2 research outputs found


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    植物体内的水分状态与传输过程是土壤-植物-大气连续体( SPAC) 水分传输理论的 核心内容,也是研究植物水分利用与调控的基础.植物体内水分的传输过程受外界环境影响 较大,植物需要通过对体内水分状态的适当调整来适应环境变化和维持自身的生长发育.由 于蒸发通量、压力室、高压流速仪、热脉冲等传统检测方法往往会对植株造成破坏和损伤,因 此难以准确反映和定量描述植物体内水分传输的真实过程.核磁共振技术( NMR) 由于其无 损、非侵入的特点,在植物水分分布和传输相关研究中日益得到关注.本文概述了NMR 在检 测植物体内水分分布、传输以及含量测定等方面的研究进展,还分析了目前NMR 技术在 SPAC 系统研究中存在的问题及可能的解决方法,并指出NMR 技术将来可能在植物水分生 理、植物与环境互作以及水分代谢等相关研究领域的应用.NMR 技术在SPAC 系统研究中的 应用在我国仍处于初级阶段,开发户外便携式、开放式检测仪器是NMR 技术在SPAC 研究领 域进一步应用和推广的关键所在.</p


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    Accurate and fast genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is of significant scientific importance in human genome project. Here a new automated fluorescent method that can rapidly and accurately genotype multiplex known SNPs was developed, which was achieved by substantially improving a commercially available protocol. By this method, mismatch repair gene hMLH1 and cancer repression gene P53 were investigated, eight known SNP spots (including five hot spots) of 20 coloeretal cancer patients' hMLH1 and P53 gene were detected, and a heterozygosity mutation (GTT--&gt;GAT) at codon 384 of hMLH1 was found. Sequencing result of hMLH1 proves the reliability of this new method