33 research outputs found

    Wide-Range Tunable Dynamic Property of Carbon Nanotube-Based Fibers

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) fiber is formed by assembling millions of individual tubes. The assembly feature provides the fiber with rich interface structures and thus various ways of energy dissipation, as reflected by the non-zero loss tangent (>0.028--0.045) at low vibration frequencies. A fiber containing entangled CNTs possesses higher loss tangents than a fiber spun from aligned CNTs. Liquid densification and polymer infiltration, the two common ways to increase the interfacial friction and thus the fiber's tensile strength and modulus, are found to efficiently reduce the damping coefficient. This is because the sliding tendency between CNT bundles can also be well suppressed by the high packing density and the formation of covalent polymer cross-links within the fiber. The CNT/bismaleimide composite fiber exhibited the smallest loss tangent, nearly as the same as that of carbon fibers. At a higher level of the assembly structure, namely a multi-ply CNT yarn, the inter-fiber friction and sliding tendency obviously influence the yarn's damping performance, and the loss tangent can be tuned within a wide range, as similar to carbon fibers, nylon yarns, or cotton yarns. The wide-range tunable dynamic properties allow new applications ranging from high quality factor materials to dissipative systems

    Vibration Damping of Carbon Nanotube Assembly Materials

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    Vibration reduction is of great importance in various engineering applications, and a material that exhibits good vibration damping along with high strength and modulus has become more and more vital. Owing to the superior mechanical property of carbon nanotube (CNT), new types of vibration damping material can be developed. This paper presents recent advancements, including our progresses, in the development of high-damping macroscopic CNT assembly materials, such as forests, gels, films, and fibers. In these assemblies, structural deformation of CNTs, zipping and unzipping at CNT connection nodes, strengthening and welding of the nodes, and sliding between CNTs or CNT bundles are playing important roles in determining the viscoelasticity, and elasticity as well. Towards the damping enhancement, strategies for micro-structure and interface design are also discussed

    Bio-Inspired Aggregation Control of Carbon Nanotubes for Ultra-Strong Composites

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    High performance nanocomposites require well dispersion and high alignment of the nanometer-sized components, at a high mass or volume fraction as well. However, the road towards such composite structure is severely hindered due to the easy aggregation of these nanometer-sized components. Here we demonstrate a big step to approach the ideal composite structure for carbon nanotube (CNT) where all the CNTs were highly packed, aligned, and unaggregated, with the impregnated polymers acting as interfacial adhesions and mortars to build up the composite structure. The strategy was based on a bio-inspired aggregation control to limit the CNT aggregation to be sub 20--50 nm, a dimension determined by the CNT growth. After being stretched with full structural relaxation in a multi-step way, the CNT/polymer (bismaleimide) composite yielded super-high tensile strengths up to 6.27--6.94 GPa, more than 100% higher than those of carbon fiber/epoxy composites, and toughnesses up to 117--192 MPa. We anticipate that the present study can be generalized for developing multifunctional and smart nanocomposites where all the surfaces of nanometer-sized components can take part in shear transfer of mechanical, thermal, and electrical signals

    Influence of the Soil Structure in Loess Hilly Region of Southern Ningxia Under Different Man-made Vegetation

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    The Study on the Potential of Utilization of Rainwater Resources in Semiarid Hilly Area of Southern Ningxia

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    Influence of Man-made Vegetation on Carbon Pool in Southern Ningxia Region in Loess Plateau

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    Changes of Soil Aggregate Organic Carbon During Process of Vegetation Restoration in Ziwuling

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    土壤有机碳是土壤团聚体形成的重要胶结剂之一,土壤团聚体分布影响有机碳含量及其稳定性。对子午岭植被恢复过程中团聚体有机碳含量变化的研究结果显示:相对于农田,植被恢复可增加土壤各个粒径团聚体有机碳含量,同时增加不同层次土壤团聚体有机碳含量。就粒径而言,虽然各个植被下<0.25 mm土壤团聚体有机碳含量最低,植被类型变化对土壤团聚体有机碳含量影响最大的是<0.25 mm粒径,辽东栎林地<0.25 mm土壤团聚体有机碳含量是农田<0.25 mm团聚体有机碳含量的3倍;其次,植被类型对>5 mm团聚体有机碳含量影响较大,辽东栎、早期森林、灌丛、草地和弃耕地土壤>5 mm团聚体有机碳含量比农田土壤>5mm团聚体有机碳含量高149%,209%,104%,62%,10%。说明植被演替可增加土壤团聚体有机碳含量,但首先是增加较大粒径团聚体的有机碳含量;随着植被的进一步演替,小粒径团聚体有机碳含量也相应的增加,这部分有机碳是稳定的,说明植被恢复增强了土壤的碳汇功能

    Effects of Chattonella marina cell-free filtrate on bloom microalgae

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    实验模拟条件下,研究了海洋卡盾藻无细胞滤液对四种微藻生长的影响及其与东海原甲藻和塔玛亚历山大藻的共培养。结果表明:卡盾藻无细胞滤液对三角褐指藻、东海原甲藻和塔玛亚历山大藻细胞的生长速率都有显著的抑制效应(P<0.01),而对中肋骨条藻的生长抑制作用较弱,当卡盾藻滤液在高浓度(15 mL、20 mL)/40 mL下,中肋骨条藻的生长才受到显著抑制,而低浓度下没有明显影响。海洋卡盾藻与甲藻的共培养明显促进了卡盾藻的生长,抑制了甲藻的生长,对东海原甲藻的抑制作用较强。共培养的结果可能是由于海洋卡盾藻与甲藻之间存在化感作用或营养盐竞争作用,而无细胞滤液对微藻的作用表明海洋卡盾藻对微藻产生化感效应。

    Effects of Chattonella marina cell-free filtrate on bloom microalgae and co-culture of it and microalgae

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    实验模拟条件下,研究了海洋卡盾藻无细胞滤液对四种微藻生长的影响及其与东海原甲藻和塔玛亚历山大藻的共培养。结果表明:卡盾藻无细胞滤液对三角褐指藻、东海原甲藻和塔玛亚历山大藻细胞的生长速率都有显著的抑制效应(P〈0.01),而对中肋骨条藻的生长抑制作用较弱,当卡盾藻滤液在高浓度(15 mL、20 mL)/40 mL下,中肋骨条藻的生长才受到显著抑制,而低浓度下没有明显影响。海洋卡盾藻与甲藻的共培养明显促进了卡盾藻的生长,抑制了甲藻的生长,对东海原甲藻的抑制作用较强。共培养的结果可能是由于海洋卡盾藻与甲藻之间存在化感作用或营养盐竞争作用,而无细胞滤液对微藻的作用表明海洋卡盾藻对微藻产生化感效应