33 research outputs found

    Zorgvuldigheid in omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wdkb

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    Het project had als doel om te komen tot een concreet advies over de onderbouwing van de leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (Wdkb). Daarbij is niet alleen gekeken naar wat de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten zijn, maar ook welke voorwaarden en/of zorgvuldigheidseisen bij een eventuele verlaging of wijziging van de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten gelden. Daartoe werden donorkinderen, ouders, donoren, en hulpverleners die het contact begeleiden tussen donor en donorkind geïnterviewd

    Zorgvuldigheid in omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wdkb

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    Het project had als doel om te komen tot een concreet advies over de onderbouwing van de leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (Wdkb). Daarbij is niet alleen gekeken naar wat de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten zijn, maar ook welke voorwaarden en/of zorgvuldigheidseisen bij een eventuele verlaging of wijziging van de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten gelden. Daartoe werden donorkinderen, ouders, donoren, en hulpverleners die het contact begeleiden tussen donor en donorkind geïnterviewd

    Spiritual conversation model for patients and loved ones in palliative care: a validation study

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    This dataset is for follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    How to attune to spiritual sources of strength of people with mild to moderate dementia

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    How can existential or spiritual strengths be fostered in palliative care? An interpretative synthesis of recent literature

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    Better spiritual support for people living with early stage dementia: Developing the diamond conversation model

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    How can existential or spiritual strengths be fostered in palliative care? An interpretative synthesis of recent literature

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    How to provide existential and spiritual support to people with mild to moderate dementia and their loved ones. A pilot study.

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    Spiritual conversation model for patients and loved ones in palliative care: a validation study

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    This dataset is for follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    How to attune to spiritual sources of strength of people with mild to moderate dementia

    No full text
    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description