24 research outputs found


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    气液两相环状流动时,气体流速的降低可能导致液膜流动方向在重力作用下反转,进而引发流型的过渡。本文对垂直管中的液膜反转现象进行瞬态数值模拟,对气-液相分布、速度、压力、壁面剪应力等参数进行动态追踪,得到液膜反转的临界气速,使用已公开的实验数据对模拟结果进行验证。模拟垂直管高1.5m,直径76mm,假设流场在二维剖面上轴对称,采用商业软件Fluent的Multi-Fluid VOF模型进行计算。结果表明,模拟的临界气速、持液率和前人实验数据吻合较好,但压力梯度偏差较大。随着气速降低,液体入口附液膜厚度和液滴夹带量显著增加。通过监测相速度和壁面剪力的动态变化,获得了携液临界气速,发现此时液膜出现间歇性的反转行为,而在大部分时间内,液膜会在界面波的带动下继续向上流动

    Three-dimensional interface structures and characteristics in a stratified gas-liquid pipe flow

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    In this study, the air-water flow in a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm was tested to investigate the threedimensional (3D) interfacial characteristics of gas-liquid stratified flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipes. The gas-liquid stratified flow interface exhibited a nonflat phenomenon (concave or convex). In particular, this phenomenon was verified by the transformation of the interface shape when the gas-liquid ratio exceeded 200 and 5 in the horizontal and inclined pipes, respectively. Compared with the flow in the horizontal pipe, the liquid holdup gradually decreased with an increase in the inclination angle in the downward stratified flow, and liquid height changes at the center was slight; however, the convex interface shape was obvious. In addition, the interface exhibited regular fluctuations in the flow direction under fixed operating conditions. Therefore, the hypothesis of a nonflat interface for stratified flow was proposed based on the experimental phenomena, and the interface shape function and flow equations were constructed to predict the degree of interface bending and critical conditions for gas-liquid stratified flow by analyzing the theoretical and influencing factors. The acceleration pressure drop was introduced to quantitatively characterize interfacial fluctuations in the flow direction; therefore, a modified model for nonflat stratified flow was developed. The proposed model could characterize the interface features in both the cross-sectional and flow directions of the pipe and provided a solution for the 3D interface of stratified flow. A comparison with the experimental results revealed that the proposed model performed the prediction satisfactorily. By solving the proposed model, the interfacial information in the pipe cross section and flow direction can be effectively predicted


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    江西鄱阳湖是长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)的重要栖息地, 湖中栖息着约 400 头江豚。多年


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    江西鄱阳湖是长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)的重要栖息地,湖中栖息着约400头江豚。多年的观察表明,船舶交通是鄱阳湖中江豚面临的重要威胁之一。为了评估船舶通行对长江江豚发声行为的影响,尤其是了解船舶通行期间及其前后江豚的发声和行为特征,作者于2007年6月27日—7月1日在江西鄱阳湖湖口水域采用固定被动声学系统,即安装在监测点(29°42′38″N,116°11′11″E)的一套水下声学数据记录系统,对周边通行船舶的水下噪声及江豚声纳信号脉冲事件进行了定点监测和记录,并对所记录的数据进行了定量和统计分析。在整个监测的109h中,声学记录仪共记录到船舶494艘,江豚声纳脉冲串信号13413个。船舶出现与江豚出现存在弱的负相关关系(r=0.029,N=6550,P0.05);当有船舶经过时,江豚的发声频次显著降低(Z=10.050,P0.05;Z=0.119,P>0.05);船舶通行之前和之后,江豚的发声频次、脉冲串持续时间、脉冲间间隔的差异性均不显著(χ2=5.255,P>0.05;χ2=3.511,P>0.05;χ2=5.155,P>0.05);在船舶经过时,江豚对游动方向没有明显的选择性(χ2=0.861,P>0.05)。基于分析结果推测,在狭窄水域中江豚躲避船舶干扰通常采取"临时性"策略,而非长距离逃避。由于鄱阳湖湖口水域水道相对狭窄,尽管研究的结果表明江豚对船舶有一定的敏感反应,但是在相对狭窄的水域中,江豚躲避船舶的行为难以充分表现。另外,江豚对该水域中高密度航行船舶的噪声可能存在一定的"适应性",导致当遭遇船舶时,江豚的声行为反应不十分强烈。因此,建议有必要在不同尺度的水体中采用声学数据记录仪继续开展类似的观察,以进一步了解江豚对船舶的行为响应,尤其是观察江豚躲避船舶的行为及发声特征


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    Experimental investigation of film reversal evolution characteristics in gas liquid annular flow

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    In natural gas wells, liquid loading is a severe problem threatening production safety. Published studies have verified that liquid loading is closely related to film reversal in gas liquid annular flow, but the evolution of the film reversal is still unclear. This article reports on experiments conducted to reveal the film reversal evolution characteristics. Experiments were conducted in a 50 mm diameter vertical pipe with superficial gas velocities ranging from 5.66 to 22.64 m/s and superficial liquid velocities ranging from 0.014 to 0.170 m/s. A camera and electrical resistance tomography were used to obtain qualitative and quantitative results, and an error analysis verified the experiments' repeatability and reliability. The evolution process is divided objectively into three stages to clarify the film reversal: no film reversal (No FR), the onset of film reversal (Onset FR), and complete film reversal (Complete FR). The three stages occur successively with decreasing gas velocity. The characteristics of the individual stages are elaborated, including the interfacial structures, morphological features, and motion trajectories. The void fractions are analyzed in both the time and frequency domains, where the statistical parameters of the probability density function, average value, and standard deviation are presented. The results show that the Onset FR stage exhibits characteristics similar to both the No FR and Complete FR stages, indicating that it plays an intermediate role in the gradual evolutionary process. The current experimental results also achieve excellent agreement with published datasets and correlations


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