58 research outputs found

    Analiza ishrane zelene želve, Chelonia mydas, iz Jadranskog mora

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    The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is a foraging specialist, with strong tendency towards herbivory of neritic-stage individuals. Due to lack of data on the feeding ecology of this species in the Mediterranean, we analysed diet composition of one juvenile green turtle with the curved carapace length of 40.0 cm, found dead in the eastern Adriatic Sea (Croatia) in December 2001. The turtle has dominantly feed upon benthic polychaetes Chaetopterus variopedatus (69.8%), while seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa) and algae accounted for 11.1% of the total wet mass. Species composition and their vertical distribution showed that the turtle was in the post-pelagic stage and has foraged in the shallow coastal waters. We discuss our results in the light of recent recoveries of C. mydas juveniles in Albania and Greece, and suggest the existence of an Ionian-Adriatic developmental pathway of green turtles from reproductive habitats in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.Zelena želva (Chelonia mydas) je specijalist u ishrani, sa snažnom tendencijom neritičkih stadija prema herbivornosti. Zbog potpunog nedostatka podataka o ekologije ishrane ove vrste u Sredozemlju, proveli smo analizu sadržaja probavila jedne zelene želve zakrivljene dužine karapaksa 40 cm, na|ene uginule u istočnom Jadranu (Hrvatska) u prosincu 2001. Dominantan plijen predstavljao je pridneni mnogočetinaš Chaetopterus variopedatus (69.8%), dok su morske cvjetnice (Cymodocea nodosa) i alge sačinjavale 11.1% ukupne mokre mase sadržaja probavila. Sastav vrsta i njihova vertikalna raspodjela pokazali su da je kornjača bila u post-pelagičkoj razvojnoj fazi, hraneći se u plitkim obalnim vodama. Rezultati su raspravljeni u svjetlu novih nalaza juvenilnih primjeraka C. mydas u Albaniji i Grčkoj, što ukazuje na postojanje jonsko-jadranskog razvojnog puta zelenih želvi iz reproduktivnih staništa u istočnom Sredozemlju

    Prvi nalaz vrste Oculina patagonica (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) u Jadranskom moru

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    Scleractinian coral Oculina patagonica De Angelis 1908, non-indigenous species for the Adriatic Sea, was for the first time recorded during biological baseline survey in the harbour of Split (eastern coast of the Central Adriatic Sea), in May 2011. Colony was found in fouling community at depth of 3 m on concrete vertical wall. The surface of single colony was approximately 200 cm2. This record could be the base for future monitoring of possible spreading of this species, and to observe its behaviour in competition with the algal community and sedentary benthic invertebrates that were dominant on the surfaces of harbour walls.Kameni koralj Oculina patagonica De Angelis 1908, strana vrsta u Jadranskom moru, prvi je put zabilježen za vrijeme biološkog istraživanja nultog stanja u luci Split (istočna obala srednjeg Jadrana) u svibnju 2011. godine. Kolonija je pronađena u obraštajnoj zajednici na dubini od 3 m na vertikalnom zidu. Površina ove kolonije je bila oko 200 cm2. Ovaj nalaz može biti osnova za buduće praćenje mogućeg širenja vrste, te za promatranje njenog ponašanja u kompeticiji sa zajednicom algi i sedentarnih bentoskih beskralješnjaka koji su bili prevladavajući na površinama zidova luke

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Popis morskih bentoskih makroalgi uz istočnu obalu Jadrana: IV. Rhodophyta 2: bez Ceramiales

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    After the first part of the checklist of red algae (Rhodophyta: Ceramiales) the second part from the eastern Adriatic coast is presented, based on records published from 1948 to 2009. For geographic analysis the coast is divided into three parts: northern, central, and southern. A total of 219 macroalgal taxa at specific and infraspecific level are recognized. Most of them were recorded in the Middle (196), slightly less number in the North (165) and the lowest (109) in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea.U ovom radu iznosimo popis svojti morskih bentoskih makroalgi iz drugog dijela sistematskog odjeljka crvenih alga (Rhodophyta; red Ceramiales u prvom dijelu) koji se temelji na podacima objavljenim između 1948. i 2009. godine. Zemljopisno smo istočnu obalu Jadranskog mora podijelili na tri dijela: sjeverni, srednji i južni. Ukupno je navedeno 219 vrsta i nižih taksonomskih kategorija crvenih algi. Najviše ih je zabilježeno u srednjem (196) manje u sjevernom (165), a najmanje (109) u južnom dijelu Jadranu

    Taksonomski sastav, dubinska rasprostranjenost i fitogeografske značajke morske bentoske makroflore u Riječkom zaljevu (sjeverni Jadran, Hrvatska)

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    Here we give a review of the taxonomic composition, depth distribution, and phytogeographic characteristics of benthic marine macroflora from Rijeka Bay. It is based on our research from 1950 to 2000, and on both a nomenclatural and a taxonomic critical revision of previous records from that region. The list contains 380 taxa belonging to the Rhodophyta (231), the Ochrophyta (74), the Chlorophyta (71) and the Magnoliophyta (4), 338of which are at the species level while 42 are infraspecific (4 subspecies, 31 varieties, 7 forms, 1 stage). The established ratio between the number of Rhodophyta and Phaeophyceae (R/P Index; FELDMANN, 1937) was 3.1, and the relation between the number of Rhodophyta + Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae (R+C/P Index; CHENEY, 1977) was 4.1. Both the above values show the subtropical character of benthic macroalgal flora in the surveyed area. With regard to its origin, the Rijeka Bay benthic flora is not homogenous. It comprises floral elements from several phytogeographic regions. Predominant by number and percentage are Atlantic (86 taxa – 23%), subcosmopolitan (75 taxa – 20%), Mediterranean (70 taxa – 19%), and Indo-Atlantic (53 taxa – 14%) floral elements. Other phytogeographic regions contribute only 96 taxa to Rijeka marine algal flora – 25% of total the 380 taxa recorded. Only 3 species (1%) are included in the category of Adriatic endemic (Polysiphonia adriatica, Feldmannia irregularis var. Lebeliides and Fucus virsoides). The analysis of benthic flora in relation to littoral bionomical zones reveals that the highest number of algal taxa is recorded in the upper infralittoral zone (325), and the lowest (the supralittoral excepted) in the eulittoral zone (109). With regard to depth distribution, marine benthic flora of Rijeka Bay consists of a very small number of algal taxa which live only deeper than 6 m (36 taxa – 9.4%), in comparison with the relatively high number of algal taxa which live only as far as 6 m deep (153 taxa – 40.3%), and those living both above and below the depth of 6 m (191 taxa – 50.1%).U radu se iznosi popis bentoskih morskih makroalga i morskih cvjetnica Riječkog zaljeva koji se temelji na istraživanjima izvedenim od 1950. do 2000. godine, te starijim i novijim bibliografskim podacima. Popis sadrži ukupno 376 svojte bentoskih alga (231 svojti ili 60,8% Rhodophyta, 74 svojte ili 19,5% Ochrophyta, 71 svojta ili 18,7% Chlorophyta) i 4 vrste morskih cvjetnica (Magnoliophyta). Prema vrijednostima kvocijenata R/P (FELDMANN, 1937) i R+C/P (CHENEY, 1977) bentoska flora Riječkog zaljeva ima suptropski karakter. U fitogeografskom sastavu brojem i postotkom prevladavaju atlantski (86 svojti ili 22,5%), subkozmopolitski (75 svojte ili 19,8%), mediteranski (70 svojte ili 18,5%) i indo-atlantski (53 svojte ili 14%) florni elementi. Od endemskih jadranskih vrsta zabilježene su samo tri (Polysiphonia adriatica, Feldmannia irregularis var. Lebeliides i Fucus virsoides). Najveći je broj svojti zabilježen u gornjem infralitoralu (325), dosta manje u srednjem (213) i donjem infralitoralu (190), a najmanje (izuzevši supralitoral gdje je određena samo jedna vrsta) u eulitoralu (109). Razmjerno mali broj svojti bentoske flore (36 ili 9,4% od ukupnog broja) živi na većim dubinama od 6 m, u odnosu na razmjerno velikog broja svojti koje žive samo do 6 m dubine (153 ili 40,3%), odnosno svojti koje su zastupljene u obje kategorije (191 ili 50,1%)

    Pojava stranog invazivnog školjkaša Arcuatula senhousia u nakupinama stranog invazivnog mnogočetinaša Ficopomatus enigmaticus u delti rijeke Neretve na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora

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    Non-indigenous invasive bivalve Arcuatula senhousia was recorded in the area of the eastern Adriatic Sea in Neretva River Delta, in 2010, among tubes of well established aggregations of non-indigenous species of sedentary polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus at depths from 0.5 to 1 m. It was very abundant, with the maximal abundance of 102 N/400 cm2, only in very thick fouling aggregations, but any traces of colonization of this species on soft sediments were not observed. Community that inhabits aggregations of invasive polychaete was described in the paper. Occurrence of Arcuatula senhousia in wider area of very important port for international maritime transport suggests that the ballast waters could be possible vector of introduction of this species. The analysis of the sediment revealed that the species was introduced recently. In contrary, Ficopomatus enigmaticus was introduced in the area earlier.Strana invazivna vrsta školjkaša Arcuatula senhousia je zabilježena 2010. godine na području istočnog Jadrana u delti rijeke Neretve, između cjevčica dobro razvijenih nakupina strane vrste sedentarnog mnogočetinaša Ficopomatus enigmaticus na dubinama od 0,5 do 1 m. Bila je vrlo brojna, s najvećom abundancijom od 102 N/400 cm2, samo u vrlo debelim nakupinama u obraštaju. Tragovi kolonizacije ove vrste na sedimentnom dnu nisu opaženi. U radu je opisana i zajednica koja naseljava nakupine ovog invazivnog mnogočetinaša. Pojava vrste A. senhousia na širem području vrlo važne luke za međunarodni pomorski promet ukazuje da balastne vode mogu biti vektor unosa ove vrste. Analiza sedimenta je pokazala da je vrsta nedavno unesena. Za razliku od nje, vrsta F. enigmaticus je, na ovo područje, unesena ranije