84 research outputs found

    Chromosome instability in lymphocytes of Friesian cows naturally exposed to dioxins being raised close to a metallurgic factory area in southern Italy

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    Dioxins (PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs) are a large family of congeners that are considered highly toxic and are reported to be teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic and hepatotoxic, also affecting the nervous and reproductive systems. Farm animals are particularly exposed to these chemicals when they are fed with grass produced close to polluted areas such as those located in vicinity of metallurgic factories. Cytogenetic tests can be very useful to check genetic damage occurring to domestic animal cells exposed to these chemicals. Fifty-two randomly selected Italian Friesian cows (Bos taurus, 2n = 60) from two farms located in the vicinity of and (as a control) far from the a metallurgic industrial area underwent cytogenetic investigations to ascertain possible differences in their chromosome fragility. One farm was under legal sequestration due to the presence in the milk mass of higher mean values of dioxins (24.78 Â± 3.19 pg g−1 of fat as sum of PCDD + PCDF + DL-PCBs as WHO-TEQ (World Health Organization-Toxic Equivalent Quantity), with DL-PCBs being the main chemical component) than those permitted (5.5 pg g−1 of fat as WHO-TEQ). Cytogenetic analyses, performed by using both the chromosome abnormality (CA) test (chromosome and chromatid breaks) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test, revealed a significantly (p < 0.01) higher chromosome fragility in cells of exposed cows (26 cows) compared to those of the control (23 cows)

    Oscillatory Behavior in Methane Combustion: Influence of the Operating Parameters

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    The influence of the main process parameters on the oscillatory behavior of methane oxidation was analyzed in conditions relevant for low-temperature combustion processes. The investigation was performed by means of direct comparisons between experimental measurements realized in two jet-stirred flow reactors used at atmospheric pressure. With the operating conditions of the two systems coupled, wide ranges of the inlet temperature (790-1225 K), equivalence ratio (0.5 < Φ < 1.5), methane mole fraction (XCH4 from 0.01 to 0.05), bath gases (i.e., He, N2, CO2, or H2O) and different overall mixture dilution levels were exploited in relation to the identification of oscillatory regimes. Although the reference systems mainly differ in thermal conditions (i.e., heat exchange to the surroundings), temperature measurements suggested that the oscillatory phenomena occurred when the system working temperature accessed a well-identifiable temperature range. Experimental results were simulated by means of a detailed kinetic scheme and commercial codes developed for complex chemistry processes. Simulations were also extended considering systems with different heat losses to the surroundings, thus passing from adiabatic to isothermal systems. Results highlighted the kinetic nature of the dynamic behavior. Because predictions were consistent with experimental tests, further numerical analyses were realized to identify the kinetics responsible for the establishment of oscillatory phenomena. Temperature oscillations were predicted for a significant reactor working temperature range, where oxidation and recombination kinetic routes, involving carbon C1-2 species as well as reactions of the H2/O2 sub-scheme, become competitive, thus boosting limit cycle behaviors. Oscillatory phenomena cease when the system working temperatures exceed characteristic threshold values with the promotion of faster oxidation routes that diminish the inhibiting effects of recombination reactions

    The influence of ammonia on the laminar burning velocities of methylcyclohexane and toluene: An experimental and kinetic modeling study

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    Laminar burning velocities of methylcyclohexane and toluene blended with ammonia have been determined using the heat flux method at atmospheric pressure and initial temperature of 338 K, over equivalence ratios ranging from 0.7 to 1.3 and ammonia blending fractions in the binary fuel mixtures from 0 to 90%. It was observed that the addition of ammonia to methylcyclohexane and toluene leads to a decrease in laminar burning velocity that is not proportional to the ammonia mole fraction. Such a burning velocity reduction is due to synergistic thermal and kinetic effects. In addition, ammonia has a slightly higher impact on the burning velocities of toluene due to fuel structure effects. The CRECK detailed kinetic model has been used to interpret the experimental measurements and minor modifications on methylcyclohexane, toluene, and methyl-phenoxy radical chemistry allowed even improved agreement. New experimental results have been compared with predictions of this refined kinetic mechanism. The model provided good predictions of the measurements capturing the effect of equivalence ratio and ammonia fraction ranges investigated. Finally, a mass fraction-based mixing rule was shown to be predictive for binary blends of NH3 with methane and several hydrocarbons typically used to formulate surrogates for practical fuels

    Il Lausanne Trilogue Play clinico nella fase di valutazione per gli interventi di sostegno alla genitorialità

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    Prendendo spunto dagli studi effettuati tramite la procedura osservativa LTPc - che ha dimostrato un'alta sensibilità nel catturare gli indicatori della coordinazione familiare-, il capitolo propone un modello di lavoro clinico che si avvia con la valutazione partecipe ed é focalizzato sulle interazioni familiari (famiglia praticante). Solo successivamente - a fronte di una eventuale domanda specifica-, un lavoro psicoterapeutico che focalizza le rappresentazioni (famiglia rappresentata) viene proposto ai genitori. In tal modo la psicoeducazione e la psicoterapia vengono modulate in base alle reali esigenze

    Laminar burning velocities of propionic acid + air flames : Experimental, modeling and data consistency study

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    Laminar burning velocities of propionic acid + air flames have been determined using the heat flux method at atmospheric pressure and initial gas mixture temperature of 348 K over the range of equivalence ratios 0.7–1.3. The detailed kinetic model of the authors was extended by the reactions of propionic acid and its intermediates. Attention has been paid to the proper description of the formation and consumption of 1,1-propenediol, methyl ketene, and acrylic acid. New experimental results have been compared with the modelling using this kinetic mechanism and the mechanism of Zhang et al. (2021). The comparison of the new and available from the literature measurements obtained at different initial temperatures with predictions of the two models allowed for analysis of the data consistency for the burning velocities of propionic acid, as well as for acetic and formic acids. Inconsistencies of some datasets for these short-chain carboxylic acids were identified and discussed

    Sul concetto di cogenitorialità nelle famiglie unite e separate. Nodi teorici ed empirici

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