1,592 research outputs found

    The Stellar Populations of Pixels and Frames

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    Derived from first physical principles, a few simple rules are presented that can help in both the planning and interpretation of CCD and IR-array camera observations of resolvable stellar populations. These rules concern the overall size of the population sampled by a frame as measured by its total luminosity, and allow to estimate the number of stars (in all evolutionary stages) that are included in the frame. The total luminosity sampled by each pixel (or resolution element) allows instead to estimate to which depth meaningful stellar photometry can be safely attempted, and below which crowding makes it impossible. Simple relations give also the number of pixels (resolution elements) in the frame that will contain an unresolved blend of two stars of any kind. It is shown that the number of such blends increases quadratically with both the surface brightness of the target, as well as with the angular size of the pixel (or resolution element). A series of examples are presented illustrating how the rules are practically used in concrete observational situations. Application of these tools to existing photometric data for the inner parts of the bulge of M31, M32 and NGC 147 indicates that no solid evidence has yet emerged for the presence of a significant intermediate age population in these objects.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX file using aasms4.sty, 2 postscript figures To appear on: The Astronomical Journa

    On the origin of period changes in RR Lyrae stars

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    The observed period changes are explained with respect to the behavior of the semiconductive zone (SCZ) within the core of an RR Lyrae star. General consideration are given which suggest that the composition changes occuring within the SCZ during the horizontal-branch evolution result from many small mixing events, each of which slightly perturbs the pulsation period. Results indicate that small mixing events within the core of an RR Lyrae star can produce changes in the pulsation period comparable with those typically observed. It is further indicated that these mixing events together with the nuclear burning between them can produce period changes of both signs

    The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: I. Dynamical and Structural Effects

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    In this paper we explore several structural and dynamical effects on the projected velocity dispersion as possible causes of the fundamental plane (FP) tilt of elliptical galaxies. Specifically, we determine the size of the systematic trend along the FP in the orbital radial anisotropy, in the dark matter (DM) content and distribution relative to the bright matter, and in the shape of the light profile that would be needed to produce the tilt, under the assumption of a constant stellar mass to light ratio. Spherical, non rotating, two--components models are constructed, where the light profiles resemble the R1/4R^{1/4} law. For the investigated models anisotropy cannot play a major role in causing the tilt, while a systematic increase in the DM content and/or concentration may formally produce it. Also a suitable variation of the shape of the light profile can produce the desired effect, and there may be some observational hints supporting this possibility. However, fine tuning is always required in order to produce the tilt, while preserving the {\it tightness} of the galaxies distribution about the FP.Comment: 12 pages MNRAS-TeX (mn.tex v1.5 incl.), 6 figures (.ps included) uuencoded, gzip'ed tar file, accepted by MNRA

    Steeper, Flatter, or Just "Salpeter"? Evidence from Galaxy Evolution and Galaxy Clusters

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    A single-slope "Salpeter" IMF overpredicts the stellar M/L ratio of local elliptical galaxies by about a factor of 2, which requires the IMF to be flatter below about one solar mass. On the other hand a Salpeter IMF for stars more massive than the sun predicts an evolution with redshift of the fundamental plane of ellipticals in clusters which is in agreement with the observations and a formation at z>~3 for these galaxies. A "Salpeter" IMF for 1<M<40 solar masses also predicts the observed amount of heavy elements (oxygen and silicon) in clusters of galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear on "IMF@50: The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", ed. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, & H. Zinnecker (Dordrecht: Kluwer), in press. Invited talk at the International Workshop held in Abbazia di Spineto, Tuscany, Italy -- May 16-20, 200

    RR Lyrae Stars in the Andromeda Halo from Deep Imaging with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We present a complete census of RR Lyrae stars in a halo field of the Andromeda galaxy. These deep observations, taken as part of a program to measure the star formation history in the halo, spanned a period of 41 days with sampling on a variety of time scales, enabling the identification of short and long period variables. Although the long period variables cannot be fully characterized within the time span of this program, the enormous advance in sensitivity provided by the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope allows accurate characterization of the RR Lyrae population in this field. We find 29 RRab stars with a mean period of 0.594 days, 25 RRc stars with a mean period of 0.316 days, and 1 RRd star with a fundamental period of 0.473 days and a first overtone period of 0.353 days. These 55 RR Lyrae stars imply a specific frequency S_RR=5.6, which is large given the high mean metallicity of the halo, but not surprising given that these stars arise from the old, metal-poor tail of the distribution. This old population in the Andromeda halo cannot be clearly placed into one of the Oosterhoff types: the ratio of RRc/RRabc stars is within the range seen in Oosterhoff II globular clusters, the mean RRab period is in the gap between Oosterhoff types, and the mean RRc period is in the range seen in Oosterhoff I globular clusters. The periods of these RR Lyraes suggest a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.6, while their brightness implies a distance modulus to Andromeda of 24.5+/-0.1, in good agreement with the Cepheid distance.Comment: 15 pages, latex. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Rotation of Hot Horizontal Branch Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We present high resolution UVES+VLT spectroscopic observations of 61 stars in the extended blue horizontal branches of the Galactic globular clusters NGC 1904 (M79), NGC 2808, NGC 6093 (M80), and NGC 7078 M15). Our data reveal for the first time the presence in NGC 1904 of a sizable population of fast (v sin(i) >= 20 km/s) horizontal branch (HB) rotators, confined to the cool end of the EHB, similar to that found in M13. We also confirm the fast rotators already observed in NGC 7078. The cooler stars (T_eff < 11,500 K) in these three clusters show a range of rotation rates, with a group of stars rotating at ~ 15 km/s or less, and a fast rotating group at ~ 30 km/s. Apparently, the fast rotators are relatively more abundant in NGC 1904 and M13, than in NGC 7078. No fast rotators have been identified in NGC 2808 and NGC 6093. All the stars hotter than T_eff ~ 11,500 K have projected rotational velocities vsini< 12 km/s. The connection between photometric gaps in the HB and the change in the projected rotational velocities is not confirmed by the new data. However, our data are consistent with a relation between this discontinuity and the HB jump.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., in press in Vol. 296, 200
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