15 research outputs found

    How puzzles are shaping our understanding of biodiversity: A call for more research into biodiversity representation in educational games

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    Games as a didactic tool (e. g., puzzles) are gaining recognition in environmental education to promote skill development, but also to develop a specific understanding of the natural world. However, a children’s puzzle containing representations of nature may unwillingly lead to “misconceptions” of biodiversity themes and processes, and an over-simplification of the relationship between people and nature. To solve this problem, positive connotations of biodiversity may prompt a conceptual change to a more nuanced, multifaceted conception of biodiversity

    Engineers of Life? A Critical Examination of the Concept of Life in the Debate on Synthetic Biology

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    The concept of life plays a crucial role in the debate on synthetic biology. The first part of this chapter outlines the controversial debate on the status of the concept of life in current science and philosophy. Against this background, synthetic biology and the discourse on its scientific and societal consequences is revealed as an exception. Here, the concept of life is not only used as buzzword but also discussed theoretically and links the ethical aspects with the epistemological prerequisites and the ontological consequences of synthetic biology. The second part examines this point of intersection and analyses some of the issues which are discussed in terms of the concept of life. The third part turns to the history of the concept of life. It offers an examination of scientific and philosophical discourses on life at the turn of the 20th century and suggests a surprising result: In the light of this history, synthetic biology leads to well-known debates, arguments, notions and questions. But it is concluded that the concept of life is too ambiguous and controversial to be useful for capturing the actual practice of synthetic biology. In the fourth part I argue that with regard to the ethical evaluation of synthetic biology, the ambiguity of the concept of life is not as problematic as sometimes held because other challenges are more important. The question whether the activity of synthetic biological systems should be conceived as life or not is primarily theoretical

    Integrative research efforts at the boundary of biodiversity and global change research

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    Global environmental change and biodiversity loss are closely linked through different feedback mechanisms. The University of Zurich Research Priority Programme on ‘Global Change and Biodiversity’ approach is to work with interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity to integrate mechanisms of interactions, feedback and scale and improve our understanding of the feedbacks between global change and biodiversity effects. Such work across research disciplines is not without its challenges. Here we share some of the questions that arose from our research approach over the last five years and how we addressed these challenges. First, our transdisciplinary approach allows combining different disciplines into a more holistic perspective towards integrative research, but demands collaborative work to establish common terminology, concepts, and metrics. Second, the research theme's common perspective (biodiversity is desirable, global change is not) may also induce a confirmation bias from preconceived ideas. Third, new challenges emerge from scaling mechanisms and feedbacks at different spatial and temporal scales. Fourth, we investigate how to relate biodiversity, global change, ecosystem services and functions using interdisciplinary approaches. Fifth, we identify gaps between existing experiments and data requirements, and propose the definition of new experimental setups by linking processes and performing experiments at typical experimental scales as well as at larger scales. We conclude by emphasising the necessity to integrate theory, experiments, modelling and simulation, high performance computing and big data to understand feedbacks between biodiversity loss and processes of global change

    The conception of life in synthetic biology

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    The phrase 'synthetic biology' is used to describe a set of different scientific and technological disciplines, which share the objective to design and produce new life forms. This essay addresses the following questions: What conception of life stands behind this ambitious objective? In what relation does this conception of life stand to that of traditional biology and biotechnology? And, could such a conception of life raise ethical concerns? Three different observations that provide useful indications for the conception of life in synthetic biology will be discussed in detail: 1. Synthetic biologists focus on different features of living organisms in order to design new life forms, 2. Synthetic biologists want to contribute to the understanding of life, and 3. Synthetic biologists want to modify life through a rational design, which implies the notions of utilising, minimising/optimising, varying and overcoming life. These observations indicate a tight connection between science and technology, a focus on selected aspects of life, a production-oriented approach to life, and a design-oriented understanding of life. It will be argued that through this conception of life synthetic biologists present life in a different light. This conception of life will be illustrated by the metaphor of a toolbox. According to the notion of life as a toolbox, the different features of living organisms are perceived as various rationally designed instruments that can be used for the production of the living organism itself or secondary products made by the organism. According to certain ethical positions this conception of life might raise ethical concerns related to the status of the organism, the motives of the scientists and the role of technology in our society