13 research outputs found

    The frequency and disribution of cancer cases in Hatay District in 2008

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate all cancer cases reported in 2008 in Hatay district.Materials and methods: Data of 465 cancer patients were collected by Hatay Cancer Early Diagnosis and Screening Centre between January 1–December 31, 2008 and evaluated.Results: Totally 465 cancer cases were collected from centre of Hatay and districts. 48,8% of these cases (227 cases) were female patients, 51,2% (238 cases) were male. The most frequently encountered cancers were skin (27,7%) and breast cancers (14,7%) when evaluated in terms of the incidence of cases.Conclusion: Due to cancer screening studies becoming widespread in the community, cases with cancer can be determined in the early stage, also studies intended for etiology and preventive medicine gradually increase. Skin and breast cancers are common in Hatay. Therefore, further studies on etiology and preventive measures for cancer are needed. J Clin Exp Invest 2011;2(2):192-

    Does the presence of anhydramnios affect the duration of medical abortion?

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine whether anhydramnios affected the duration of medical abortion in cases with various indications as compared to cases with normal amniotic fluid volume. Material and methods: Patients who were admitted to our clinic because of medical abortion between January 2010–December 2013 were included in this retrospective study. A total of 32 pregnant women with anhydramnios (study group) and 67 pregnant women with normal amniotic fluid volume but with fetal abnormality (control group) were included in the study. Patient age, gravidity, parity, gestational age, previous delivery route, and duration of the abortion were recorded. Results: Mean duration of the abortion in the study group was 71.93 ± 47.51 h as compared to 79.08 ± 52.62 h in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of duration of the abortion (p = 0.516). Also, we found no statistically significant differences in duration of the abortion with regard to previous delivery route (p = 0.220). Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences between the study group and controls in terms of duration of the abortion. In addition, neither parity nor previous delivery route affected the duration of the abortion

    A case with deletion 13q syndrome that born from mother with high risk at 2. trimestr screening test

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Kromozom hastalıkları, kromozomların sayısal yada yapısal anomalilerine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkar. 13q delesyon sendromu konjenital malformasyonlar ve zeka geriliği ile karakterize bir kromozomal bozukluktur. Aynı zamanda monozomi 13q sendromu olarak da bilinir. Üçlü test, gebeliğin 15-20 haftaları arasında bazı kromozomal hastalıklar için ortalamanın üzerinde risk taşıyan gebeleri saptamak amacıyla önerilen bir tarama testidir. Nadir bir olgu olması nedeniyle bu vakayı sunmaya değer bulduk. Olgu: Bu yazıda 2. Trimester testi yüksek riskli olarak bulunan bir anneden doğan 13q delesyonlu bir olgu sunulmuştur. Sonuç: 2. trimester tarama testleri ve >2.5 MoM değerinde P-HCG değerleri toplumda ender olarak görülen kromozomal anomaliler için de uyarıcı olabileceği bazı araştırıcılar tarafından savunulmaktadır. Ultrasonografikyapısal anomalisi olmayan benzer olgular rahatlıkla gözden kaçabilmektedir.Objective: Chromosome disorders, occurs depending on numerical or structural abnormalities of chromosomes. 13q deletion syndrome is a chromosomal disorder characterized by congenital malformations and mental retardation. At the same time is also known as monosomy 13q syndrome. Triple test is a screening test that recommended to determine chromosomal disorders, some above-average risk for pregnant women at 15-20 weeks of gestation. We report this case because of it is rarely seen. Case: In this article, we report a case with deletion 13q syndrome that arise from mother with high risk at 2. trimester screening test. Result: 2. trimester screening tests, and over 2.5 MoM P-hCG levels may be stimulating for rare chromosomal anomalies is argued by some researchers. Similar cases that not have structural anomalies at ultrasound could be overlooked easily

    Preterm ve term yenidoğanların ortalama trombosit hacmi düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Trombositlerin fonksiyonlarının belirleyicilerinden biriside ortalama trombosit hacmidir. Biz çalışmamızda preterm ve term yenidoğanların ortalama trombosit hacmi (MPV) düzeylerinin karşılaştırılmasını amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanemizde doğan, herhangi bir hematolojik ve başka metabolik bir sorunu olmayan 58’i term 80’i preterm olan toplam 138 yenidoğan çalışmamıza alındı. MPV değerleri açısından istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıl- dı. Bulgular: Term yenidoğanlar ile Preterm yenidoğanların MPV değerleri karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak ileri derecede anlamlı farklılık olduğu görülmüştür. Tartışma: Hasta preterm yenidoğanlarda mpv’yi değerlendirirken sağlıklı prematürelerdeki MPV düzeylerinin term yenidoğanlardan daha yüksek olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu fark muhtemelen genç trombosit üretimindeki artıştan kaynaklanmaktadır.Aim: One of the determinants of the functions of platelets and average plate- let volume. In our study, preterm newborns with Mean Platelet Volume levels and term newborns with MPV levels are compared. Material and Method: The results of hemogram of a total of 138 newborns ( 80 preterm and 58 term), which were born in Hospital and have no problem with any other metabolic hematological were evaluated retrospectively. MPV values were compared by statistical analysis. Results: When the MPV values of Term newborns and preterm newborns were compared, The difference was highly statistically significant. Discussion: While the MPV of the sick preterm newborns were assessed, it should not be forgotten that the MPV level of healthy premature babies were higher the MPV level of term newborns. This difference is prob- ably due to the increase in the production of young platelets

    Is it maipractice or sexual assault that made the teenage a mother ? A case report presentation

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    Cinsel saldırı mağdurlarıyla ilgili birçok çalışma yapılmış olmasına rağmen bu olguların takibinde ihmal boyutunu inceleyen yeterli çalışma yoktur. Bu çalışmada cinsel saldırı mağduru bir çocuk olgusuna sunularak hekimlerin bu tür olgulara yaklaşımı ve hekim kusurunun tartışılması amaçlanmıştır. Olgumuz on dört yaşında, üvey annesi, babası ve iki kardeşiyle kırsal alanda yaşayan, sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük bir kız çocuktur. Öyküsünde farklı kişiler tarafından iki kez cinsel saldırıya maruz kaldığı anlaşılmıştır. Saldırganlardan biri mağdurun kuzeni, diğeri tanıdık biri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Cinsel saldırılardan sonra adet gecikmesi şikâyetiyle kadın doğum uzmanı bir hekime gittiğini ifade etmiştir. Ancak hiçbir muayene ve tetkik yapılmadan hormonal düzensizlik denilerek ilaç tedavisi uygulanmıştır. Muayenesinde yirmi dokuz haftalık gebe ve oligohidramnios mevcut olduğu saptanmıştır. Aynı gün sezeryan ile bir kız bebek doğurmak zorunda kalmıştır. Hekimin anamnez, muayene ve tanı koymada gerekli dikkat ve özeni göstermediği, özen borcunu yerine getirmediği görüşündeyiz. Olgumuz cinsel saldırı eylemine maruz kalmanın ötesinde ihmal sonucunda çocuk yaşta anne olma ve cerrahi müdahale görmek zorunda kalınmıştır. Bu yaşlarda gebe olunmayacağı ön yargısının kırılması gerektiği ve ayrıca bakmakla yükümlü kişilerin ve hekimlerin sorumlulukları açısından bu olgu sunulmaya değer bulunmuştur.Although many studies were published about the sexual assault victims, the number of studies evaluating the aspect of prosecution negligence is limited. Here we present a case ¬of juvenile sexual assault victim, we aim to evaluate the approach of the physicians to this kind of cases and to discuss medical malpractice. Our case was a fourteen-year-old girl, who was living in a socioeconomically low status urban area with her father, two siblings and stepmother.¬In her history there were two sexual assault exposures. One of the attackers was her cousin and the other was a family friend. She went to specialist after sexual assault with complaint of menstruation¬ delay. Nevertheless, hormonal disorder ¬diagnosis was made and treatment was started without a test or physical examination. In physical examination it was found that she was 29 week pregnant with oligohidramnios and she had to give birth a baby girl at the same day. We believe that the physician did not pay attention to history taking, physical examination and did not comply duty of care. Our case was exposed to sexual assault and -remained under the load of maternity¬ in a child age. We think that presentation of this case report is valuable regarding the prejudice of impossibility of early juvenile pregnancy and also responsibilities of persons in charge and doctors


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    Objective: Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite, is a common zoonosis in the world and causes toxoplasmosis. The infection is usually asymptomatic and if it occurs during pregnancy it may cause congenital anomalies, miscarriage, stillbirth and premature delivery. In this study, determination of seroprevalance of Toxoplazma IgG and IgM among pregnant women in the province of Hatay was aimed. In addition, IgG avidity test was performed in subjects who had positive test results for both of the two antibodies. Design: In this study, 3340 pregnant women who admitted to the outpatient clinic of gynecelogy and obstetrics department of Mustafa Kemal University/Hatay between the years of 2007 and 2012were included. Toxoplazma IgM and IgG antibody test results of the subjects were examined retrospectively by screening the records of microbiology laboratory of the hospital. Additionally, IgG avidity test was performed in 114 cases whoose test results for both Toxoplazma IgM and IgG were positive. Main outcome measures: IgM and IgG seropositivity rates were found as 3.6% (n = 120) and 57% (n = 1910), respectively. The rate of new infection was detected with avidity test as 31%. Conclusions: Remarkably high seropositivity rate was observed in the Mediterranean region especially in the province of Hatay. Antibody testing for Toxoplasma gondii may be useful during routine examinations of women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy and who plan gestation. In addition, measures should be taken to raise awareness of hygiene in our region in terms of water and sanitation

    Reproductive outcome after hysteroscopic septum resection : a retrospective study

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    Amaç: Primer infertilite ve düşük veya prematür doğum öyküsü olan sekonder infertilite tanısı ile başvuran ve uterin septum saptanan olgularda histeroskopik septum rezeksiyonu sonrası gebelik sonuçlarının ve hızlarının retrospektif olarak saptanması. Gereçler ve Yöntem: Eylül 2009- Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum kliniğine başvuran, histerosalpingografi ile uterin septum tanısı koyduğumuz primer veya sekonder infertil hastalara histereskopik septum rezeksiyonu uygulandı. 16 hasta primer infertilite; 20 hasta ise düşük ve/veya prematür doğum öyküsü olan sekonder infertilite grubunda idi. Hastaların retrospektif olarak verileri tarandıktan sonra hastalar aranarak operasyon sonrası gebelik bilgilerine ulaşıldı. Bulgular: 20 vakada komplet septus, 16 vakada parsiyel septus izlendi. Ortalama operasyon süresi 27,5 ± 7,0 dk. İdi. 4 (%11,1) vakada işlem sonrasında asherman sendromu gelişti. 3 (%8,3) vakada işlem sonrası servikal yetmezlik tespit edildiğinden dolayı servikal serklaj uygulandı. Histeroskopik rezeksiyon sonrası 25 olguda (%69,4) konsepsiyon sağlandı. Bu 25 olgunun 19'unda (%52,8) gebelik terme kadar ulaştı. 2 olguda ise düşük meydana geldi. Primer ve sekonder infertil kabul edilen grupta term gebelik hızı sırasıyla %53,3 ve %52,4 olarak bulundu. Histereskopik septum rezeksiyonu sonrası sekonder infertil gruptaki habituel abortuslu hastaların spontan düşük hızı %61,9 'dan %4,8 'e düştü ve canlı doğum oranları %19 'dan % 61,9 'a yükseldi.Sonuç: Histeroskopik septum rezeksiyonu gerek primer, gerekse sekonder infertil olgularda fertiliteyi olumlu bir ölçüde artırmaktadır. Bu yüzden infertilite veya tekrarlayan gebelik kayıpları saptanan olgularda septum varlığı araştırılmalıdır. Bu tür olgularda operasyon süresinin ve hastanede kalış süresinin kısalığı, ayrıca daha sonraki gebeliklere vajinal doğum şansı tanıması açısından histeroskopik yaklaşım tercih edilmelidir.Aim: To determine the conception and term pregnancy rates following the hysteroscopic resection of the primary and secondary infertile women with a septate uterus. Material and Methods: In 36 patients admitted to our department, from September 2009 to March 2014, with primary and secondary infertility (previous abortions, premature deliveries), uterine septum was detected via HSG. Primary and secondary infertility categories consisted of 16 and 20 patients, respectively. A retrospective study investigating reproductive outcomes following septum resection was conducted. Results were compared between pregnancies prior to and after the septum resection. Results: The mean duration of the operation was 27.5 ±7.0 mn. After septum resection, asherman syndrome was observed in 4 (11.1%) patients and 3(8.3%) patients was required cervical cerclage. 25 patients have conceived (69.4%) following the resection. Of these 25 cases, term pregnancy was achieved in 19 patients (52.8%). In primary and secondary infertility groups, the term pregnancy rate was found to be 53.3% and 54.2%, respectively. In secondary infertility group, the miscarriage rate for those who had experienced 2 or more previous miscarriages decreased from 61.9% to 4.8%. The term delivery rate also rose from 19% to 61.9%.Conclusion: Hysteroscopic septum resection promotes the fertility both primary and secondary infertility patients. Thus, patients with a history of recurrent pregnancy and infertility necessitates the investigation for the presence of the uterine septum. Hysteroscopic surgical approaches should be preferred in regard to the short duration of the operation and the hospital stay as well as the increased chance for the vaginal delivery in the next pregnancies following the operation

    Malouf Syndrome with Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism and Cardiomyopathy: Two-Case Report and Literature Review

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    Malouf syndrome is a very rarely encountered syndrome which was first diagnosed in 1985 upon the examination of two sisters, with findings of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, dilated cardiomyopathy, blepharoptosis, and broad nasal base. Later on, Narahara diagnosed another sporadic case with the same findings. A survey of relevant literature leads us to three women cases in total. Here we present two cases of Malouf syndrome and literature review

    Seroprevalance of toxolpasma lgG among pregnant women in thw province of Hatay and contiribution of avidity test to the diagnos

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    Amaç: Zorunlu hücre içi paraziti olan Toxoplazma gondii, dünyada sık görülen bir zoonoz olup, toksoplazmozis enfeksiyonuna neden olur. Enfeksiyon genellikle asemptomatik seyretmekle birlikte gebelik döneminde geçirildiğinde konjenital anomalili doğumlara, düşüklere, ölü doğum ve prematür doğuma neden olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Hatay yöresindeki gebelerde Toxoplasma IgG ve IgM seroprevalansının saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Planlama: Çalışmaya 2007-2012 yılları arasında Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum polikliniğine başvuran 3340 gebe dahil edildi. Hastanemiz mikrobiyoloji laboratuvar kayıtları taranarak olguların Toxoplasma IgM ve IgG antikor test sonuçları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Toxoplazma IgM ve IgG testlerinin her ikisi birden pozitif olan 114 olguda ise IgG avidite testi yapıldı. Olgulara avidite testine göre tedavi, takip veya gebeliğin sonlandırılması önerildi. Değerlendirme parametreleri: Araştırmada % 3,6 (n:120 ) oranında IgM pozitişiği ve % 57 (n:1910 ) oranında ise IgG seropozitişiği saptandı. Avidite testi ile % 31 olguda yeni enfeksiyon tespit edildi. Yorum: Çalışmada Akdeniz bölgesinde özellikle Hatay ve yöresinde parazitin seropozitişiğinin dikkate değer düzeyde yüksek olduğu gözlenmiş olduğundan özellikle birinci trimesterdeki gebelerin ve gebelik planlayan kadınların rutin muayenelerinde Toxoplasma gondii antikor testi yapılması faydalı olabilir. Ayrıca, bölgemizde su ve hijyen açısından bilincin arttırılması için tedbirler alınmalıdır.Objective: Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite, is a common zoonosis in the world and causes toxoplasmosis. The infection is usually asymptomatic and if it occurs during pregnancy it may cause congenital anomalies, miscarriage, stillbirth and premature delivery. In this study, determination of seroprevalance of Toxoplasma IgG and IgM among pregnant women in the province of Hatay was aimed. In addition, IgG avidity test was performed in subjects who had positive test results for both of the two antibodies. Design: In this study, 3340 pregnant women who admitted to the outpatient clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Mustafa Kemal University between the years of 2007 and 2012 were included. Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibody test results of the subjects were examined retrospectively by screening the records of microbiology laboratory of the hospital. Additionally, IgG avidity test was performed in 114 cases whose test results for both Toxoplasma IgM and IgG were positive. Main outcome measures: IgM and IgG seropositivity rates were found as 3.6% (n :120) and 57% (n:1910), respectively. The rate of new infection was detected with avidity test as 31%. Conclusions: Since remarkably high seropositivity rate was observed in the Mediterranean region especially in the province of Hatay, antibody testing for Toxoplasma gondii may be useful during routine examinations of women who are in this region. In addition, measures should be taken to raise awareness of hygiene in our region in terms of water and sanitation

    A rare cause of ullrich turner syndrome of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism : a case report

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    Turner sendromlu 45XO/46XY mozaikliği, nadir görülen kromozomal bir anomalidir. Yaklaşık 1/10.000‘de bir görülen bu mozaismin fenotip yansımaları normal bir erkekten, klasik Ullrich-Turner Sendromuna (UTS) kadar değişen çeşitliliktedir. Primer amenore şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvuran hastanın yapılan kromozom analiz sonucu 45XO/46XY olarak geldi.Turner syndrome is a rare chromosomal abnormality of 45XO/46 XY mosaicism. Approximately 1/10000 are seen with a phenotypic reflection of mosaicism that shows variability from a normal man to Ullrich-Turner syndrome. We present this case report as a result of chromosomal analysis (45XO/46XY) who admitted to our clinic with primary amenorrhea