316 research outputs found

    Effect of PAN-based and pitch-based carbon fibres on microstructure and properties of continuous Cf/ZrB2-SiC UHTCMCs

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    In this paper the microstructure and mechanical properties of two different Cf/ZrB2-SiC composites reinforced with continuous PyC coated PAN-derived fibres or uncoated pitch-derived fibres were compared. Pitch-derived carbon fibres showed a lower degree of reaction with the matrix phase during sintering compared to PyC/PAN-derived fibres. The reason lies in the different microstructure of the carbon. The presence of a coating for PAN-derived fibres was found to be essential to limit the reaction at the fibre/matrix interface during SPS. However, coated bundles were more difficult to infiltrate, resulting in a less homogeneous microstructure. As far as the mechanical properties are concerned, specimens reinforced with coated PAN-derived fibres provided higher strengths and damage tolerance than uncoated pitch-derived fibres, due to the higher degree of fibre pull-out. On the other hand, the weaker fibre/matrix interface resulted in lower interlaminar shear, off-axis strength and ablation resistance

    Properties of large scale ultra-high temperature ceramic matrix composites made by filament winding and spark plasma sintering

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    In this paper, for the first time, we report the manufacturing and characterization of large UHTCMCs discs, made of a ZrB2/SiC matrix reinforced with PyC-coated PAN-based carbon fibres. This work was the result of a long term collaboration between different institutions and shows how it is possible to scale-up the production process of UHTCMCs for the fabrication of large components. 150 mm large discs were produced by filament winding and consolidated by spark plasma sintering and specimens were machined to test a large set of material properties at room and elevated temperature (up to 1800 °C). The extensive characterization revealed a new material with mechanical behaviour similar to CMCs, but with intrinsic higher thermal stability. Furthermore, the scale-up demonstrated in this work increases the appeal of UHTCMCs in sectors such as aerospace, where severe operating conditions limit the application of conventional materials

    Factors regulating Hb F synthesis in thalassemic diseases

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    BACKGROUND: The thalassemic syndromes originate from mutations of the globin genes that cause, besides the characteristic clinical picture, also an increased Hb F amount. It is not yet clear if there are more factors, besides the beta globin genotype, determining the Hb F production. We have tried to find out if there are relations between total Hb and Hb F, between erythropoietin (Epo) and Hb F, between Hb F and point mutations of the gamma gene promoters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hematologic parameters, iron status, alpha/non-alpha globin ratio, Epo level, and thalassemic defects of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-globin genes were explored using standard methods in patients affected by thalassemic diseases. Ninety-five non thalassemic individuals have been examined as controls. RESULTS: Two clinical variants of beta-thalassemia intermedia referred to as beta-thal int sub-silent and evident are associated with distinct sets of mutations of the beta-globin gene. Silent beta thal mutations are invariably associated with sub-silent beta thal int; beta° or severe beta(+) thal mutations are associated with evident beta thal int (88%) and almost invariably (98%) with thalassemia major. A positive correlation was observed between the severity of the disease and the Hb F level, but no correlation was found between the Hb F and erythropoietin (Epo) level. The mutation Ggamma -158 C→T was detected in 26.9% of patients affected by beta-thal int sub-silent and evident, respectively, but only in 2% of patients with thalassemia major. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of beta-thal int and the increased Hb F level are strictly dependent from the type of beta-globin gene mutations. No relation is found between Hb F synthesis and Epo secretion. The mutation Ggamma -158 C→T, common among patients affected by beta-thal int and very rare in thal major patients, does not seem, in this study, to influence the Hb F content in beta thal int patients

    Processing of UHTCMCs

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    There is an increasing demand for advanced materials with temperature capability in highly corrosive environments for aerospace. Rocket nozzles of solid/hybrid rocket motors must survive harsh thermochemical and mechanical environments produced by high performance solid propellants (2700-3500°C). Thermal protection systems (TPS) for space vehicles flying at Mach 7 must withstand projected service temperatures up to 2500°C associated to convective heat fluxes up to 15 MWm-2 and intense mechanical vibrations at launch and re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. The combination of extremely hot temperatures, chemically aggressive environments and rapid heating/cooling is beyond the capabilities of current materials. As indicated by the previous talk, the main purpose of C3HARME is to design, develop, manufacture, test and validate a new class of out-performing, reliable, cost-effective and scalable Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (UHTCMCs) based on C fibre preforms enriched with ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) and capable of in-situ repairing damage induced during operation in severe aerospace environments. Two main applications are envisaged: near-ZERO erosion rocket nozzles that must maintain dimensional stability during firing in combustion chambers, and near-ZERO ablation thermal protection systems enabling hypersonic space vehicles to maintain flight performance. This talk aims at providing an indication of progress to date within Work Package 2, which is focused on the processing of Cf-ZrB2 UHTCMCs. Four primary routes are being investigated, these include: green forming of fibre reinforced UHT ceramics followed by spark plasma sintering; radio-frequency enhanced chemical vapour infiltration of UHTCMCs; reactive melt infiltration of UHTCMCs and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis of UHTCMCs. All four approaches will be outlined and conclusions drawn, plus there will be a brief mention of ongoing work into atomistic modelling of processes at materials interfaces and nanoparticle dispersion with a view to imparting self-healing properties. Acknowledgements: This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 “Research and innovation programme” under grant agreement N°685594 (C3HARME

    Regulation of Hemolysin Expression and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus by a Serine/Threonine Kinase and Phosphatase

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    Exotoxins, including the hemolysins known as the alpha (α) and beta (β) toxins, play an important role in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus infections. A random transposon library was screened for S. aureus mutants exhibiting altered hemolysin expression compared to wild type. Transposon insertions in 72 genes resulting in increased or decreased hemolysin expression were identified. Mutations inactivating a putative cyclic di-GMP synthetase and a serine/threonine phosphatase (Stp1) were found to reduce hemolysin expression, and mutations in genes encoding a two component regulator PhoR, LysR family transcriptional regulator, purine biosynthetic enzymes and a serine/threonine kinase (Stk1) increased expression. Transcription of the hla gene encoding α toxin was decreased in a Δstp1 mutant strain and increased in a Δstk1 strain. Microarray analysis of a Δstk1 mutant revealed increased transcription of additional exotoxins. A Δstp1 strain is severely attenuated for virulence in mice and elicits less inflammation and IL-6 production than the Δstk1 strain. In vivo phosphopeptide enrichment and mass spectrometric analysis revealed that threonine phosphorylated peptides corresponding to Stk1, DNA binding histone like protein (HU), serine-aspartate rich fibrinogen/bone sialoprotein binding protein (SdrE) and a hypothetical protein (NWMN_1123) were present in the wild type and not in the Δstk1 mutant. Collectively, these studies suggest that Stk1 mediated phosphorylation of HU, SrdE and NWMN_1123 affects S. aureus gene expression and virulence