38 research outputs found


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    The liver is an essential player in the pathway of coagulation in both primary and secondary hemostasis as it is the site of synthesis of all coagulation factors and their inhibitors. Liver diseases are associated with complex changes in coagulation and the delicate balance between pro and antithrombotic factors is preserved but reset to a lower level. There is growing evidence that portal and hepatic vein thrombosis is cause of disease progression in cirrhotic patients and worsens hemostatic abnormalities. These hemostatic abnormalities do not always lead to spontaneous bleeding, which may be triggered only by additional factors, such as infections. Usually therapy for coagulation disorders in liver disease is needed only during bleeding or before invasive procedures. In patients with end stage liver disease liver transplantation is the only treatment available, which can restore normal hemostasis, and correct genetic clotting defects. During liver transplantation hemorrhage may occur due to the pre-existing hypocoagulable state, the collateral circulation caused by portal hypertension and increased fibrinolysis. Печень играет ключевую роль в первичном и вторичном гемостазе, являясь местом синтеза всех факторов свертывания и их ингибиторов. Заболевания печени приводят к сложным изменениям в гемостазе, при этом сохраняется баланс между свертывающей и противосвертывающей системами, но со сниженным ре- зервом. Все больше накапливается данных о том, что тромбоз воротной и печеночных вен лежит в основе прогрессирования заболевания у пациентов с циррозом и усугубляет нарушения гемостаза. Эти наруше- ния гемостаза не всегда ведут к спонтанным кровотечениям, которые возникают только при наличии до- полнительных факторов, например инфекции. Обычно терапия расстройств коагуляции при заболеваниях печени требуется во время кровотечения или перед выполнением инвазивных процедур. У пациентов с заболеваниями печени в их конечной стадии трансплантация является единственным возможным методом лечения, который способен восстановить нормальный гемостаз и скорригировать генетические дефекты свертывания. Во время трансплантации печени кровотечения обусловлены сопутствующей гипокоагуля- цией, развитостью коллатеральной венозной сети вследствие портальной гипертензии и усилением актив- ности фибринолиза.

    Paradox: Does liver insuffi ciency protect the patient? A hypothesis

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    Despite the fact that the key role of the liver in the formation of the immune response to injury is not in doubt, the mechanisms of weakening the immune response to infectious and noninfectious lesions in patients with hepatic failure remain unclear. We propose an original hypothesis of forming the ways to limit the amplitude of the systemic inflammatory response in patients with the end-stage liver disease. The basis of the hypothesis is the idea that as a result of reducing the intensity of the natural stimulation of membrane mCD14 receptors by the ligands of infectious nature, the basic mechanism of the systemic immune response induction by liver macrophages (Kupffer cells) is interrupted. According to the proposed hypothesis, in condition of liver failure, the synthesis of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein by hepatocytes is reduced. This leads to a decreased amplitude and intensity of the protective immune responses. This fact explains a number of clinical phenomena observed in patients with liver failure/dysfunction that consist in a reduced reactivity of the organism to the damage inflicted by infectious and noninfectious agents. The authors consider it possible to use this hypothesis in the search for new trends to prevent the immune system hyper-reactivity in sepsis, and to improve the therapeutic strategies for the management of patients at high risk of infectious complications after liver transplantation


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    Aim. To evaluate the associations of genotypes of clinically relevant nucleotides rs11536865, rs913930 and rs5030717 of the TLR-4 gene with the risk of development and severity of early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation. Materials and methods. A case-control study enrolling 71 patients was organized. Inclusion criteria: DBD liver transplantation. Exclusion criteria: living related liver transplantation, reduced graft transplantation, recipient’s age fewer than 18. Results. Within rs5030717 there were identifi ed three genotypes: AA (81.6%) and two genotypes with the minor G-allele: AG (12.6%) and GG (5.6%). Within rs913930 there identi- fi ed three genotypes: TT (59.1%) and two genotypes with the minor C-allele: C/T (29.5%) and CC (11.2%). The rs11536865 studying revealed no polymorphism (GG genotype). The early allograft liver dysfunction (EAD) developed in 19.7% of patients, the severe EAD in 11.2% of patients, septic complications in 14%, acute cellular rejection in 23.9% of cases. The C/T genotype of the TLR-4 gene in the SNP rs913930 sequence was closely associated with the EAD development (OR 4.8 to 1; p = 0.047; 95% CI 1–23.4). Рatients with the donor’s liver C/T genotype had a reliably higher proportion (%) of the HMGB1 positive hepatocytes in the donor’s bioptate, 21 (17–29%) vs the СС+TT genotypes, 16 (10–19%) (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0.01). The CD68 expression in the liver bioptate at the donor’s stage was reliably higher in the carriers of heterozygotes in the SNP rs913930 (C/T genotype) and in the SNP rs5030717 (AG genotype), (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0.03). Signifi cant positive correlation between the CD68 expression in the donor’s liver bioptates and the IL-23 level in the hepatic vein has been determined in an hour after the portal reperfusion (ρ = 0.62; p = 0.04) as well as between the HMGB1 expression in the donor’s liver bioptates and the АSТ level in 24 hours after the reperfusion (r = 0.4; p = 0.02). The HMGB1 staining in the donor’s liver bioptates was higher in the EAD patients, 21 (20; 29) cells/mm2 in comparison with the patients without EAD, 16 (12; 18) (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0.0036). Conclusion. The early allograft liver dysfunction is associated with the genetic predisposition caused by the TLR-4 gene polymorphism and is implemented via the HMGB1, Kupffer cells and IL-23 activation. Цель исследования. Оценить ассоциации генотипов клинически значимых последовательностей нуклеотидов rs11536865, rs913930 и rs5030717 гена TLR-4 с риском возникновения и выраженностью ранней дисфункции трансплантатов печени. Материалы и методы. Для достижения поставленной цели было организованно исследование «случай–контроль», включавшее 71 пациента. Критерии включения: трансплантация печени от умершего донора. Критерии исключения: трансплантация от родственного донора, редуцированный графт, возраст реципиента менее 18 лет. Результаты. В пределах rs5030717 были выявлены три генотипа: AA (81,6%) и два генотипа с минорной аллелью G – AG (12,6%) и GG (5,6%). В пределах rs913930 были выявлены 3 генотипа: TT (59,1%) и два генотипа с минорной аллелью С – TC (29,5%), CC (11,2%). Изучение rs11536865 не выявило полиморфизма (генотип – GG). Ранняя дисфункция трансплантата печени развилась у 19,7% пациентов, тяжелая ранняя дисфункция трансплантата – 11,2%, септические осложнения – 14%, острое клеточное отторжение – 23,9%. Генотип C/T гена TLR-4 в последовательности SNP rs913930 имеет сильную связь с развитием ранней дисфункции трансплантата (Отношение шансов 4,8:1; p = 0,047; 95% ДИ 1–23,4). Пациенты с генотипом донорской печени С/T имели достоверно большую пропорцию HMGB1 (%) положительных гепатоцитов в донорском биоптате, 21 (17–29)%, по сравнению с генотипами СС+TT, 16 (10–19)% (Mann–Whitney p = 0,01). Экспрессии CD68 в биоптате печени на этапе донорского забора достоверно выше у носителей гетерозигот по SNP rs913930 (генотип C/T) и SNP rs5030717 (генотип AG), (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0,03). Получена достоверная корреляция между экспрессией CD68 в биоптатах печени доноров и уровнем IL-23 в печеночных венах трансплантата через 1 час после реперфузии (ρ = 0,62; p = 0,04) и между экспрессией HMGB1 в биоптатах печени доноров и уровнем АСТ через 24 часа после реперфузии (r = 0,4; p = 0,02). Экспрессия HMGB1 в биоптатах печени доноров была больше у пациентов с РДТ, 21 (20; 29) кл/мм2 , по сравнению с пациента- ми без РДТ 16 (12; 18) (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0,0036). Заключение. Ранняя дисфункция трансплантата имеет генетические предпосылки, обусловленные полиморфизмом гена TLR-4 и реализующиеся через активацию HMGB1, клеток Купфера и IL-23.


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    Aim. The purpose of our work was to estimate the impact of preconditioning with acetylcysteine and sevoflurane on ischemia-reperfusion injury of cadaveric donor liver with marginal features. Methods and results. In this prospective randomized controlled trial we recruited 21 heart beating donors with brain death. We assigned 11 donors to the study group, and 10 donors to the control group. Morphological characteristics of ischemia- reperfusion injury in both groups were analyzed. Conclusion. Use of pharmacological preconditioning with acetylcysteine and sevoflurane resulted in necrosis and hepatocyte apoptosis reduction as compared to the control group, thereby had a protective effect against ischemia-reperfusion injury. Целью нашей работы явилась оценка влияния прекондиционирования ацетилцистеином и севофлюра- ном на степень ишемически-реперфузионного повреждения печени умерших доноров с признаками мар- гинальности. Методы и результаты. Дизайн исследования – проспективное, контролируемое, рандо- мизированное исследование. Исследование было проведено на 21 доноре с умершим головным мозгом и бьющимся сердцем. В основную группу исследования вошли 11 доноров, в контрольную группу 10. В основной группе определялись морфологические признаки ишемически-реперфузионного поврежде- ния после прекондиционирования ацетилцистеином и севофлюраном, в группе сравнения – без прекон- диционирования. Заключение. Применение фармакологического прекондиционирования севофлюраном и ацетилцистеином достоверно привело к уменьшению степени некроза и апоптоза гепатоцитов по срав- нению с группой сравнения, т. е. обладает протективным эффектом от ишемически-реперфузионного повреждения.


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    Objective: to compare the degree of sympathetic blockade caused by thoracic epidural or bilateral paravertebral anesthesia. Superior mesenteric artery blood flow was measured calculating the coefficient of flow resistance (resistance index) as an indicator of the degree of sympathetic block in patients undergoing high-traumaticity operations on the upper abdominal organs under thoracic epidural or bilateral paravertebral anesthesia. The patients of both groups were noted to develop sympathetic blockade with a statistically significant reduction in vascular resistance (resistance index) of the superior mesenteric artery and with an increase in blood flow in the visceral bed. The degree of sympathetic blockade was statistically significantly higher in patients under epidural anesthesia. Conclusion. Bilateral thoracic paravertebral blockade decreases sympathetic nervous system activation and may be used during high-traumaticity surgery if there are existing or predictable contraindications to epidural anesthesia. Цель исследования - сравнение выраженности симпатической блокады, обусловленной грудной эпидуральной или билатеральной паравертебральной анестезией. Проведены измерения кровотока по верхней брыжеечной артерии с расчётом коэффициента сопротивления потоку (индекса резис­тентности) как показателя выраженности симпатического блока у пациентов, которым выполняли высокотравматичные операции на органах верхнего этажа брюшной полости в условиях грудной эпидуральной или билатеральной паравертебральной анестезии. У пациентов обеих групп отмечались развитие симпатической блокады со статистически значимым снижением сосудистого сопротивления (индекса резистентности) верхней брыжеечной артерии и увеличение кровотока в висцеральном бассейне. Выраженность симпатической блокады была статистически значимо выше у пациентов с эпидуральной анестезией. Заключение. Билатеральная грудная паравертебральная блокада снижает активацию симпатичес­кой нервной системы и может быть применена при выполнении оперативных вмешательств высокой травматичности при имеющихся или прогнозируемых противопоказаниях к проведению эпидуральной анестезии

    Development of Harmonized COVID-19 Occupational Questionnaires

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    Harmonized tools and approaches for data collection can help to detect similarities and differences within and between countries and support the development, implementation, and assessment of effective and consistent preventive strategies. We developed open source occupational questionnaires on COVID-19 within COVID-19 working groups in the OMEGA-NET COST action (Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts, omeganetcohorts.eu), and the EU funded EPHOR project (Exposome project for health and occupational research, ephor-project.eu). We defined domains to be included in order to cover key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where possible, we selected questionnaire items and instruments from existing questionnaire resources. Both a general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire and a specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire are available. The general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire covers key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the domains: COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention, Health and demographics, Use of personal protective equipment and face covering, Health effects, Work-related effects (e.g. change in work schedule and work–life balance), Financial effects, Work-based risk factors (e.g. physical distancing, contact with COVID-19-infected persons), Psychosocial risk factors, Lifestyle risk factors, and Personal evaluation of the impact of COVID-19. For each domain, additional questions are available. The specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire focusses on occupational risk factors and mitigating factors for SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID-19 disease and includes questions about the type of job, amount of home working, social distancing, human contact (colleagues, patients, and members of the public), commuting, and use of personal protective equipment and face coverings. The strength of this initiative is the broad working life approach to various important issues related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 disease, and potentially future pandemics. It requires further work to validate the questionnaires, and we welcome collaboration with researchers willing to do this. A limitation is the moderate number of questions for each of the domains in the general questionnaire. Only few questions on general core information like ethnicity, demographics, lifestyle factors, and general health status are included, but the OMEGA-NET questionnaires can be integrated in existing questionnaires about sociodemographic and health-related aspects. The questionnaires are freely accessible from the OMEGA-NET and the EPHOR homepages


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    The liver is an essential player in the pathway of coagulation in both primary and secondary hemostasis as it is the site of synthesis of all coagulation factors and their inhibitors. Liver diseases are associated with complex changes in coagulation and the delicate balance between pro and antithrombotic factors is preserved but reset to a lower level. There is growing evidence that portal and hepatic vein thrombosis is cause of disease progression in cirrhotic patients and worsens hemostatic abnormalities. These hemostatic abnormalities do not always lead to spontaneous bleeding, which may be triggered only by additional factors, such as infections. Usually therapy for coagulation disorders in liver disease is needed only during bleeding or before invasive procedures. In patients with end stage liver disease liver transplantation is the only treatment available, which can restore normal hemostasis, and correct genetic clotting defects. During liver transplantation hemorrhage may occur due to the pre-existing hypocoagulable state, the collateral circulation caused by portal hypertension and increased fibrinolysis