9 research outputs found

    小學職場的性別與權力:以臺灣女性教師抗爭為例 Gender and Power in the Primary Teaching Workplace: A Case of Women Teachers’ Struggle in Taiwan

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    本研究藉由臺灣小學職場超額教師情境,分析女教師抗拒男性權威的情形,探究女性的積極形象與職場上性別化的權力。研究資料來自臺灣南部某所小學,研究方法採用非參與者觀察及半結構式訪談。研究發現,女性沉默多數的形象是可以改變的;女教師因超額教師問題,展現她們的能力與熱忱,反抗男校長的權力。相較之下,男性教師參與抗爭是被動且不明確的。然而,女性教師認為男同事、男性特質的參與以及人際間的溝通、和諧有利於教師抗爭。研究結果顯示,職場性別與權力關係是複雜的:權力關係不僅存在於男、女性之間,也存在於男性之間,但是女性教師在職場遭受來自校長的負面經驗仍然可能多於男性,而男教師是支持校長、也是校長所信任的夥伴。 This article explores the image of women teachers as “proactive” and the manifestation of gendered power, with reference to the teacher surplus issue and an analysis of resistance to male power by female teachers in a campaign. The data presented were derived from an ethnographic study conducted at a Taiwanese primary school. Non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews were the main methods of data collection. The research suggests that the image of female teachers as a silent majority may be changing, with empirical illustrations of women displaying competence and dedication to challenge the power of the male principal. By contrast, the involvement of male teachers in this challenge seemed passive and obscure. However, the female teachers appeared to believe the participation of male teachers, their masculine presence as well as interpersonal communication and harmony were useful in facilitating their struggle. The findings expose the complexities of gender and power, which exist not only between women and men but also between men. It is argued that female teachers suffered more negative experiences than men as a result of the principal’s leadership and the structure of power relations, while male teachers were supportive and trusted allies of their principal

    『園治ㆍ興造論』 硏究(1) - 主者論을 중심으로

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    「興造論」은 중국 명나라 말기인 1634년에 출간된 計成의 조원이론서인 『園治』의 서론이다. 여기에서 먼저 計成과 『園治』에 대해 고찰해 보자. 計成(Ji Cheng, Chi Ch'eng)의 이력은 『園治』의 앞부분에 수록된 몇 개의 글로부터 밝혀지고 있는 바, 이를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 그의 이름을 보면 名은 成이고 字는 無否(Wupi)이고, 號는 否道人으로서 『園治』의 원전에는 저자가 計無否로 기록되어 있다. 그는 명나라 말기에 활약한 중국의 조원대가로서, 1582년 吳江懸(현 江蘇省 吳江懸)에서 태어났으며 사망 년대는 분명하게 밝혀지고 있지 않다. 그는 40대 이전까지는 강북지방 (현 북경 및 호남·호북성 일대)을 두루 돌아다니면서 화가로서 활동하였다고 한다. 그가 고향 땅인 강남지방으로 다시 돌아와서 주로 양자강 남북 연안에 원림을 조영하면서 조원가로서 이름을 ᄄᅠᆾㅣ기 시작한 시기는 40대 중반 이후로 추정된다. 이때 조영한 주요 정원들은 당대 명사들인 吳叉予를 위한 陵電(현江蘇省 常州市)의東第圈,汪士衡)의 東第圈,汪士衡을 위한 聾江(현 江蘇省 揚州市 儀徵縣)연안의 J嬉園,鄭元勳을 위한 江都縣(현江蘇省揚州市) 성밖의 J影園,阮大誠을 위한 南京의 .石巢園등으로 알려져 있다. 計無否는 이와 같은 조원 실무를 바탕으로 틈틈이 자신의 조원론을 적어두었는데, 그의 재주와 인품에 매료된 國主들과 文士들이 적극적으로 출판을 권유, 1631년부터 준비하여 그의 나이 53세 떄인 1634년에 (圈冶)라는 이름으로 발간한 것으로 추정된다

    동사의 결과 함축에 대한 대조연구

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    동사의 결과 함축에 대한 대조연구

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    Introduction and Application of the Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) and Related Assessment Instruments for Post-Acute Care

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    [[abstract]]已開發國家多面臨社會高齡化及慢性病罹患人口的增加,造成醫療費用上漲,為能提高醫療資源使用效率,提供更好的照護品質,陸續發展急性後期照護(Post-Acute Care, PAC);美國的急性後期照護包含技術性護理機構(skilled nursing facilities, SNFs)、居家健康服務單位(home health agency services, HHAs)、住院復健機構(inpatient rehabilitation facilities, IRFs)、及長期照護醫院(long term care hospital, LTCHs)四種型態,由於不同型態機構所使用評估表格不同,無法比較失能程度相似者利用四種不同型態服務,其花費與照護品質結果是否不同,因此美國先後發展「活動測量(Activity Measure for Post Acute Care, AM-PAC^TM)」、「社交參與測量(Participation measure for post-acute care, PM-PAC)」、及「連續性評估記錄(Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation, CARE)」等評估工具讓不同型態服務機構能夠通用。美國政府2014年通過「The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014」法案,提出2018 年將全面實施以「CARE」為評估工具,去檢測使用不同急性後期照型態但失能程度相似之個案,其費用及照護結果是否存在差異;本文擬介紹AM-PAC^TM、PM-PAC及CARE,並探討其對臺灣之啟示。 Medical expenses in developed countries are rising because of the aging society and the increased population of chronic diseases. In order to improve the efficiency of medical resource and the quality of care, post-acute care (PAC) has been developed. The PAC providers in the United States can be classified into four types, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health agency services (HHAs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and long term care hospital (LTCHs). Since different types of PAC providers use different assessment instruments, it is hard to compare the quality and medical expense between facilities that service PAC patients with similar case mix. The integrated assessment instruments such as Activity Measure for Post-acute Care (AM-PAC^TM), Participation Measure for Post-acute Care (PM-PAC), and Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) were developed to evaluate the differences in costs and outcomes for patients of similar case mix who use different types of PAC in the United States. The CARE will be fully implemented in each facility since 2018 by 'The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014'. This article introduces the assessment instruments, AM-PAC^TM, PM-PAC and CARE, and its' implication for Taiwan