2,330 research outputs found
Peranan Komunikasi Antarpersona Orang Tua Terhadap Kemampuan Penyesuaian Sosial Siswa Di Sekolah
Many factors contribute student's failure in social adaptation. Parents busy schedule, the lack of quality in communication and interaction, also interpersonal communication failure are exemplars of such factors. In order to improve student's ability to successfully adapt themselves in social spaces, a strong interpersonal communication was needed. DeVito outlined some characteristics of interpersonal communication: openness, empathy, supportiveness, positiveness, and equality. By applying the principles of interpersonal communication, parents could help their children socialization in school. In turn, it could help their children to gain better academic achievements
Public Perception of Visual Quality of Cut Mutia Mosque Park as Public Space in Jakarta
Cut Mutia Park is a city park which is an integral part and attached to the main courtyard of the mosque cut mutia. This park is a green open space that serves as a public space and generate the aesthetics of the city. There are seven critical elements that need to be studied to determine the public\u27s perception of the park. Knowledgeable public perception of these elements, useful for city authorities in the development of city parks for future. The results of the research showed that of the seven elements studied, only two elements of which will be a positive perception, namely aspects of cleanliness and coolness, while five other aspects got a negative perception. As a result, generally Cut Mutia Parks research object only gets the value perception of -0.24. Details of the value obtained by each of these aspects are: -0.52 for comfortability; +0.13 for cleanliness; -0.003 for freshness; +0.26 for coolness; -0.77 for harmony level; -0.42 for beauty level; and -0.32 for interesting presented. Low perception from respondents indicated that Cut Mutia Park need better design such that it can give added value to the mosque and the environment surrounding. At the end can be said that the city authorities need to further improve attention in structuring of the park, to makes Cut Mutia Park become more comfortable, interesting and favored by the public, and also strengthening the power of the mosque as the central point
Informasi Dalam Perspektif Islam
Today we faced an increasing number and forms of information delivered from media channels throughout the world. The speed of change and the reach of (tele)communication technology has shaped a new way of communication methods, new audience behavior, which in turn also created a new cultural landscape. In Islamic perspective, information and communication activities were perceived as a way to deliver thoughtful and moral messages to people. The essence of communication lies in the process of expressing message effectively by communications facilities. Communication must be done repeatedly in order to reach intended effects. A communicator, therefore, has to acquire basics of communication method to touch his/her audience. This article points out some basics of Islamic communication which are no different with the principles of general communication
Memaknai “Solilokui Para Penunggu Hutan” Marhalim Zaini
Sunday, February 1st 2015, Kompas published Marhalim Zaini's (MZ) poetry, titled “Solilokui Para Penunggu Hutan”. This poetry is interesting because it is related to MZ's oration when he was inaugurated as Seniman Pilihan Sagang 2011. In his oration, titled “Akulah Melayu yang Berlari (Percakapan-percakapan yang Tak Selesai tentang Ideologi dan Identitas Kultural)”, MZ showed the problem of his identity (as a Malay). The objectives of this article are to obtain the information about what/how the content of the text and to try getting to know how and why the poetry is presented. Due to the fact that the main problem is related to MZ's idea, thought, willingness, and/or critics of Lancang Kuning Land, the analysis of this article will apply structuralism theory with expressive and mimesis approach. The result shows that it is MZ's monologue with himself in order to express his feeling, hunch, inner conflict, and/or presented the information to readers about forest dwellers. It was not done by forest dwellers, but by MZ himself about the forest dwellers. It shows that if it is related to his anxiety so far (he was accused as a convert to Islam Malay), through his poetry “Solilokui Para Penunggu Hutan”, MZ is carrying out/will carry out his self-defense
Aplikasi Kafalah Di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Surabaya
The majority of Islamic banking products, it is actually a blend of conventional banking practices with the basic principles of economic transactions Isla>m. However, with his eloquence, Islamic banking products to be very extensive and complete than conventional products, one product is Shari'ah banking services kafa>lah (bank guarantee). Application warranty services at Bank Syariah Mandiri Surabaya branch using contract kafa>lah wadi'ah was included in the financing and banking as the same as the level of risk financing and for-profit alike. Basically the bank guarantee is allowed in Isla> m, while the contract is used in accordance with the operation performed, the application of which occurred in Bank Syariah Mandiri make contract kafa>lah and wadi'ah was and is an agreement in principle tabarru '(goodness) converted into contract tijarah (business) by placing kafa>lah was to find and take advantage of wages that exceed the mere replacement of the administrative costs. In accordance with the agreement of the scholars that it should not change the contract because a contract tabarru tijarah (business)
Visualisasi Teori Optimalisasi Biaya Transportasi Untuk Pembelajaran Riset Operasi
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penulis yang sama dengan judul Pengembangan Sarana Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer Untuk Teori Optimalisasi Biaya Transportasi. Sarana pembelajaran berbantuan komputer tersebut berwujud sebuah aplikasi perangkat lunak (software). Aplikasi ini dibangun untuk mensimulasikan materi perkuliahan riset operasi, khususnya tentang optimalisasi biaya transportasi sehingga menjadi salah satu alternatif sarana belajar bagi mahasiswa. Aplikasi ini bersifat dinamis, artinya mampu menerima masukan data yang ditentukan sendiri oleh pengguna dan pemecahan permasalahan transportasi bisa ditampilkan secara langkah demi langkah.Aplikasi hasil penelitian ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Pada penelitian sebelumnya aplikasi hanya mempresentasikan proses perhitungan pada tahap 1 proses optimalisasi yaitu menggunakan metode yaitu Vogel\u27s Aproximation Method, Minimum Cost Value, dan North West Corner. Pada penelitian kedua ini telah diterapkan metode lanjutan teknik optimalisasi biaya transportasi yaitu teknik Stepping Stone, sehingga menjadi semakin optimal.Aplikasi terdiri atas tiga bagian, yaitu bagian pengisian data lokasi supply dan lokasi demand, pengisian nilai supply dan demand di setiap lokasi supply dan lokasi demand, serta pengsian data biaya transportasi. Data yang telah diisikan akan diolah dengan teknik awal optimalisasi biaya transportasi yaitu salah satu metode Vogel\u27s Aproximation Method, Minimum Cost Value, atau North West Corner. Optimalisasi lanjutan dengan metode Stepping Stone. Informasi yang dihasilkan dari setiap metode adalah jumlah unit yang harus dikirimkan dari setiap lokasi supply ke lokasi demand tertentu sehingga meminimalkan biaya transportasi
Strategi Peningkatan Produksi Beras melalui Penekanan Susut Panen dan Pascapanen dengan Pendekatan Sistem Modeling: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat
Paddy loss during harvest and postharvest handling is a complicated system involving many elements, and they are inter-connected. Therefore, to overcome these issues, appropriate and sustainable strategies should be implemented. The purpose of this study was to analyze the leverage factors that can overcome the problems of post-harvest losses of rice by a dynamic system approach as a basis in formulating policy strategy. This research was conducted in Indramayu, West Java, from January to December 2012. The methodology used in this research was modelling system approach. Primary data collection was conducted by a questionnaire survey and interviews with stakeholders and farmers as respondents. Secondary data collection was obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics Centre (Jakarta) and regional (West Java), Regional Agriculture Services, Regional Industrial and Trade Services, Regional Population and Civil Registration Agency, Center for Agricultural and Food Security Agency. The results showed that the reduction of rice losses could be approached in two ways: technical approach and cultural approach. The technical approach could be developed by implementing a quality management system such as GHP and GMP, while the cultural approach could be implemented by creating new jobs. Application of the quality system would also encourage the revitalization in rice milling so that it would increase the yield, and so the application of the quality management system would contribute greatly to the production of dry unhulled rice as well as rice in Indramayu. The implementation of this strategy must consider the ability and readiness of the district, so that the strategies could be more realistic and easier to be implemented. The simulation results showed that the implementation of the strategy by using harvest and postharvest equipments to be accompanied by the implementation of GHP and GMP, may decrease shrinkage ranging from 5.58% to 10.14%, or the equivalent of rescuing MPD from 61,240 to 115,859 tons in 2020
Tanggung Jawab Direksi dalam Kepailitan Perseroan Terbatas
PT merupakan asosiasi modal, yaitu dalam pendirian PT secara formal selalu melibatkan dua atau lebih dari para pemodal, yang menggabungkan modalnya dalam satu PT itu, yang berupa pengambilan saham pada saat PT didirikan. Oleh karena itu, dalam PT, yang ditonjolkan adalah asosiasi modalnya bukan asosiasi orangnya, sehingga menimbulkan pertanggungjawaban yang terbatas dari pemodal. Organ-organ PT dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Direksi, dan Komisaris, yang senantiasa ada dalam setiap PT. Direksi yang merupakan salah satu organ dalam PT, yang melakukan semua kegiatan perseroan dan mewakili perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh atas kepengurusan PT. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya, direksi harus bertolak dari landasan bahwa tugas dan kedudukan yang diperolehnya berdasarkan pada beberapa prinsip dasar, yaitu Prinsip fiduciary duty, Prinsip duty of skill and care, prinsip duty of loyalty, dan Prinsip no secret profit rule doctrine of corporate opportuni. Dalam hal terjadi kepailitan PT, direksi dapat diminta pertanggungjawabannya, apabila direksi tersebut dalam penegelolaan PT terjadi kesalahan atau kelalaian. Metode penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu suatu bentuk penulisan yang melakukan studi kepustakaan. Studi kepustakaan adalah suatu bentuk penelitian yang hanya bersumber kepada data sekunder atau atau data yang telah ada
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