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    The abundance of endemic species in Taiwan is a great natural treasure accomplished by a diverse altitude ranges due to violent tectonic activities and humid tropical weather conditions with ocean surrounded. With the characteristics of few flatlands, the slope lands are inevitable and have been developed for economic and social requirement gradually, which has caused habitation shrinking of animal and plant. Furthermore, Taiwan also suffers disasters such as striking of torrential rains and typhoons during summer season annually, and is vulnerable to landslide because of fragile geology which threats to the living things. Thus, to enhance the efficiency of vegetation recovery in landslide area can benefit the habitats of species. Typhoon Morakot induced landslides and vegetation recovery rate in Kao-Ping watershed can be quickly extracted and/or derived from the satellite images in this study. The biodiversity index established in the database of the watershed can then be applied to assess the treatment priority of landslides. The result shows that the highest landslide rate in Chi-Shan and Lao-Nong watersheds are Xiao-Lin and Ching-Shui Xi sub-watersheds respectively. For vegetation recovery rate, the downstream area is higher than upstream area. For treatment priority, the top 10 of sub-watersheds almost distribute in Lao-Nong watershed. It hopes that the result could provide the related authorities as the references of environmental restoration.台灣雖位處北回歸線,但因造山運動拱起4,000 公尺海拔落差,使台灣物種跨越熱帶、溫帶及寒帶,且四面環海及高溫多雨之島嶼氣候,孕育出許多台灣特有種生物,然台灣因高山多、平地少,在高人口密度下,居民為了生活不得不開發山坡地之原始森林,此舉壓縮了動、植物之生存空間,此外,台灣山高且地質破碎,夏季之暴雨或颱風易造成大規模之崩塌,除對當地居民造成威脅外,亦影響其他物種之生存環境,為此,如何加速崩塌地之植生復育,將有助於恢復各物種之棲地。本研究以莫拉克風災為事件,利用該事件前後期之衛星影像萃取集水區崩塌區位,另計算災後集水區植生復育良窳之熱點區位,最後以生物多樣性指數配合崩塌率及植生復育率評估集水區崩塌地治理之優選順序。研究結果顯示,旗山溪及荖濃溪集水區中崩塌率最高之子集水區分別為小林及清水溪;植生復育率則為下游高於上游區位;整體崩塌地治理優先順序中,得分最高之前10 處主要分布於荖濃溪集水區。期本研究之結果可作為相關生態保育單位於環境復育之參考


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    臺灣原有六個鹽場,總面積達六千餘公頃,惟歷經逐步裁廢,目前僅剩布袋、北門及七股三個鹽場,廢曬鹽田約有二千公頃,有些已自然演替為鹽生草澤或紅樹林。本研究就曬鹽田生育地土壤與積水性質、水位、以及植群分布、季節消長與演替加以探討,以供曬鹽田綠化之參考。鹽田積水之鹽分受海水引入、降水及蒸發等因素之影響,每年10月至翌年4月引入海水曬鹽,鹽分較高,電導度可高達60.9 mS/cm; 5-9月為雨季,鹽分略被稀釋。鹽田土壤pH值多在8以上。土壤鹽分偏高,尤以結晶池更高,電導度可高達63.9 mS/cm。鹽場之維管束植The seedlings of China-fir (Cuninghamia lanceolata) and Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) were treated with simulated acid rain, in order to understand whether seedling growth, ions leaching, and nutrient cntent in tissues were affected. Simulated acid

    Vegetation and Greenery of the Salterns in Taiwan

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    台灣原有六個鹽場,惟歷經逐步裁廢,目前僅剩布袋、北門及七股三個鹽 場,有些已自然演替為鹽生草澤或紅樹林,成為重要水鳥棲地。本研究就 廢曬鹽田生育地土壤與積水性質、水位、植群分布、季節消長與演替、適 生綠化樹種、植栽技術、綠帶規劃等加以探討,以供廢曬鹽田轉型利用及 綠帶營造之參考。鹽田積水之鹽分受海水引入、降水及蒸發等因素之影響 ,每年10月至翌年4月間引入海水曬鹽,鹽分較高,電導度可高達60.9 mS/cm;5~9月為雨季,鹽分可略被雨水稀釋。鹽田土壤pH多在8以上,屬 於中鹼性至強鹼性土壤。鹽場之維管束植物共調查到32科106種。實際曬 鹽之處,鹽分偏高,僅出現13科24種鹽生植物,主要為濱水菜及鹽地鼠尾 粟,其次為鹽定及海雀稗,局部有欖李及海茄苳入侵。植群覆蓋度主要隨 水位變動與季節變化而消長,鹽定及海雀稗受水位影響尤大。植群之入侵 廢曬鹽田,先從鹽分濃度較低之土堤開始,再往兩側侵入蒸發池內。濱水 菜為演替之先驅植物,之後其他鹽生草本鹽地鼠尾粟、鹽定、海雀稗,以 及鹽生木本欖李、海茄苳等逐漸入侵,接著為蘆葦、水燭、冬青菊、田菁 、水丁香、臭根子草、白茅、白花鬼針等一般草本,之後為馬纓丹、銀合 歡等灌木與小喬木,最後由黃槿、構樹、血桐等一般喬木取代。 依植栽 試驗結果,只要生育地之水文適宜,五梨跤及欖李成活率很高,可用於廢 曬鹽田之綠化。本研究並提出廢曬鹽田植栽與綠化之建議,以及配合廢曬 鹽田劃設水鳥保護區之綠帶規劃芻議,以供經營管理之參考。There were six salterns in Taiwan. Up to now, only three salterns are still under operation. Abandoned salt pans have naturally succeeded to salt marshes or mangroves which have become important habitats for waterfowls. This investigation is concerned with soil and water properties, water level, plant distribution, seasonal fluctuation, greenery plants and technique.The water salinity of salt pans was affected by seawater input, rainfall and evaporation. From October to April of the next year, seawater was introduced for salt production, and electrical conductivity could reach 60.9 mScm-1. In rainy season, the brines was somewhat diluted. The pH of salt pan soils was above 8. The vascular plants at the salterns include 106 species belonging to 32 families. There are only 24 species of halophytes at the salt pans under operation where soil and water salinity are extremely high. The primary plants are Sesuvium portulacastrum, Sporobolus virginicus, Suaeda maritima , Paspalum vaginatum, Lumnitzera racemosa and Avicennia marina. Plant cover was affected by water level and seasonal changes. The cover of Suaeda maritima and Paspalum vaginatum were particularly affected by water level.Generally, plants firstly established at the soil banks, and then invaded the concentrating ponds. Sesuvium portulacastrum was the pioneer plant of succession, then followed by other halophytes such as Sporobolus virginicus, Suaeda maritima, Paspalum vaginatum, Lumnitzera racemosa, and Avicennia marina, and then Phragmites communis, Typha orientalis, Pluchea indica, Sesbania cannabiana, Ludwigia octovalvis, Bothriochloa intermedia, Imperata cylindrica var. major and Bidens pilosa. Then nonhalophytic shrubs Based on the results of field experiments, Lumnitzera racemosa and Avicennia marina showed high survival rates and were suitable for greenery at the abandoned salt pans under proper hydrological conditions. This investigation also provides suggestions of the greenbelt establishment at the abandoned salt pans which converted to waterfowl sanctuary

    Landscape Assessment for Important Wetlands in Taiwan

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    溼地孕育豐富之生物多樣性與生物量,並且提供多樣之生態系服務功能,因此,溼地評估俾益溼地管理單位進行溼地之監測與管理。黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor)為東亞遷徙性水鳥,被列為瀕臨滅絕物種,每年有超過半數以上族群量於台灣度冬,族群量又以曾文溪口溼地最多,且不斷地增加與擴散,惟當棲地不連續時,生物於棲地間之遷移就顯得極其重要。本論文研究目的主要以台灣重要溼地為例,以常用於溼地地景評估分析之地景發展強度(Landscape Development Intensity,LDI)指數與地景指數(landscape metrics)進行溼地評估,並應用連結度概念,建構檢視黑面琵鷺停棲棲地品質與連結狀況之方法,評估其棲地分布與連結劃設。 本論文第2章,以地景生態角度思考,應用LDI指數於2007年台灣所公告之74處國家重要溼地地景評估,確認LDI評估與專家學者評選是否有相關,俾輔助國家重要溼地評選。該研究參考曾使用於美國佛羅里達州(Florida)溼地之LDI評估,以各溼地及其邊界外擴100 m為計算LDI指數之範圍,將LDI值排序與分級,並與溼地評選小組評選等級進行比對,結果兩者間一致者有67.6%,LDI指數確實可快速與及時提供溼地狀況之基礎資訊與人為干擾程度,結果顯示LDI評估亦可應用於海岸溼地。然而,LDI指數與專家評選排序有些差異,可能由於台灣與佛羅里達州之土地利用類別未完全符合,建議台灣可基於台灣之自然與人為地景,發展本身之土地利用類別之LDI係數。 本論文第3章,除運用LDI指數外,亦加入地景指數進行於2011年台灣所公告增為82處之重要溼地地景評估分析,建構評分系統。該研究篩選10處溼地,以溼地劃設範圍及其邊界外擴0~600 m不同緩衝區距離進行LDI值之測試,結果顯示以溼地及其邊界外擴300 m緩衝距離較為適當之評估範圍。海岸溼地與內陸溼地依LDI與面積指數分布,分別建置評分與評估系統,如將溼地劃分為4級,二者之整體準確度分別為70.0%與41.7%。研究亦證實評估範圍面積大小,確實對LDI值有影響,而不同研究區類型之評估系統亦有明顯差異,故須將二因子納入評估考量,並可將LDI與面積指數納為地景評估之重要成分指數。該評估方法可適用於地狹人稠之國家或地區,而評估架構亦可運用於任一層級之評估方式,惟指數之篩選與指數值之給分範圍與分級可因應情況作適當調整。 本論文第4章,應用地景連結度(connectivity)概念,建構檢視黑面琵鷺停棲棲地品質與連結狀況之方法,評估其棲地分布與面積之妥適性,提供棲地連結與保護區劃設參考與應用。該研究篩選出20處國家重要溼地,以黑面琵鷺之度冬年數、最高數量、棲地面積及地景發展強度等4個參數計算棲地值(habitat value,HV)與連結度,並繪製溼地間移棲之最低成本路徑圖(least cost path)。結果顯示HV值大於0.7者有曾文溪口、蘭陽溪口及四草溼地,表示其可能有最適合黑面琵鷺停棲環境;連結度以蘭陽溪口溼地之0.71為最大,顯示其與其他溼地之連結狀況較佳,此外布袋鹽田與朴子溪河口溼地連結度超過0.4,亦可考量作為黑面琵鷺重要之停棲區域,惟有些重要溼地間隔太遠,連結狀況差,若能其間劃設重要溼地,必能改善連結狀況。該研究架構亦可應用於其他物種之相關研究,如能全面考量,取得更多相關數據,更能彰顯其完整性,並可提供棲地連結、生態廊道規劃及保護區劃設基準之參考。Wetlands harbor rich biodiversity and biomass and provide a variety of ecosystem services. Therefore, environmental assessment of wetlands is critical for those seeking to manage these pivotal ecosystems. The Landscape Development Intensity (LDI) index is commonly used for wetlands assessment. The Black-faced Spoonbill was a migratory waterfowl in East Asia and has been regarded as a threatened species. Each year more than half of the population wintered in Taiwan. The largest size of wintering population was the Zengwun Estuary Wetland, and its population were increased and spread to surrounding area. Otherwise when habitat became discontinuous, movement of organisms among habitats was extremely important. The objectives of this study were to improve and modify methods for Taiwan’s wetlands assessment using the LDI index and landscape metrics. Also we applied the concept of landscape connectivity to develop a methodology to examine the quality and linkage status of the habitat sites for the Spoonbill in Taiwan; and to assess appropriateness of the distribution and habitat sites. The objectives of chapter 2 were to examine the landscape status of 74 wetlands as being of importance, each including a 100-m-wide swath of surrounding land area and the wetland itself, and calculated LDI index values, as used in earlier assessments in Florida, USA. The LDI index values were ranked and classified into three levels as done by the Taiwanese government. We compared the ranking of the LDI index values with those evaluated by the Taiwanese government and found that there was 67.6% congruency, suggesting that the LDI index can be used to assess the biodiversity status of wetlands. Our results also suggested that the LDI index can be used to assess coastal wetlands. This provides rapid and timely information on landscape development which can prove useful for managing wetlands in Taiwan. However, there was some variability between the two rankings, apparently resulting from the incongruence of some land-use categories used in Florida and Taiwan. It is recommended that Taiwan develop LDI coefficients corresponding to land-use categories based on its own natural and anthropogenic landscapes. The objectives of chapter 3 were to improve and modify methods for 82 wetlands assessment using a multi-metric approach that incorporated both the LDI index and landscape metrics. We calculated the LDI index values for 10 wetlands across both the area of each wetland and within a 0 to 600 m wide area. The results showed that the LDI index values varied significantly as the buffer distance increased, and specifically, the wetlands plus a 300-m wide swath was found to encompass the most appropriate area of inclusion for assessment. Due to two types of wetlands identified significantly different in the scatter plots of the LDI index and area, the assessment system was built to accommodate appropriate cut-off points. Four levels were then designated; the coastal wetland had an overall accuracy of 70.0%, while that of the inland wetlands was only 41.7%. This study confirmed that the extent of assessment had an effect on the LDI value, and there were significant differences in the assessment schematics across wetland types. In addition, LDI and/or area indices could be incorporated into landscape assessments. The assessment methods of this study can be applied in regions with high population density and consequently altered terrain, though the metric, scoring ranges, and levels should be adjusted to local conditions. The objectives of chapter 4 were to apply the concept of landscape connectivity to develop a methodology to examine the quality and linkage status of the habitat sites for the Black-faced Spoonbill in Taiwan; and to assess appropriateness of the distribution and habitat sites. We used four parameters including wintering years, maximum number, habitat area and LDI index to calculate habitat value and connectivity of 20 selected wetlands, also draw the least cost path of the Spoonbill moving among the wetlands. The results showed with a habitat value of three were > 0.7, included the Zengwun Estuary, Lanyang Estuary and Sihcao wetlands. It showed that they might be the most suitable environment for the Spoonbill. The Lanyang Estuary Wetland with a highest FLI value of 0.71 indicated it had better link status with other wetlands. Furthermore, the Budai Salt Pan and Puzi Estuary wetlands, with a value of were > 0.4, maybe considerate as habitat for the Spoonbill. Although there were some distances between important wetlands being too far away with poor links, it would be able to improve the link status if designating some wetlands between them. The research framework could be applied to research of other species, and comprehensive considered and obtained more relative data better to highlight integrity. And also provided baseline reference and application for the linkage of habitat, plan of ecological corridor and design of refuge.摘要 I Abstract III 目次 VI 表次 VIII 圖次 IX 第1章 緒言 1 第2章 應用地景發展強度指數評估台灣重要溼地 4 2.1. 前言 4 2.2. 材料與方法 5 2.2.1. 研究區 5 2.2.2. 國土利用調查成果資料 7 2.2.3. 建置台灣溼地土地利用類別地景發展強度係數 8 2.2.4. 計算各溼地之地景發展強度指數 8 2.2.5. 地景發展強度指數與專家評選比較 10 2.3. 結果 10 2.3.1. 溼地類型與面積 10 2.3.2. LDI係數配對 11 2.3.3. 評估範圍內土地利用 11 2.3.4. 溼地LDI指數與排序 11 2.3.5. LDI指數評估與專家評選比較 15 2.4. 討論 18 第3章 溼地地景評估架構之建立 20 3.1. 前言 20 3.2. 材料與方法 22 3.2.1. 研究區 22 3.2.2. 決定溼地評估範圍測試 24 3.2.3. 篩選溼地評估樣本 25 3.2.4. 計算建模樣本溼地之LDI值與地景指數 25 3.2.5. 建置評估系統 27 3.2.6. 驗證評估系統 28 3.3. 結果 29 3.3.1. 溼地類型與面積 29 3.3.2. 決定溼地評估範圍 30 3.3.3. 評估溼地LDI指數與土地利用 31 3.3.4. 指數相關性 32 3.3.5. 評估系統建置 32 3.3.6. 評估系統驗證 35 3.4. 討論 37 第4章 黑面琵鷺停棲重要溼地連結架構之建立 39 4.1. 前言 39 4.2. 材料與方法 40 4.2.1. 篩選研究區 40 4.2.2. 萃取棲地面積 43 4.2.3. 產製成本圖層 43 4.2.4. 計算棲地值 44 4.2.5. 計算連結度 44 4.2.6. 繪製最低成本路徑圖 45 4.3. 結果 45 4.3.1. 停棲溼地面積 45 4.3.2. 溼地LDI指數與土地利用 47 4.3.3. 黑面琵鷺度冬年數與最高數量 47 4.3.4. 成本圖層 47 4.3.5. 溼地棲地值 49 4.3.6. 溼地連結度 49 4.3.7. 最低成本路徑圖 49 4.4. 討論 51 第5章 結論與建議 53 引用文獻 55 附錄 6