3 research outputs found


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    日本列岛和中国大陆东部的现生淡水鱼类区系存在显著的差异,但这两地上新世和中新世的鱼类区系已发现的组成成分却似乎比现代鱼类区系要接近得多。而在中国东部渤海沿岸发现的早第三纪或始新世的鱼类区系成分则显示出与北美西岸同时代鱼类区系的惊人相似,展现出一个“跨太平洋格局”。中国中生代晚期或早白垩世的鱼类区系从组成和分布上可以划分为两个组合。分布于北部的一个组合中土著类型较多,分布于东南部的组合表现出一些与南美东北部及非洲西部鱼类区系的相似性,这种分布格局涉及到南、北两半球的大陆。 本文对上述分布格局作一简单介绍,


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    Suckers (Fish, Catostomidae) from the Eocene of China account for the family's current disjunct distributions

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    Unequivocal Eocene suckers from China are for the first time reported here. This discovery demonstrates that catostomids of the Eocene Epoch (some 55-35 Ma ago) are scattered widely on mainland Asia as well as western North America. The present day disjunct distribution pattern of catostomids, with 68 extant species widespread in North America and the northern part of Middle America and only two in the restricted areas of Asia, is the result of their post-Eocene decline in Asia due to the competitive pressure from cyprinids, their Late Cenozoic radiation in North America, and the vicariant and dispersal events triggered by the changed biogeographic landscape. All of these prove to be a historical product of the geological, biological, and climatic changes throughout the Cenozoic