveness of teacher directions on the activities carried out and the abilities mastered by students. Evaluation of student learning outcomes shows an increase toward completeness in cycle 1 reaching the sufficient category (68.18%) and cycle 2 reaching the good category (77.27%), and cycle 3 reaching the very good category (86.36%). It is recommended that the principal of the school be able to encourage and foster teachers to strive to improve understanding of Islamic religious learning in the last day and its implementation in class
The purpose of this study is to determine how much the influence of the income level, price and term of the loan repayment demand two-wheeled motor vehicle in Makassar city. The results of this research hopefully can be an input for information and to the public, parties or institutions who involved in the development of two-wheeler vehicles demand in the future. Also as an additional study materials and knowledge for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hasanuddin Makassar. The analysis model used in this research is a model of inferential analysis, the multiple regression analysis to determine the effct of income, price, and loan repayment period to the demand of two-wheeled motor vehicles in the city of Makassar. The regression result show that effect on demand for two-wheel motor vehicles in the city of Makassar. While the price vehicle in the city of Makassar. This happens due to the ease of two-wheeled motor vehicle purchases either on credit or cash
Crowdsourcing is coined first by Jeff Howe and become more popular in recent years. It is concept of outsourcing in the crowd. Crowdsourcing can be useful to project managers when they need to perform tasks with low budget, massive participants, multi-disciplinary, expert or non-experts. Using 10 rules from Howe will help a project manager manage the crowd and achieve their project objective. By addressing some questions such as why should a project manager use crowdsourcing? What the benefits and risks of crowdsourcing. This articles explain the contribution of crowdsourcing in project and change managemen
Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Dan Penggunaan Mendeley Kepada Kelompok Guru-Guru Penjasorkes Di Kecamatan Siberut Selatan Kabupaten Mentawai
Penelitian tindakan kelas dan penggunaan mendeley jarang digunakan oleh guru Penjasorkes di Siberut Selatan. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah melalui beberapa kegiatan yaitu: 1) pelatihan pemahaman guru tentang penulisan karya ilmiah, penelitian tindakan kelas dan penggunaan mendeley pada kelompok guru penjasorkes, 2) Pelatihan Pembuatan karya ilmiah, penelitian tindakan kelas dan penggunaan mendeley pada kelompok guru penjasorkes, 3) workshop tentang Pembuatan karya ilmiah, penelitian tindakan kelas dan penggunaan mendeley pada kelompok guru penjasorkes, dan 4) pendampingan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan ini dengan mengikuti Standar Operasional Prosedur Covid-19 yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah, yaitu sebelum kegiatan dimulai, ruangan dinetralisir serta peserta sebelum memasuki ruangan wajib untuk mencuci tangan dan memakai masker, kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan membuat kelompok-kelompok kecil dan tidak melebihi 5 orang. Selain itu metode online juga diterapkan dalam hal pelatihan dan pendampingan
Upaya pemekaran Kabupaten Bima Timur yang direncanakan sejak tahun 1990-an belum terealisasi hingga saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui urgensi pemekaran Kabupaten Bima Timur dan bagimana implikasinya terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan teoligis normatif, yuridis normatif, dan sosiologis. Sumber data berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa upaya pemekaran Kabupaten Bima Timur mengalami dinamika politik yang begitu panjang sejak tahun 1990-an dan sampai sekarang belum masuk dalam agenda Program Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas). Padahal  persyaratan untuk pembentukan daerah otonom baru telah terpenuhi, baik dari aspek kewilayahan maupun syarat administratif, termasuk dasar pembentukannya seperti kondisi geografis, ekonomi, sosial budaya, pemerataan pembangunan, historis. Masyarakat menilai pemekaran Kabupaten Bima Timur akan membawa dampak positif bagi peningkatan dan efektifitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, yang akan berimplikasi pada meningkatknya kesejahteraan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Bima Timur; Pemekaran; Siyasah Syar’iyyah; Otonomi Daera
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