6 research outputs found

    Effect of Pollination on Perianth Senescence and Ovary Development of Phalaenopsis

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    蝴蝶蘭經授粉後,明顯導致花之迅速老化與子房開始發育。授粉後花器對 乙烯的敏感性逐漸提高,在授粉後10小時達到最高點,然後開始大量生合成 乙烯。另外,蝴蝶蘭在授粉2天後,子房壁的表皮細胞開始生長形成髮細胞(hair cell),然而花粉粒發芽則晚3天以後才發生,此顯示授粉會引發生訊息。利用 RNA斑跡離合法(RNA Gel Blot Hybridization Analysis),對不同花器部位進行分 析,發現授粉後柱頭、子房和唇瓣可累積豐富的1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylate(ACC) synthase 與 ACC oxidase。花被雖可以生合成多量的乙烯,但未發現有 ACC synthase之累積,因此推測ACC是由柱頭等部位運送至花被再轉化為乙烯。Pollination induces rapid flower senescence ovary development of Phalaenopsis. Following pollination there was a large increase in ethylene production and in the sensitivity of plant to that phytohormone. An obvious enhancement of sensitivity can be detected 4 hours after pollination and reached its peak 10 hours later. Furthermore, ovary wall epidermal cells begin to elongate and form hair cells at day two; this is the earlist visible morphological change, and it occurs at least 3 days prior to pollen germination. This indicateds that signals associated with pollination itself trigger these early events. Using RNA gel bolt hybridization of floral tissue shows that an increase of 1-amino-cyclo-propane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase and ACC oxidase in the stigma, ovary, and labellum. Although perianth contribute a greater portion of ethylene that bring about senescence, no ACC synthase was detected in this tissue. In this context, ACC may function also as a secondary transmissible signal, and that ACC synthesized in the gynoecium is translocated to the perianth where it is converted to ethylene by ACC oxidase

    Shiitake Mushroom Irradiation

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    照射技術在1950年代即已發展用於保存食品, 我國也已於去(1992)年成功的推出照射大蒜到消 費者手上,並得到相當的肯定.照射食品不但:(1) 節省能源;(2)保持原有風味及養分;(3)不用添加 防腐劑;(4)可深入食品內部殺蟲殺菌或抑制發 芽;(5)操作簡便.依現有研究,許多食品或農產品 都可經由此處理而可延長其儲存期限或改善其 品質.乾燥香菇前經加馬線5及 10KGy處理,結果香 味主要成分因而減少,推測原因可能係因劑量 太高或照射時間不對.本計畫擬在香菇新鮮採 收後,未乾燥前以加馬線0.5,1,2KGy劑量照射,以探 討加馬線處理對新鮮香菇風味及組織之影響, 並分析照射新鮮香菇風味及組織之影響,並分 析照射新鮮香菇乾燥後的香味成分,作為利用 加馬線處理以增加農產品儲存期限及風味的可 行性評估

    Effects of gamma irradiation on the quality of shiitake ( Lentinula edodes Sing) and day lily (Hemerocallis fulva L.)

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    經不同劑量之加馬射線照射新鮮香菇後 ,發現僅0.5kGy 之劑量即可減少 貯藏期間黴菌的蔓延及菇體之褐變 ,1kGy 以上的劑量即可完全抑制開傘 的發生。利用掃瞄式電子顯微鏡之觀察得知 ,1kGy 以上的劑量照射,擔 孢子即明顯受損 ,可能因此影響孢子之成熟而抑制開傘,而2kGy 的照射 ,對菌絲並無明顯的傷害 ,顯示菇體可耐2kGy 之照射,而無品質不良之 明顯影響。利用GC-MS 分析香菇之揮發性成分,發現鮮菇之主要風味成分 為八碳化合物 ,鮮菇經2kGy 之照射後,其揮發性成分大量增加,而以酯 類、乙醇及八碳化合物增加最多。若將照射後之鮮菇加以乾燥,其香氣成 分與鮮菇明顯不同,影響風味之主要成分為含硫化合物。將1及2kGy 兩種 處理之香菇進行比較,發現乾燥後1kGy 較2kGy 處理者具有較多含硫化合 物(如 dimethyl disulfide , dimethyl trisulfide, 1,2,4-trithiolane等),因此1kGy 之處理其特異性風味成分較豐富。 2.0與5.0kGy 兩種劑量處理之新鮮金針花苞,花蕾之開苞完全受到抑制, 但花托基部裂開,花萼局部呈現褐化,尤其是5.0kGy之照射處理,更有落 蕾的現象發生。 1.0kGy 照射之花苞,外觀無明顯變化,但多數花苞僅能 半開。0.5kGy 之劑量處理 ,外觀正常且能正常開花,但花色有變淡現象 。經照射後之金針花梗,吸收水分能力降低,花梗壽命減短,且劑量愈高 愈明顯。照射對金針花之傷害,可由電子顯微鏡之觀察得知,其傷害為局 部性的造成細胞破裂。花瓣細胞在1.0kGy以上的劑量即有明顯之傷害,花 萼與花托細胞在2.0kGy以上的劑量才出現明顯之傷害。中劑量的加馬射線 可抑制金針花開苞,但亦造成細胞嚴重傷害。如何控制適當劑量,以達抑 制開苞又不傷害花蕾品質,尚需進一步探討。乾燥後的金針花苞,以GC- MS 分析其香味成分,經鑑定後找出14種揮發性成分。至於乾燥之金針花 ,經過加馬射線照射後,其揮發性成分並無顯著之變化。此技術除了可以 防黴除蟲外,還可免除亞硫酸鹽之使用,不但安全且可保持原有之風味與 品質,值得進一步推廣。Fresh shiitake (Lentinula edodes Sing) was irradiated with doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0kGy using 60Co. Effects of gamma irradiation on the appearance and the flavor compounds of shiitake before and after drying were studied.Irradiation with a dose of 0.5kGy reduced mold growth and browning in the fresh shiitake during postharvest storage.The growth of fresh shiitake was absolutely inhibited by doses of 1 or more kGy. The appearance quality of fresh shiitake was not affected With gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after 2kGy irradiation. the volatile components, especially as esters, alcohol and eight- carbon compounds were increased in the fresh shiitake. After being dried the shiitake with 1kGy irradiation contained higher. However, 0.5kGy irradiation was recommended to use in fresh shiitake for inhibiting mold growth, browning and cap- openning and keeping a good appearance and flavor quality during post- harvesting storage. Fresh day lily (Hemerocallis fulva L.) flowers were irradiated with doses of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0kGy using 60Co. Effects of gamma irradiated on the appearance and flavor quality were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gas- chromatography The flower blooming was inhibited by 2.0 or more kGy irradiation. However, the browning and the tissue breaking were found in the flowers irradiated with 2.0 and 5.0kGy the dropping of flowers occurred after 5.0kGy and irradiation. With 1.0kGy irradiation The volatile components of dried lily flowers were ethyl formate, ethyl acetate, 3-methyl butanol, ethanol, isoamyl alcohol, methyl pyrazine, 2,6-dimethyl pyrazine,furfural , acetic acid, terpinolene, furfuryl formate ,furfuryl acetate, benzene acetaldehy The irradiation was recommended to use to inhibit mold and insects in dried day lily flowers during storage


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    [[abstract]]不論在哪,總是有一些地方人們無法輕易到達,既然如此我們就利用科技讓人們能夠完成。 本專題是利用Arduino板搭配陀螺儀與藍芽來進行操控必要的話控制方式也可以改用遙控器來操作,利用四軸飛行器可以讓人們到達不能到達的地方,如果上面再加裝攝影機.熱象儀這些外加配備的話功能一定可以更多更加完善