2 research outputs found

    Benefits of planning and construction for the water space adjacent to the roads in the rural communities

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    臺灣地區因山高地陡,加上長延時及高強度之降雨型態,造成降下之雨量大多成為地表逕流,因此必須利用各種方式來貯蓄水源,以供應旱季用水;而在面對全球氣候變遷可能帶來洪、旱加劇的極端氣候現象,滯(蓄)洪設施的設置,勢必成為日後治水的對策之一,但新設滯(蓄)洪設施因受限於經費籌措與用地取得的問題,如何以有限的經費成就最大水源涵養效益實為當今水資源管理之重要課題。 水源涵養乃是利用不同截蓄保水設施,來增加水資源的再利用,而其中最簡單的方式即是利用天然窪地來涵養水源,除可在平時貯蓄水源外,亦可在颱風、豪雨等強降雨事件發生時,發揮調節洪峰流量與沉砂滯洪的功用;且天然窪地常具有豐富之景觀生態,若能進一步結合農村社區資源,將可營造為防災、保育、休閒遊憩環境及生物多樣性等多功能之埤塘。 南投縣名間鄉炭寮村計有55個窪蓄區位,有道路通過者僅有2處,本研究遴選其中體積與集水面積較大之漥蓄區位,進行水域空間之規劃營造,藉由綠建築設計之基地保水理論配置透水鋪面,具體量化配置前後基地保水量,得規劃配置前保水指標為0.569,低於法規標準值之0.68,而規劃配置後為0.722,符合法規標準。本埤塘經規劃後,所創造出兼顧生產、生活、與生態的埤塘活化效益,俾供農村社區道路邊坡埤塘空間營造之參考。With the properties of steep terrain in mountainous area, long duration and high intensity of rainfall, which results in abundant surface runoff in Taiwan. Therefore, several kinds of water storage facilities should be taken to supply water resources in the drought seasons. In addition, global climate change results in accelerating the extreme climate is increasing the probability of drought and/or floods in the future. Consequently, the trend of increasing retention facilities is a necessary for the strategies of water resources management. Water resources storage is to increase the utilization of water resources using different interception and water-holding facilities. The simplest way to conserve water resources is using topographic depressions in a watershed because it can be as runoff storages for the use of irrigation in drought seasons, and also can decrease the peak flow of storm in typhoon seasons. There are in total of 55 topographic depressions in Tan-Liao Rural Community. Among them, there are 2 depressions site adjacent to the road. In this study, we choose the one which has larger volume and catchment area to plan and construct for the use of water space. The water storage index (λ) is 0.569 and 0.722 calculated from the pre- and post-planning respectively using green building design theory, the post-planning can reach the standard λc=0.68. This study can be as a reference of space construction for the pond adjacent to the road in the rural communities.摘要...........................I ABSTRACT.......................II 目錄...........................III 圖目錄.........................V 表目錄.........................VI 第一章 前言....................1 1.1研究動機....................1 1.2研究目的....................1 1.3內容架構與研究流程..........2 第二章 文獻回顧............... 4 2.1極端氣候現象................4 2.2水資源貯蓄設施..............5 2.3農村社區水域空間............6 2.3.1農村社區定義..............6 2.3.2水域空間與水域類型........7 2.4埤塘定義....................8 2.5景觀規劃與生態設計..........9 2.6基地保水....................9 第三章 研究材料與方法..........11 3.1研究樣區概述................11 3.2研究材料....................12 3.2.1數值高程模型..............12 3.2.2土地利用..................12 3.2.3氣象資料..................13 3.3研究方法....................13 3.3.1窪蓄區位萃取..............14 3.3.2水收支分析................17 3.3.3生態調查方法..............21 3.3.4基地保水量計算............22 第四章 結果與討論..............25 4.1熱點區位遴選結果............25 4.2水收支分析..................26 4.3熱點區位環境資源調查........27 4.3.1環境現況..................27 4.3.2生態資源調查..............28 4.4熱點區位之分區規劃..........33 4.5規劃配置效益分析............39 4.5.1實質效益..................39 4.5.2潛在效益..................42 第五章 結論與建議..............44 5.1結論........................44 5.2建議........................45 參考文獻.......................46 中文部分.......................46 英文部分.......................5

    Space construction of the farm ponds adjacent to the roads in the rural communities

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    近年來全球氣候變遷導致極端氣候加劇,如何利用各類貯水設施,有效涵養水源,提供旱季用水與雨季防災為重要課題。本研究以南投縣名間鄉炭寮村之氣象資料進行水收支分析,利用數值高程模型萃取窪蓄區位空間分布,遴選道路邊坡之漥蓄區位,藉由道路之截、排水,營造水資源保育利用及防災等多功能埤塘。除考量埤塘之集水面積外;另由道路之越域引水,可達增加埤塘水資源、發揮截蓄保水、以及減少道路邊溝排水造成邊坡破壞潛勢。另以景觀空間營造觀點,檢視埤塘周遭環境,提出兼具生活、生產與生態之水資源保育與防災規劃模式,俾供農村社區道路邊坡埤塘空間營造之參考。Nowadays, global climate change causes extreme weather occurred frequently. How to use different varieties of water storage facilities for efficiently conserving water resources, providing enough water in drought seasons and preventing disasters in rainy seasons is the vital issue. This study focusing on the water budget analysis using meteorological data, and the spatial distribution of depression sites derived from digital elevation models were carried out at Tan-Liao rural community in Mingjian of Nantou County. A depression site adjacent to the road is selected to create the farm pond with multiple purposes of conservation, utilization, and disaster prevention in water resources. In addition to considering the watershed size of the farm pond itself, through the interception of the road, the water resources of the pond and the functionality of interception and/or storage were increased, while the potential of the slope failure was decreased. Besides, the surroundings of the pond were also examined in the viewpoint of landscape to present a planning concept which compiling life, product, ecology, water resources conservation and disaster prevention for the references of space construction of slope-land farm ponds nearby the roads in a rural community