7 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The study of key success factors for the management of local hot-spring hotel

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    碩士[[abstract]]近年來台灣興起一股泡湯風,興建或改裝的溫泉旅館較之以往溫泉旅館有著不同的功能與樣貌。由於新的設施、設備及服務品質的提昇及養生概念與多元餐飲文化的提倡等,使得現代的溫泉旅館,不但結合了住宿、餐飲,更加入休閒、養生與健康的概念,異於以往老式的溫泉旅館,而有其特色並形成一新興的「休閒產業」。該產業也在業者競爭投注資金投資之際,使得競爭趨於激烈,風險相對提高,故而在經營上如何找出本身之核心資源,進而加以培育、強化與應用,使成為永續經營之競爭優勢,實為溫泉旅館經營上之重要課題。本研究以核心資源理論為基礎,尋找個案溫泉旅館之經營關鍵成功因素,用以瞭解其競爭優勢如何產生。 本研究是一種探索性的研究,使用個案研究法針對四家北投、烏來地區的溫泉旅館業者進行深入訪談,再輔以次級資料及相關的文獻探討,尋找出溫泉旅館的關鍵成功因素及競爭優勢來源。 經由個案分析整理與比較,得到以下結論: 1.建築物與設施、設備、組織之業務運作能力及服務品質為溫泉旅館之主要關鍵成功因素,而溫泉旅館的規劃設計及初始投入的資金之額度自有比例為最主要之經營成功關鍵因素。 2.不同溫泉旅館有著不同的內容與內涵的核心資源,在其營運過程 中所扮演的角色與重要性亦不同,也組成不同的經營關鍵成功因素。 3.不同的溫泉旅館雖有相同的關鍵成功因素但由其建構過程觀察得知其實質內涵是不同的。 4.關鍵成功因素的數目多的溫泉旅館,不代表就較具競爭力。擁有關鍵成功因素,只代表具有潛在的競爭優勢,經營者必須能找出其核心資源,不斷地因應環境變化加以培育,強化與運用,才能具永續經營之競爭優勢。 關鍵字:溫泉旅館、關鍵成功因素、核心資源。[[abstract]]Hot spring is getting more and more popular nowadays in Taiwan. The remodeled or newly built hot-spring hotels have different functions and new look because of new facilities, multi-functional and up-graded services and the promotion of healthy diet, made the “new fashion” of the hot-spring hotels. Different from the old-fashioned hot-spring hotels, the newly-built hotels have become a rising leisure industry. The more investment of the capitals made into this business, the more competitive it becomes. The risks also rise. The key issue in successful management is to find out the core resources of the very business as to cultivate, strengthen and put them into practice, which are important factors to prevail in the competitive business. The study is based on the core resources approach and looks into individual cases to find the factors and main reasons of success, to further understand the cases of their competitive advantages. This research theory is based on studying and interviewing the individual cases, field observation and investigation. The cases are four hot spring hotels located in Pei-Tou and Ou-Lei area. Through the further study and literature research to look for the key success factors and competitive advances of the hot spring hotels. The conclusions of key success factors for the management of local hot –spring hotel are as follows: 1.The key success factors of running the hot spring hotel are building,facilities, marketing ability and service quality. The main key success factors of all are the design and planning for the building and the initial capital investment. 2. Different hot spring hotels have different core resources and they comprise different key success factors . 3. Even different hot spring hotels have the same success factors, through the observation, the procedure and content are different. 4. The competitiveness of the hot spring hotels does not follow the numbers of their key success factors. Owning key success factors only means the hotel got the potential competitive advantage. The manager must find out the core resources, so as to adjust, improve and develop them through the environmental changes, which makes the long term competitive advantages in the hot-spring hotel business.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 頁次 目錄................................................i 表次...............................................iv 圖次...............................................vi 第一章 緒論...... ..................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機..... .........................1 第二節 研究目的........... .........................4 第三節 研究範圍....................................5 第四節 研究內容與研究流程..........................6 第二章 文獻探討....................................7 第一節 溫泉旅館相關文獻之探討......................7 一、溫泉旅館之定義 ..................................7 二、國內溫泉旅館之發展..............................7 三、台灣溫泉資源概述................................8 第二節 資源基礎理論相關文獻之探討..................9 一、資源基礎理論之意涵..............................9 二、核心資源之內涵與分類............................11 三、核心資源之特性..................................12 四、核心資源之實証..................................13 五、溫泉旅館核心資源之探討..........................16 第三節 關鍵成功因素相關文獻之探討..................18 一、關鍵成功因素之定義..............................18 二、關鍵成功因素之特性..............................22 三、關鍵成功因素的功能..............................23 四、關鍵成功因素確認的方法..........................24 五、旅館業關鍵成功因素之探討........................26 第四節 核心資源與關鍵成功因素相關文獻之探討........27 第三章 研究設計與研究方法..........................29 第一節 研究架構....................................29 第二節 研究方法....................................30 一、個案分析法......................................31 二、相關文獻歸法 ...................................31 三、深度訪談法......................................32 四、關鍵成功因素之確認法............................32 第三節 研究對象....................................34 第四節 資料蒐集與分析方法..........................35 第四章 個案簡介....................................36 第一節 北投水美溫泉會館個案簡介....................36 第二節 北投水都北投溫泉會館個案簡介................40 第三節 北投荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店個案簡介..............43 第四節 烏來卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟簡介....................47 第五章 資料分析與結果..............................51 第一節 個案溫泉旅館經營關鍵成功因素之探討..........52 第二節 溫泉旅館經營關鍵成功因素分析................67 第六章 研究結論與建議..............................72 第一節 研究結論....................................72 第二節 研究限制....................................75 第三節 研究建議....................................76 參考文獻............................................77 附錄A 訪談綱要......................................85 附錄B 訪談記要......................................89 附錄C 調查紀錄.....................................107 表 次 頁次 表2-1核心資源之意涵...............................10 表2-2核心資源的內涵之分類.........................13 表2-3旅館經營之核心資源...........................17 表2-4關鍵成功因素之定義...........................18 表2-5關鍵成功因素確認的方法.......................24 表2-6旅館業關鍵成功因素之相關研究成果.............26 表2-7關鍵成功因素與核心資源的關係.................27 表2-8溫泉旅館經營關鍵成功因素之核心資源...........28 表3-1成功因素評分比較表...........................33 表4-1水美溫泉會館基本資料……………………………….37 表4-2水美溫泉會館主要收入項目……………………………38 表4-3水美溫泉會館主要支出項目……………………………39 表4-4水都北投溫泉會館基本資料……………………………40 表4-5水都北投溫泉會館主要收入項目………………………42 表4-6水都北投溫泉會館主要支出項目………………………42 表4-7荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店基本資料…………………………44 表4-8荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店主要收入項目……………………45 表4-9荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店主要支出項目……………………46 表4-10卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟基本資料………………………….49 表4-11卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟主要收入項目…………………….50 表4-12卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟主要支出項目…………………….50 表5-1水美溫泉會館業者自評表 ........................52 表5-2水美溫泉會館關鍵成功因素之核心資源表...........53 表5-3水都北投溫泉會館業者自評表.....................57 表5-4水都北投溫泉會館關鍵成功因素之核心資源表.......58 表5-5荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店業者自評表...................60 表5-6荷豐館溫泉渡假飯店關鍵成功因素之核心資源表.....61 表5-7卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟業者自評表.....................64 表5-8卡莎米亞溫泉聯盟關鍵成功因素之核心資源表.......65 表5-9 個案溫泉旅館提昇獲利原因彙總表................70 表5-10個案溫泉旅館成功因素內容......................71 表5-11個案溫泉旅館關鍵成功因素之核心資源彙總表......71 圖 次 頁次 圖1-1研究流程圖……………………………………………6 圖2-1持久性競爭優勢的形成.......................21 圖2-2關鍵成功因素的分析層級與策略形成過程.......23 圖3-1觀念架構圖.................................29[[note]]學號: 788590106, 學年度: 9

    Researcher Nursery on Crop Monitoring and Controlling System

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    為提昇農產品生產之品質與穩定產量, 設施農業生產已為知識經濟應用於農業生產之典範.傳統上設施內部環控作業指標僅為內部氣體環境, 例如溫度、相對濕度與光量.此種栽培管理方式由於忽視了作物本身需求, 因此容易造成能源浪費與過量使用化學物品.國外之研究中以德國與荷蘭兩國對此技術之研發最為先進.在此人才培育計畫擬選派國內已有相關經驗之研究人才前往德國漢諾威大學、荷蘭農工學院、各環控系統公司研習其作物生產智慧型監控系統等先進技術.研習結果可加速國內此方面技術之水準, 提昇國內農產品於國際之競爭力.重要工作項目包括: 1.資料收集與行程規畫、連繫.收集近年來國際期刊與國際會議中有關此研習主題之研究單位資料, 進行連繫並安排研習行程.2.前往德國漢諾威大學, 荷蘭農業大學、農業研究單位、溫室與資材廠商、溫室環控系統公司等研習有關作物生理感測之先進技術.藉由參觀國際園藝設施設備展覽( NTV展 )之機會, 廣泛研習研究中與已商品化之技術.3.返國後撰寫出國報告, 並進行專案報告以加速研習技術之推廣.4.以此研習所得先進技術與未來研究計畫配合以落實技術推廣.此計畫之預期效益包括收集考察歐洲作物本體監控之先進技術, 配合國內農業發展現況, 引進相關技術, 提昇國內研究水準, 促進農產品生產之品質與穩定產量.In order to promote the quality and to stabilize the quantity of agricultural products, protected culture has become the pattern for the application of knowledge economic on agriculture.The traditional control strategy for the microclimate modification of greenhouse only considered the aerial environment, such as air temperature, relative humidity and solar intensity.Because of the neglecting for the crop requirement, too much energy was lost and the chemical materials were overused.German and The Netherlands had established the advanced technique for the topic of crop monitoring and controlling system.In this proposal, three researchers with relative research experience were selected to participate this project.The important work items included: 1.To collect the detail information about this subject from the research journals and proceeds of international meeting.Some research centers and university will be contact for the arrangement of schedule, 2.Visit the Hanover University, Agricultural University of The Netherlands, Agricultural research institute, greenhouse companies, environment control companies, and NTV inhibition, 3.Write and print the final reports about this proposal, attend the meeting to introduce the results, 4.Incorporate these advance techniques with the further research projects.The expect harvest for this project is to collect the advance technique of monitoring and controlling for crop production, introduce the novel technique to promote the research level and enhance the quality and quantity of the crop production

    Floriculture Physiological Monitoring and Extension of Automation Systems for Protected Culture

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    1. 生物本體指標環控自動化:作物本體各元素含量偵測系統以結合原環控系統建立生理基礎之環控技術。 2. 結合葉部氣孔開啟測定系統以配合灌溉作業,使得植物生長潛勢感測與灌溉策略配合。 3. 延續設施花卉(國蘭、火鶴花、拖鞋蘭等)自動化作業體系之建立,由關鍵性作業項目開始推廣自動化技術,並逐漸引進溫室設施。 4. 示範點建立與技術推廣:以同一地區,同一作物之花卉生產班為對象。對共同性之作業場建立一貫化之機械化與自動化作業技術。持續依產業性質與地域特性建立技術示範點。 5. 延續技術服務團作業,推廣自動化技術。開發花卉生理感測技術,配合原環控系統促進設施花卉自動化生產之品質與產量,提升國內花卉之產值。The major items and practical methods of this project are: 1 Automationof the physiological monitoring for bio-index: The monitor of crop elements and combined eith environment control and fertilization control technique. 2. Combine the stem sap measurement with the irrigation. These control units will be incorporated into traditional control systems. 3. Environmental control of tissue culture rooms; to ensure the thermal uniform by therml distribution sensing. 4. Extensing the automatic production systems for Anthurium, Asian orchids, and Calla lily. 5. Establishment of the demonstration centers and technique extension; 6. The operation of automation service teams

    Development and Application of Automation Systems for Floriculture Protected Culture Industry

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    此計畫全程目標在於台灣地區花卉產地成立花卉生產自動化技術示範中心, 以提供花卉教育生產者推廣、教育、示範及試驗之功.本年度目標在於國內花卉產地建立花卉栽培自動化示範點六處, 推展花卉自動化生產技術之研究成果, 以進行示範推廣並研發關鍵技術.本年度重要工作項目及實施方法分述如下: 1.生物本體指標環控與肥培自動化: 以作物蒸散量、葉綠素值與作物體溫為指標, 建立生理環控技術.2.以作物光合作用、呼吸作用、植株本體氮含量等感測技術, 結合養液或肥培管理, 使作物肥培管理技術加以量化並結合原環控系統.3.切花收穫後處理作業: 針對文心蘭、火鶴花等切花栽培場, 建立預冷、殺菌作業一貫化系統.4.網室設施花卉( 火鶴花、海芋等 )自動化作業體系之建立, 由關鍵性作業項目開始推廣自動化技術, 並逐漸引進溫室設施.5.介質消毒與分配機具: 設計研製介質消毒機具, 依栽培容器尺寸進行介質分配.工作項目包括原來舊介質之篩選, 去雜質, 再粉碎, 輸送到殺菌室, 後送貯存.6.示範點建立與技術推廣: 以同一地區, 同一作物之花卉生產班為對象.對共同性之作業場建立一貫化之機械化與自動化作業技術.持續依產業性質與地域特性建立技術示範點.7.半開放式栽培設施噴霧降溫系統規劃設計: 針對半開放式栽培設施之噴霧降溫系統進行規劃、設計、測試及推廣, 並建立示範點一處 ( 主要栽培作物為高價位之豬籠草 ).本年度預定成果為在於國內花卉產地建立花卉栽培自動化示範點六處, 推展花卉自動化生產技術之研究成果, 以進行示範推廣並研發關鍵技術.The flower production areas and quantities have increased significantly year by year.In order to keep the pace of this product for the domestic and foreign markets, the quality of flower must enhanced.However, the labors in country were limited by the effect of industry.The wages have increased and the labor was scarcely.To solve the problem of shortage of labor, the technologies of mechanization and automation must be introduced.The total aims of this project are to establish the demonstration centers in Taiwan.These centers could provide the functions of extension, education, and test.The aim of this project for this year is to establish several demonstration centers.The novel technology is extended.Further studies are executed.The major items and practical methods are: 1.The bio-index environment control and fertilization control technique.These control units will be incorporated into traditional control systems; 2.the post-harvest technique for cutting flower: to develop a conveying system to transport the cutting flowers into the pre-cooling room and grade these products; 3.The establishment of the auto-production system for Anthurium and Oncidiums.4.Sterilization and distribution equipment for medium; 5.single-chip control systems to miniature the control device; 6.establishment of the demonstration centers and technique extension; 7.The operation of automation service teams.The checking points for this year is to establish six demonstration centers.The novel technology is extended.The establishment of the electronic commercialization will be conducted

    Literaturverzeichnis und Anhang

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