51 research outputs found

    The Study on Performance Enhancements for Using Procona System in Flower

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    1.針對傳統立式容器清洗系統人事成本過高及清洗速度緩慢之問題,設計建置完善的進出料自動化設備,以降低使用之人力,提昇其效率與性能。 2.建立適用於花卉立式容器之RFID系統並研發花卉拍賣作業電子碼化體系與規劃適用RFID之花卉集運出貨作業自動化系統。1. In order to reduce the manpower used and to promote the efficiency and performance of clean-procona machine, the automatic feeding and outlet equipment will be designed according as the personnel cost is too high and the clean speed is too slow. 2.Establishing the RFID system suitable for procona system, designing EPC used in auctioned flower, and planning the automatic deliver and receicer system with RFID will be achieve in this research

    Development of Total Quantity Control and Pre-Warning System for Popular Vegetables in Wholesale Market

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    本計畫擬針對批發市場建立總量管制機制,藉資訊科技(IT)技術提供訊息建立一套資訊傳輸系統,使批發市場蔬果到貨量動態資訊讓農民、農民團體及市場相關人員隨時掌控,藉以調整各市場之供應量,除可避免殘貨,更可穩定市場供需,提高農民收益。This project purposes to establish the mechanism of total quantity control in wholesale market. The mechanism is achived by that farmers and farmers' group can get real time dynamics quantity of purchase about the fruits and vegetables wholesale market from the information transmission System implemented by information technique. According to above information, the supply quantity can be regulated and achieve overstocked quantity reduced, demand supply equilibrium, and increasing farmer's income

    The Study of Rational Packaging on Its Material and Standardization for Agricultural Product

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    1.新增訂定60種主要蔬果之品質分級標準化暨包裝規格化(含圖片)規範,並編定規範手冊,提高宣傳與應用效果。2.果菜批發市場批發交易用塑膠容器材質、規格及回收利用之研究及訂定。1.Newly revises 60 kinds of main vegetables' and fruits' quality gradings and the packing standardization (including pictures), and compiles the standard handbook, enhances the propaganda and the application effect.2.To research and revises the standard for plastic container about material quality, the specification and the recycling which was used in the fruits and vegetables wholesale market transaction

    Study on the Effect of Greenhouse Environment for Screening (I)

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    在政府有關單位及各界人士均在致力落實 園藝設施本土化之中,實施至今已有若干之成 果.而如何減緩夏季白天園藝設施內的高溫現 象,仍為發展本土化園藝設施中之一重要課題. 基於對被覆材料傳熱物理特性的了解以建立設 施內熱環境模式,將有助於本省園藝設施內高 溫問題之解決.在目前使用的被覆材料中,如玻 璃、塑膠布等國內外之相關研究繁多,對其傳 熱特性已有相當的認識.然對本省特有之覆蓋 於園藝設施通風開口部上的防蟲網,以何種傳 熱特性來影響溫室的熱環境,可說仍處於不甚 明瞭的階段.基於目前國內外防蟲網的基礎資 料欠缺之情況下,本研究乃藉量測防蟲網之熱 損失係數用以提供防蟲網對溫室熱環境影響解 析之基本研究資料為目的.進入設施內的日射 能經由防蟲網排除到設施外的熱能可分為傳導 、對流及通風等部分,其量之大小可歸納成防 蟲網的熱損失係數來判斷.而熱損失係數因風 速之不同,且因各防蟲網的構造、材質之不同 而改變.是以本研究收集目前國內所使用之防 蟲網,製作量測模型,並將模型置於風洞內,藉著 風洞形成相異之風速求得各不同風速條件下之 不同防蟲網的熱損失係數.本計畫之研究除有 助於本土化溫室熱環境模式之建立外,並可用 以評價冬天防蟲網浮動層覆蓋的保溫效果,期 能提供使用者選擇防蟲網及作為製造業者改良網目之參考

    The Development of Cleaning Technique and System for Export Fruits

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    本計畫已於94年開發出以物理性方法為主的農產品清洗系統雛型機,為超音波整合臭氧水之清洗設備,本年度將朝商品化的清洗系統發展,以每日處理一個貨櫃量為基礎,並加強清洗後水果品質的維護,及進行外銷模擬試驗,以符合外銷水果之實際需求。臭氧具強氧化力,多應用在廢水淨化上,臭氧可消滅水中細菌及病毒,對農藥的去除也有成效。超音波以每秒4萬6仟次的高速振動在液體中傳導、推動介質,使液體分子間產生無數微小真空氣泡,造成空穴效應(CAVITATION),可將附著在農產品表面及死角細縫之污垢打散剝離,達到徹底洗淨的效果。此計畫之執行將有利於國產水果開拓外銷契機,提供解決水果盛產期產量過盛問題之另一管道。Ozone has the capability of oxidation to clean the waste water, to eliminate the dangerous germ cells and viruses, and to remove some chemical residue. The ultrasonic wave generates tremendous infinitesimal bubbles with 64,000 Hz to make the cavitation effect. The cavitation effect can be used to remove the dust which stick on the surface or stay inside a hole or breakage. The developed system will be tested and evaluated via the products storage tests and quality evaluation. The conduction of this project will benefit the local fruits to enter the world market