19 research outputs found

    New Stage of the Innovative Performance of Israel: Progress or the Loss of Leadership?

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and formulate the main features of the Israel economy and the changes that have occurred in the last few years. As everybody knows, Israel once has turned into one of the most innovative countries in the world. To achieve this goal, the article clarifies what Israel’s path to the “startup economy” was, what explains this “economic miracle”. The authors attract a large amount of statistical and factual material, on the basis of which they formulate the main features, problems and prospects of the socio-economic development of this state. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, observation, measurement, analogy, modeling. As a result of the study, it is proved that the “economic miracle” of Israel was natural and was based on a number of economic, social and political reasons. At the same time, Israel, in addition to its strengths in the economy in general and in innovation in particular, also has weaknesses and unresolved problems. As the conclusions of the study, it can be noted that the current transformation of the innovation system and the technological ecosystem does not indicate the loss of leadership by this country, but rather indicates the development of new approaches to economic development, both strategies and tactics

    Peculiarities of the Formation of the Innovative Economy in Some Asian Countries: Learning of Experience for the Russian Federation

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    In the article the peculiarities of the formation of the innovative economy in some Asian countries are discovered. The main stages of the formation of the innovative economy in Singapore, Japan, South Korea are analyzed in details. On the basis of studing of vast statistical & theoretical material the main advantages of the innovation economy in the conditions of modern globalization are discovered. The connection between the innovative economy and the global competitiveness of the countries is proved, The main peculiarities of the formation of national innovation systems in Singapore, Japan, South Korea are shown. On the basis of the vast amount of the material the weak and the strong points of the innovative development of different countries and also the perspectives for their development are shown. What experience can be applied for Russian conditions is demonstrated

    The Peculiarities of Venture Investing in Great Britain

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    In the article the performance of the venture investing is considered. The peculiarities of the venture investing are analyzed in general, also — it’s different stages & types. The venture investing in Great Britain & also the place of Great Britain in the world market of venture investments are analyzed. The SWOT-analysis of venture investing in this country is considered. The main characteristics of venture investing in Russia are determined

    The Formation of the Innovative Economy of Sweden: Peculiarities and Prospects

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    In the article the performance & the formation of the innovation economy of Sweden are considered. The main peculiarities of the Swedish economy and also some stages of it’s performance and development are highlighted. The main achievements of the innovation system of Sweden and also the reasons for the success of the innovative economy in Sweden are analyzed. The strong & weak points of the innovation system of this country are determined

    Some Peculiarities of the Formation of the Innovative Economy in the EU Countries & In the USA: Learning of Experience for the Russian Federation

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    In the article the peculiarities of the formation of the innovative economy in the EU countries & in the USA are discovered. On the basis of analizing of vast statistical & theoretical material the main advantages of the innovation economy in the conditions of modern globalization are discovered. The connection between the innovative economy and the global competitiveness of the countries is proved. The main stages of the development of innovative economy in the countries of EU and in the USA are shown. The role of the supranational innovative system for the innovative development of the EU countries is analyzed. On the basis of the vast amount of the material the weak and the strong points of the innovative development of different countries and also the perspectives for their development are shown

    Ways to Achieve Comprehensive Development of the City: The Experience of Leningrad of the 70–80s of the Twentieth Century and Its Relevance

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    In the article examines the problem of complex development of the metropolis on the example of Leningrad of the late seventies and early eighties of the twentieth century and proposed ways to solve it. The emphasis is on the urgency of this problem in the context of a qualitatively new stage of development of Russian society

    Small & Medium Entrepreneurship in European Countries: Main Tendencies of the Development

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    In the article the peculiarities of the small & medium business in European countries are discovered. On the basis of the studying of a great number of scientific works of the Russian & foreign scientists the essential features of this business in Europe are analyzed, also it’s weak & strong pointes comparatively to the big business are highlighted. On the example of France & Switzerland (SWOT-analysis) is proved that each level of regulating of SMB plays a significant role. High importance of the experience of European countries for RF is discovered, also outlined what experience really could be important in the conditions of the Russian Federation

    Formation in Leningrad of a System of Integrated Continuous Flow Management of Housing and Civil Construction: The Experience of the 70–80s of the Twentieth Century

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    The article deals with the problem of complex continuous flow management of the construction of a metropolis on the example of Leningrad of the late seventies and early eighties of the twentieth century and the proposed ways to solve it. Internal statistical data of the Leningrad City Executive Committee were used. The main problems in ensuring coordinated and systematic management of the construction complex in that historical period are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the relevance of this problem and methods of its solution in the conditions of a qualitatively new stage in the development of Russian society

    On Some Problems of the Economic Education

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    In this article key problems of ensuring of historical component in training of economists and managers as a whole and separate economic subjects specifically are discussed. The shorts in the contemporary  economic education, that are closely associated with historical training  limiting, are covered. Some methodic issues of teaching of the historical and simultaneously economic subjects are discussed also