4 research outputs found

    Czech Relative Wages and Returns to Schooling: Does the Short Supply of College Education Bite? (in English)

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    Czech returns to education are estimated using 2002 data on hourly wages of salaried employees. The wage return on an additional year of schooling is close to 10 percent, which is relatively high given the level of economic development and education level in the Czech Republic. Particularly large is the post-secondary/secondary-school wage gap, which appears higher than in Germany or Austria, two countries with a similar educational structure. This is likely due to the short supply of tertiary education provided by funds-starved Czech public post-secondary institutions.Czech Republic, returns to education

    Understanding Long-Term Unemployment in the Czech Republic

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    One potential negative impact of the EU accession of Central European economies could be unemployment hysteresis working through long-term unemployment (LTU). In this paper we explore the mechanisms of LTU by providing a detailed description of the recent rise in Czech LTU following a domestic recession in 1997. We place the Czech data in an international context using VAR-based simulations and examine the role of welfare benefits in driving LTU.long-term unemployment; welfare; simulation

    Occupational Gender Segregation in the Czech Republic (in English)

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    The authors use labor force survey data to provide a detailed description and an international comparison of the level and structure of occupational gender segregation in the Czech Republic during 1994–2004. Based on 1999 data, they find Czech occupational segregation to be close to the EU average, with the exception of young, highly educated Czech workers, who faced relatively high segregation. However, segregation has declined rapidly for young workers since 1999, mainly due to the increased representation of women within occupations, not the changing occupational structure.occupational gender segregation