14 research outputs found

    Development of technological basis of 3D printing with highly filled metal-poly-dimensional compositions for manufacture of metal products of complex shape

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    This article discusses the possibilities of obtaining “green” parts by the FDM (Fused deposition modeling) method from ready-made polymer-metal compositions used in the MIM (Metal Injection Molding) technology and the technology of obtaining functional metal products of complex shape and structure. The influence of technological parameters of 3D printing on the quality of parts (presence of defects) obtained by highly filled polymers has been established. Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out to determine the melting point without changing the composition of the material. A filament was fabricated from granular feedstock material catamold 316L using the FDM technique

    Extruding aluminum bars on a new structure radial shear mill

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    In this work the stress-strain state (SSS) billet made by an aluminum 7075 alloy were investigated during combined rolling-extrusion on a radial shear mill (RSM) of a new design. The billet was first rolled in smooth or helical rolls and then extruded through the matrix channel. The main regularities of the SSS distribution and the combined process of the blank temperature have been established by using the finite element method and MSC.SuperForge program. The influence of rolling modes in smooth or helical rolls and further extrusion in a matrix on the formation of rods structures were analyzed. It was found that, a fine-grained structure was formed along the section of the manufactured bars, which increases the quality of metal products

    Simulation modeling of the combined pressing technology of high-quality rods

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    The structural changes and ultimate plasticity of L63 brass which were studied on STD 812 plastometer is described at this work. It was determined that the deformation of samples by torsion and tensile torsion leads to the formation on a L63 brass of a relatively fine-grained structure with grinding of coarse particles especially coarse particles of the β’-phase. It is shown that L63 brass has the maximum value of plasticity in the temperature range of 650 - 850 °C. The results analysis of computer modeling of the billet stress-strain state (SSS) when pressing the bars on a radialshift mill (RSM) of a new construction are presented. Rational modes of deformation of billets on a new RSM are determined in the article, which make it possible to obtain rods and wires with a fine-grained structure

    Modeling of stress-deformed conditions of heavy loaded elements of new equipment of metal injection molding technologies

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    For the production of Metal Injection Molding (MIM) with the technology of long profiles, a pressing device and a multi-roll mill of a new design are proposed. The analysis of the results of mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state (SSS) of heavily loaded elements of new equipment for powder metallurgy using the finite element method and the deformation model of metal strength is presented. The influence of changes in the content of the binder of metal powders obtained in the screw assembly, as well as the size of the initial powder, on the stress-strain state of the heavily loaded elements of the pressing device and the multi-roll mill, respectively, was determined

    Influence of the stands construction on the vibration of the working and backup rolls of the longitudinal-wedge mill

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    New design of the mill is suggested in the work. MSC.VisualNastran 4D software of the finite element analysis was used for computer modelling of the longitudinal cold rolling process of the strip and it was calculated the stressstrain state and the vibration of the heavy-duty elements of the longitudinal-wedge mill (LWM) with bearings stands and without the bearings stands. As a result of modelling it was established that strips, rolled in the LWM without bearings stands, have longitudinal and transverse flatness, that is the consequence of the working rolls vibration. It was shown that strips, rolled in the LWM with the bearings stands, have not got any wavy surface. It was proved that during rolling in LWM the dangerous vibrations do not fall into the working space of the external loads, therefore construction of the new mill is good enough, in terms of strength at the vibrations

    Ultrafinegrained structure of D16 aluminium alloy after rolling in the corrugated rolls and on the longitudinal-wedge mill

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    The article explains the influence of number of passes on the parameters of the microstructure of D16 aluminium alloy during rolling in the corrugated rolls, and the impact of the drafts while rolling of the strips on the longitudinal wedge mill. A comparative evaluation of the grain size of the ultrafine grained structure was conducted after rolling strips in the corrugated rolls by various passes, and after rolling on the longitudinal wedge mill at deformation temperature of 320 °C. It is shown that the sheet material of D16 aluminium alloy ensures uniform formation of an ultrafine grain structure with the size of about 220 - 240 nm, which leads to increased strength properties of the alloy and preserve good ductility