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    克拉玛依农业综合开发区位于准噶尔盆地西北边缘的湖积平原,这里生态环境恶劣,主要的生态问题是干旱、风沙和盐碱,阻碍了农业生产的持续发展。该区植被的衰退直接影响区域生态安全,并且有沙尘暴的威胁。测定生物量可以准确地评价农业开发区沙漠化发生的程度,也可为维护荒漠生态系统的稳定和荒漠区的可持续发展提供科学依据。本文采用样方调查的方法、野外采集测量与实验室分析处理相结合、定性描述与定量分析相结合为根本研究路线,通过对准噶尔盆地荒漠植被生物量的季节变化进行分析,得到以下结论:(1)当年生绿色枝条同化时间较短,同化速率快。生长初期梭梭当年生绿色同化枝重量增加比较缓慢,5月中旬以后增长速度加快,6月下旬出现第一个峰值,此后略有下降,7月上旬后,又逐渐增加,至8月下旬出现第二个峰值,8月下旬后重量不断下降。(2)梭梭群落属于典型的中繁型群落,同化系统(AS)和非同化系统(UAS)的现存量分别集中分布于地上8~60cm和20~90cm的范围内,属典型的中繁型群落。梭梭绿色同化枝的生物量在其整个群落生物量的构成中作用明显,占整个群落生物量的30%。(3)梭梭群落没有明显的生长变化。在一年内的整个生长周期,6月下旬和8月下旬出现生物量增长峰值,3~5年可能会看出梭梭个体的增长变化。(4)一年的生长周期内5月份当年生枝条生长缓慢生物量也比较少地上生物量42052.197g/m2;7~8月份同化和非同化系统生长达到高峰7645.718~92922.598g/m2,这是梭梭当年生绿色同化枝生长最旺盛、最有活力的时期;进入9月份随光合作用的下降生物量也下降至86794.669g/m2;10月份生物量迅速下降11月接近零,准备冬眠,脱落大部分枝条被并入非同化系统。The Karamay agriculture synthesis development zone is located at the lake plain on the northwest edge of the Zhunggar Basin in which the severe ecological environment and ecological problems such as drought, the sandstorm and salination hinder the sustainable development of agricultural production. The vegetation's decline of this area directly influences the regional ecology security, and has the threat of sand storm. The degree of desertification in the agricultural development zone may be evaluated accurately by determining the biomass and the determination of biomass can also provide scientific bases to the protection of the stability and sustainable development of desert ecosystem. This research project uses the integrated method pilot investigation, outdoor gathering and measuring, laboratory analysis, qualitative description and the quantitative analysis in order to analyze seasonal change of the vegetation biomass of the Zhunggar basin and the main results are as follow. (1) The assimilation time of the annual green branch is relatively short while it’s assimilation rate are relatively quick. At the initial period of growth, the accumulation rate of the biomass of the annual green branch of Haoxylon ammodendron is relatively slow. On the middle of May the growth rate begin to increases and reaches its peak on the late June. After that , the rate begin to declines slightly and from the beginning of July, increases again gradually to the second peak on the late August, after late August, the rate declines continuously . The Haoxylon ammodendron community belongs to the medium flouring period community, the present biomass of the assimilation system (AS)and the un assimilation system (UAS) are mainly distributed at the depth of 8~60cm and 20~90cm above the ground. The role of the biomass of the assimilated green branch of Haoxylon ammodendron is evident in the whole biomass of the community and contributed 30% to the total biomass of the community. (3) The Haoxylon ammodendron community has no evident change of growth. In the entire growing seasons of one year, the peak of the accumulation of biomass happens in late June and late August. The change of the growth of individual Haoxylon ammodendron can be detected in five years. (4) In the entire growing seasons of one year , the growth rate of the branch of that year is slow and it's biomass are relatively low in May and the biomass above ground is 42052.197g/m2;The growth rate of the assimilation and the unassimilation system reaches it peak to 7645.718 ~ 92922.598g/ m2 and it is the season in which the growth of the green branch of the Haoxylon ammodendron is most bloomed and vigorous .at the beginning of September , the biomass declines to enters in September also drops along with the drop biomass to 86794.669g/m2 with the declining photosynthesis , in October , the biomass declines rapidly and reaches zero in November, the preparation hibernation begins with the fallings of the majority of branches and with the transformation in to the non- assimilation system


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    根据样地调查资料,对位于准噶尔盆地的克拉玛依农业开发区外围荒漠植被的生物量及季节变化进行了研究。通过对梭梭自然群落地上生物量的研究表明,梭梭群落在一年的生长周期内没有明显的生长变化,只有两个生长高峰分别在6月下旬和8月下旬出现,但是绿色同化速率快。梭梭地上生物量中,多年生枝条比例最多占地上生物量的60%,当年生绿色同化枝生物量较少,一般占30%以下。5月份梭梭当年生绿色同化枝生长比较缓慢,地上生物量42 052.197g/m~2;7~8月份达到高峰76 457.18~92 922.598g/m~2,这是梭梭当年生绿色同化枝生长最旺盛、最有活力的时期;进入9月份随光合作用的下降生物量也下降至86 794.669g/m~2;10月份生物量迅速下降11月接近零,准备冬眠,脱落大部分枝条被并入非同化系统。梭梭群落地上生物量增长规律符合Logistic增长模型;其地上现存量季节动态呈二次抛物线方程y=a+bx+cx~2形式;梭梭绿色同化系统(AS)和非同化系统(UAS)的现存量集中分布于地面8~60cm和20~90cm的范围内,属典型的中繁型群落。梭梭群落的生物量及其季节变化与梭梭当年生绿色同化枝的萌发、生长、脱落有密切的关系