2,167 research outputs found

    Curved noncommutative torus and Gauss--Bonnet

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    We study perturbations of the flat geometry of the noncommutative two-dimensional torus T^2_\theta (with irrational \theta). They are described by spectral triples (A_\theta, \H, D), with the Dirac operator D, which is a differential operator with coefficients in the commutant of the (smooth) algebra A_\theta of T_\theta. We show, up to the second order in perturbation, that the zeta-function at 0 vanishes and so the Gauss-Bonnet theorem holds. We also calculate first two terms of the perturbative expansion of the corresponding local scalar curvature.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Noncommutative Geometry and The Ising Model

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    The main aim of this work is to present the interpretation of the Ising type models as a kind of field theory in the framework of noncommutative geometry. We present the method and construct sample models of field theory on discrete spaces using the introduced tools of discrete geometry. We write the action for few models, then we compare them with various models of statistical physics. We construct also the gauge theory with a discrete gauge group.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, TPJU - 18/92, December 199

    Black hole evaporation based upon a q-deformation description

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    A toy model based upon the qq-deformation description for studying the radiation spectrum of black hole is proposed. The starting point is to make an attempt to consider the spacetime noncommutativity in the vicinity of black hole horizon. We use a trick that all the spacetime noncommutative effects are ascribed to the modification of the behavior of the radiation field of black hole and a kind of q-deformed degrees of freedom are postulated to mimic the radiation particles that live on the noncommutative spacetime, meanwhile the background metric is preserved as usual. We calculate the radiation spectrum of Schwarzschild black hole in this framework. The new distribution deviates from the standard thermal spectrum evidently. The result indicates that some correlation effect will be introduced to the system if the noncommutativity is taken into account. In addition, an infrared cut-off of the spectrum is the prediction of the model.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Gravity in Non-Commutative Geometry

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    We study general relativity in the framework of non-commutative differential geometry. In particular, we introduce a gravity action for a space-time which is the product of a four dimensional manifold by a two-point space. In the simplest situation, where the Riemannian metric is taken to be the same on the two copies of the manifold, one obtains a model of a scalar field coupled to Einstein gravity. This field is geometrically interpreted as describing the distance between the two points in the internal space.Comment: ZU-TH-30/1992 and ETH/TH/92/44, 11 pages. (The earlier version of this paper was the incomplete and unedited file which accidently replaced the corrected file

    On a Classification of Irreducible Almost Commutative Geometries, A Second Helping

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    We complete the classification of almost commutative geometries from a particle physics point of view given in hep-th/0312276. Four missing Krajewski diagrams will be presented after a short introduction into irreducible, non-degenerate spectral triples.Comment: 11 page

    Gravity coupled with matter and foundation of non-commutative geometry

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    We first exhibit in the commutative case the simple algebraic relations between the algebra of functions on a manifold and its infinitesimal length element dsds. Its unitary representations correspond to Riemannian metrics and Spin structure while dsds is the Dirac propagator ds = \ts \!\!---\!\! \ts = D^{-1} where DD is the Dirac operator. We extend these simple relations to the non commutative case using Tomita's involution JJ. We then write a spectral action, the trace of a function of the length element in Planck units, which when applied to the non commutative geometry of the Standard Model will be shown (in a joint work with Ali Chamseddine) to give the SM Lagrangian coupled to gravity. The internal fluctuations of the non commutative geometry are trivial in the commutative case but yield the full bosonic sector of SM with all correct quantum numbers in the slightly non commutative case. The group of local gauge transformations appears spontaneously as a normal subgroup of the diffeomorphism group.Comment: 30 pages, Plain Te

    Noncommutative Geometry and the standard model with neutrino mixing

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    We show that allowing the metric dimension of a space to be independent of its KO-dimension and turning the finite noncommutative geometry F-- whose product with classical 4-dimensional space-time gives the standard model coupled with gravity--into a space of KO-dimension 6 by changing the grading on the antiparticle sector into its opposite, allows to solve three problems of the previous noncommutative geometry interpretation of the standard model of particle physics: The finite geometry F is no longer put in "by hand" but a conceptual understanding of its structure and a classification of its metrics is given. The fermion doubling problem in the fermionic part of the action is resolved. The spectral action of our joint work with Chamseddine now automatically generates the full standard model coupled with gravity with neutrino mixing and see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses. The predictions of the Weinberg angle and the Higgs scattering parameter at unification scale are the same as in our joint work but we also find a mass relation (to be imposed at unification scale).Comment: Typos removed, to appear in JHE

    The Gravitational Sector in the Connes-Lott Formulation of the Standard Model

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    We study the Riemannian aspect and the Hilbert-Einstein gravitational action of the non-commutative geometry underlying the Connes-Lott construction of the action functional of the standard model. This geometry involves a two-sheeted, Euclidian space-time. We show that if we require the space of forms to be locally isotropic and the Higgs scalar to be dynamical, then the Riemannian metrics on the two sheets of Euclidian space-time must be identical. We also show that the distance function between the two sheets is determined by a single, real scalar field whose VEV sets the weak scale.Comment: Latex file, 29 page

    The Moyal Sphere

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    We construct a family of constant curvature metrics on the Moyal plane and compute the Gauss-Bonnet term for each of them. They arise from the conformal rescaling of the metric in the orthonormal frame approach. We find a particular solution, which corresponds to the Fubini-Study metric and which equips the Moyal algebra with the geometry of a noncommutative sphere.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    A Short Survey of Noncommutative Geometry

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    We give a survey of selected topics in noncommutative geometry, with some emphasis on those directly related to physics, including our recent work with Dirk Kreimer on renormalization and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. We discuss at length two issues. The first is the relevance of the paradigm of geometric space, based on spectral considerations, which is central in the theory. As a simple illustration of the spectral formulation of geometry in the ordinary commutative case, we give a polynomial equation for geometries on the four dimensional sphere with fixed volume. The equation involves an idempotent e, playing the role of the instanton, and the Dirac operator D. It expresses the gamma five matrix as the pairing between the operator theoretic chern characters of e and D. It is of degree five in the idempotent and four in the Dirac operator which only appears through its commutant with the idempotent. It determines both the sphere and all its metrics with fixed volume form. We also show using the noncommutative analogue of the Polyakov action, how to obtain the noncommutative metric (in spectral form) on the noncommutative tori from the formal naive metric. We conclude on some questions related to string theory.Comment: Invited lecture for JMP 2000, 45
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