85 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study on the Influence of Online Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Royal Jordanian Airline

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    The aims of this paper is to examine the relationships of online service quality dimensions with customers’ satisfaction towards e-ticket system in Royal Jordanian Airlines. The proposed instrument dimensions are identified based on a questionnaire survey conducted in Jordan. Based on an extensive review of literature, this paper proposed five dimensions for measuring online service quality on customer satisfaction. The results show significant relationships among the online service quality dimensions (Responsiveness, Contact, Efficiency and privacy), and customer satisfaction. The results are important to enable managers to have a better understanding of the key online service quality dimensions that influence customer satisfaction. The primary limitations of this research are the scope and size of its sample. Keywords: online service quality, Responsiveness, Compensation, Contact, Efficiency and privacy and customer satisfaction

    Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance: The Moderating Effect of Supply Chain Complexity

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    This study investigates the relationship between various factors in supply chain management (customer relationship, level of information, sharing postponement, sharing quality of information, and strategic supplier partnership) and their impact on organizational performance. This research relies on primary data collected through the use of questionnaires. The research will concentrate on Jordans tourist industry. Only 261 were approved and examined using SmartPLS.The results of the study indicate that sharing postponement, sharing quality of information, and strategic supplier partnership have a strong positive impact on organizational performance. However, the relationship between customer relationship and organizational performance is not statistically significant. The relationship between level of information and organizational performance is statistically significant. These findings suggest that organizations can improve their performance by implementing strategies to manage and optimize these factors in their supply chain. This study also evidenced that Supply Chain Complexity as moderator helps increase organiizational performance by interacting with Strategic Supplier Partnership, Level of Information, Sharing Quality of Information, Sharing Postponement. However, it should be noted that there is some inconsistency in the results compared to previous studies, and the relationship between these factors and organizational performance is still not fully understood. This highlights the need for further research in this area to gain a better understanding of how these factors impact organizational performance

    Evaluation of the Contents of the Five Stars Hotel Website and Customer Orientation

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    The objectives of this study are multifold: to investigate the functionality of hotel websites through a content review and to gauge customer perceptions of the value of hotel website design. To conduct the study, hotel websites were combed for numerical and visual information. Providers of information are evaluated based on their unique and comprehensive expertise measurements. The research is based on two key components: a report on all 37 five-star hotels in Jordan that analyzes their website layout in terms of population, and a survey of 100 hotel guests to ascertain how they interpret hotel websites. This proposed study is the first of its kind, with the objective of establishing a methodology for evaluating all hotel measurements provided by hotel websites. The following are the findings: When the independent variable (marketing orientation) has a value of T = 7.519, the coefficient of simple linear regression has statistical significance (Customer Orientation). The fact that Aqaba Zone Advertising and Customer Oriented Classified Hotels have a statistically significant effect on their categorization is acknowledged, as Aqaba Zone Advertising and Customer Oriented Classified Hotels have a significant effect on the coefficient of simple linear regression equation (0.605). As a result, hotel management may employ a specific predictive evaluation model to analyze their hotels websites from two perspectives: that of the management team and that of the consumers. For the first time, this analysis brings together claims from both perspectives (hotel managers and clients)

    Visitor Management System Design and Implementation during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    In todays computer technology environment, the effect of IT plays a significant part in all real-time systems. Various management systems are in place to help the company organization achieve profit, standards, and future commercial growth. The VMS is important for monitoring how many visitors are there, what the objective of the facility visit will be, and who will be put in the block listed record due to rule violation. This technology also protects the buildings overall security. The goal of this system is to synchronize the organizations business and visitors in order to achieve a wonderful connection among organizations globally. The background was compiled from many papers that discussed similar subjects and were connected to the system. In addition, the limitations and analyses of the present system have been addressed in order to demonstrate the organizations demands for a new system. In part three, we will go through the project planning, covering the feasibility study, Gantt chart, and software methodology in specific stages. Stepping on functional and non- functional requirements of the system, it is covered in the same chapter, as well as the system steps in the implementation part of section four, and finally with clear and direct conclusion and recommendations in section five with future work of the visitor management system, which will be added after the system is implanted in the organization and other related organizations

    The Impact of Employee Management on Organizational Performance in Dubais Five-Star Hotel Sector

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    The paper investigates the relationship between employee management and organizational performance in Dubais five-star hotel industry. The social survey technique was used to collect, categorize, and analyze data in order to draw conclusions that meet the research objectives, as the questionnaire was administered to workers in five-star hotels in Dubai to gather data that answered the research questions. The researcher collected 283 copays from 500 surveys, but only 247 were complete and usable. To determine the reliability of the measurement items for each variable, an internal consistency check was performed. The study found that organizational performance is positively correlated with employee management, and that organizational systems, structure, and physical environment all have an impact on employee management, as well as employee management having an impact on organizational performance. Employee management is one of the strategies used by hotels to improve their performance. The health, success, and expansion of any business are heavily dependent on its employees ability to get along with one another. Positive interactions among coworkers increase workplace productivity

    The Impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the Security Staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the Hotel

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    Hotels guests and employees have acquired a huge number of studies and research, while the security department staff, who are responsible for the hotels security and customers, did not get the researchers attention. Therefore, the study is conducted to highlight an important section in the hospitality industry that has been neglected. The quantitative approach was utilized to explore the impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Hotel Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the security staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the hotel. An online questionnaire is designed and sent to the directors of the security department of the hotels. Results revealed that Hotel Administration, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectations impact their desire to continue working at the hotel. The study has contributed theoretically to fill this gap in the literature caused by the scarcity of studies that targeted the work health of the security department staff. The study also contains many practical aspects that help hotel management pay great attention to the hotel security department

    Ownership Structure and the CEO Compensations: An Empirical Study on Bahrain Commercial Banks

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    The present paper aims to investigate the relationship between the ownership structure and the CEOs compensation for commercial banks listed on Bahrain Bourse. The sample consisted of published data for seven Bahraini banks from 2015 to 2019. The study employed Panel Data as this type of data includes both Cross-Sectional Data and Time-Series Data, which consider individual and time factors whose effects on the dependent variable cannot be observed. Data were collected and extracted from the annual financial reports of the 7 Bahraini commercial banks from 2015 to 2019. The results showed a negative statistically significant relationship between institutional ownership, foreign ownership, and the executive directors compensation. Moreover, institutional ownership and foreign ownership decreased the compensation paid to the CEO. In addition, there was a positive statistically significant relationship between family ownership and the executive director’s compensation. Also, the greater the family ownership, the greater the compensation paid to the CEO. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant relationship between the administrative ownership, the size of the bank, the age of the bank and the compensation of the CEO. Besides, the administrative ownership did not affect the compensation paid to the CEO. The study recommends that the authorities should encourage commercial banks to use administrative ownership in achieving convergence of interests between management and shareholders to restrict the beneficial behavior of management as well as consider the possibility of developing appropriate mechanisms to protect the rights of individual shareholders from the consequences of the problem of information discrepancy

    The Impact of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Non-Financial Perspectives on the Financial Performance of Private Universities

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    There are numerous attributed performance measures and investments to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) but empirical research and literature still lacks sufficient evidence of the effectiveness and improvement of organizational financial performance with respect to its multiple perspectives. BSC model perspectives are four in number, namely learning and growth, internal process, customers and financial perspective. In this paper, the impact of non-financial BSC perspectives on the financial performance of Private Universities (PUs) in Yemen is empirically examined. The study used Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) on data culled from 136 faculties, to determine the impact of three non-financial BSC perspectives on the financial performance of the institutions. The results showed that there were statistically significant positive correlations between Customer Perspective, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth, and Financial Performance. There was a positive correlation between an increase of 0.221 in Customer Perspective and a 2.341 rise in financial efficiency. In similar vein, a 3.827 improvement in Financial Performance was the consequence of a 0.346 improvement in Internal Process, while a 2.028 improvement in Financial Performance was the outcome of a 0.198 improvement in Learning and Growth

    Integration of Supply Chains and Operational Performance: The Moderating Effects of Knowledge Management

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    Supply chain integration (SCI) is a strategic process management technique that may be used to boost an organizations performance and thereby gain a competitive edge. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate both the direct effect of (SCI) on manufacturing firms operational performance and the moderating effect of knowledge management (KM) on the relationship between supplier integration (SI), customer integration (CI), internal integration (II), and operational performance (OP). The study analyzed survey data from 277 Jordanian manufacturing and industrial businesses using the PLS–Structural Equation method. According to the data, (CI), (II), and (SI) are all positively and significantly associated with operational success. (CI), (II), and (SI) all have a strong and beneficial moderate relationship with (OP). There is, however, no connection between (KM) and (OP). Furthermore, further research may be conducted to assess the applicability of the findings from this study to other populations of varied sizes in other countries. A long-term study that tracks the growth of different measures might provide further insight on the relationship between SCI and OP

    The Effect of Board Characteristics on Intellectual Capital in the Commercial Banks Sector Listed on the Bahrain Bourse: An Empirical Study

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    This present paper aims to examine the effect of Board Characteristics (Size, Independence, Board meeting, Nationality diversity, and Educational level diversity) on intellectual capital (IC) performance of banks listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. The study is based on an analysis of the annual reports of a sample of (7) Bahraini banks from 2014 to 2018. The study also used the method of correlation and regression to analyze the relationship between the variables. The results indicated a significant interest in good governance practices in the Bahraini business environment. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the size of the Board of Directors, the independence of the Board of Directors and the performance of intellectual capital. However, there was no significant relationship between the number of meetings, diversity in nationality, diversity in educational level, and the performance of intellectual capital. Furthermore, there was a relationship between the size of the Board of Directors and the performance of intellectual capital. The study recommends conducting further research to identify the other variables that may have an impact on the performance of intellectual capital
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