154 research outputs found

    Preservation of meat and meat products using nanoencapsulated thyme and oregano essential oils

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    Among other plants, thyme and oregano are commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in meat dishes. Although the essential oils of these two plants possess great antimicrobial and antioxidative properties, their application as natural meat preservatives are limited due to hydrophobicity, sensitivity to external factors and interaction with food components. Furthermore, essential oils can have adverse impacts on meats organoleptic properties. A possible way to overcome these barriers is by incorporating essential oils into nanometric delivery systems. Nano-sizing essential oils increases their stability, protects them, and allows their controlled release. This enhances the bioavailability of the essential oils and reduces their possible adverse impact on meat products organoleptic properties by preventing their unwanted interactions with food components. The antibacterial and antioxidative effect of nanoencapsulated essential oils is confirmed in numerous studies, and some of them show that in this form, essential oils were potent in food models e.g. beef burgers, pate and rainbow trout. However, a more promising way to introduce nano forms of essential oils into foods is incorporating them in packaging systems

    Endorsement and Social Role of the Ethos of Conflict in Serbia

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    The studyā€™s aims are to analyze the endorsement of the ethos of conflict (EoC )ā€Žnarrative in the Serbian-Albanian conflict among the adults in Serbia, its relation ā€Žto political conservatism, and its role in pushing conservative political action. A total of N = 1613 adults (aged 18+) were recruited for face-to-face interviewing, ā€Žin a representative sampling procedure, in December 2019 in Serbia.ā€Ž The results show high endorsement of EoC in the Serbian-Albanian fray; theā€Ž mediation effect of EoC (having both high EoC and high conservatism is associatedā€Ž with greater political activism); the relation between EoC and politicalā€Ž activism is moderated by age (the older population endorsing higher EoCā€Ž was more politically active). In the future, we should address more actively theā€Ž mobilizers of reactionary political actions in public and individual spheres, toā€Ž better understand the mechanisms for achieving long-term peace.

    Prikaz sociopsiholoŔkoga profila osoba koje se oklijevaju cijepiti i odbijaju cijepljenje protiv bolesti COVID-19

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    Vaccination hesitation and rejection is one of the major health risks in the epidemics of any infectious diseases with profound implications for public health in general. In order to provide a deeper insight into vaccine hesitation and rejection, we collected the data from individuals who did not take the COVID-19 vaccine in Serbia (N = 534), since the recently ended pandemic also confirmed the importance of these issues. We analyzed the associations between future vaccination intention and several psychological constructs including conspiracy ideation, concerns about contracting a disease and having major health problems, conservatism, pro-vaccination immediate social surroundings and empathy. An increased possibility for future vaccination was negatively related to conspiracy ideation and conservatism measures but positively associated with vaccination support from important others and threat perception of infectious disease and health concerns. Conspiracy beliefs mediated the links from both conservatism and vaccination support from important others toward future vaccinations intention, while threat perception of infection mediated the link between vaccination support and the criterion measure. Present findings enable a deeper understanding of vaccine hesitation and rejection and provide guidelines for psychologists and public health workers for facilitating vaccination against infectious disease.Oklijevanje u cijepljenju i odbijanje cijepljenja glavni su zdravstveni rizici u epidemijama bilo koje zarazne bolesti, a koji imaju ozbiljne posljedice za opće javno zdravlje. Da bismo pružili dublji uvid u oklijevanje u cijepljenju i odbijanje cijepljenja, prikupili smo podatke od pojedinaca koji se nisu cijepili protiv bolesti COVID-19 u Srbiji (N = 534) jer je i nedavno zavrÅ”ena pandemija potvrdila važnost tih pitanja. Analizirali smo povezanost između budućih namjera cijepljenja i nekoliko psiholoÅ”kih konstrukata, uključujući vjerovanje u teorije zavjera, zabrinutost zbog potencijalne zaraze boleŔću i ozbiljnih zdravstvenih problema, konzervativizam, neposredno druÅ”tveno okružje koje podržava cijepljenje te suosjećanje. Povećana mogućnost budućega cijepljenja bila je negativno povezana s vjerovanjem u teorije zavjera i mjerama konzervativizma, ali pozitivno povezana s potporom cijepljenju važnih drugih osoba i percepcijom većeĀ  prijetnje od zaraznih bolesti i zdravstvenih problema. Vjerovanja u različite teorije zavjera posredovala su u vezama između konzervativizma i potpore cijepljenju važnih drugih osoba prema budućim namjerama cijepljenja, dok je percepcija prijetnje od zaraze posredovala u vezi između potpore cijepljenju i kriterijske mjere. Te spoznaje omogućuju dublje razumijevanje oklijevanja u cijepljenju i odbijanja cijepljenja te psiholozima i javnozdravstvenim djelatnicima daju smjernice za poboljÅ”avanje obuhvata cijepljenja protiv zaraznih bolesti

    Importance of medium chain fatty acids in animal nutrition

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    Fats in animal and human nutrition are a common subject of research. These studies most often pay attention to particular fat groups (saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated fats or fats grouped by the length of their fatty acid chains into short, medium or long chain fatty acids). Medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) have two main sources: milk and coconut oil. To date, research has shown these acids have positive effects on health, production, feed digestibility and lower body and muscle fats in broilers and swine. MCFAs possess antibacterial, anticoccidial and antiviral effects. Also, it has been proven that these acids act synergistically if they are used together with organic acids, essential oils, or probiotics. Nowadays, commercial MCFA products are available for use in animal nutrition as feed additives

    Methods for the antibiotic resistance detection in microorganisms isolated from food

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    Rezistencija na antibiotike predstavlja rastući problem koji je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija proglasila jednom od najvećih pretnji za globalno zdravlje ljudi. Lanac hrane jedan je od najvažnijih puteva prenoÅ”enja i Å”irenja rezistencije na antibiotike između populacije rezistentnih i populacije osetljivih komensalnih i/ili patogenih mikroorganizama. Rezistencija na antibiotike može biti urođena, ili stečena putem mutacija ili lateralnog transfera gena. Sa aspekta Å”irenja rezistencije značajna je samo rezistencija stečena lateralnim transferom gena. Postoje brojne metode za detekciju i određivanje prirode rezistencije na antibiotike kod bakterija izolovanih iz hrane. Neophodno je da metode budu standardizovane i da obezbeđuju konzistentnost i doslednost dobijenih rezultata. Za detekciju fenotipske rezistencije kod bakterija izolovanih iz hrane koriste se metode kojima se određuje minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija antibiotika. U njih spadaju metod mikrodilucije, metod dilucije u agaru i E-testovi. Kvalitativne i semikvantitativne metode koje se često koriste kod kliničkih izolata, nisu prigodne za ispitivanje rezistencije na antibiotike kod mikroorganizama izolovanih iz hrane. Kod mikroorganizama kod kojih se utvrdi prisustvo fenotipske rezistencije na antibiotike, određuje se prisustvo gena za rezistenciju. Mikroorganizmi kod kojih se dokaže prisustvo genetskih determinanti koje su povezane sa stečenom rezistencijom na antibiotike, predstavljaju rizik za diseminaciju rezistencije i među osetljivom populacijom. Mikroorganizmi koji imaju komercijalnu upotrebu, ne bi trebalo da poseduju genetske determinante prenosive rezistencije na antibiotike.Resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem that the World Health Organization has declared one of the biggest threats to global health. The food chain is one of the most important ways of transmitting and spreading resistance to antibiotics between the population of resistant and populated by sensitive commensal and / or pathogenic microorganisms. Resistance to antibiotics can be inborn, or acquired by mutation or lateral gene transfer. From the aspect of the spread of resistance, only resistance acquired by the lateral transfer of the gene is significant. There are numerous methods for detecting and determining the nature of antibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from food. The methods must be standardized and ensure the consistency of the obtained results. Methods for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotics are used to detect phenotypic resistance in bacteria isolated from food. They include a microdilution method, an agar dilution method, and an E-test. Qualitative and semi-quantitative methods commonly used in clinical isolates are not suitable for antibiotic resistance testing in food-isolated microorganisms. In the case of microorganisms with detected presence of phenotypic resistance to antibiotics, the presence of the resistance gene is determined. Microorganisms evidenced by the presence of genetic determinants associated with acquired resistance to antibiotics represent a risk of resistance dissemination among the susceptible populations. Commercially used microorganisms should not possess genetic determinants of transferable antibiotic resistance

    Comparison of bacteriological status during ripening of traditional fermented sausages filled into different diameter artificial casings

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    The ripening process of fermented sausages is affected by diameter and type of sausage casings, and depends on changes in the microflora, important from hygienic and technological aspects. The aim of this study was to compare the bacteriological status sausages which were stuffed in artificial collagen sausage casings of different diameters (35 mm and 60 mm) during ripening and drying. The sausage stuffing was the same, as was the uncontrolled ripening conditions. In bigger diameter sausages, significantly higher average total bacterial count, enterobacteria and lactic acid bacteria counts were found than in smaller diameter sausages

    Ecology of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Food safety criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in the ready-to-eat food category have been applied since 2006. In the territory of the European Union in 2019, there were 2 621 confirmed cases of invasive listeriosis in humans, with a high mortality rate (17.6%). A broader understanding of the ecology of Listeria monocytogenes is crucial for the successful control of this pathogen in the food chain continuum. The paper presents new knowledge on reservoirs/sources of contamination, distribution, dynamics and transmission routes, survival and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes, both in natural habitat and in farm or processing environment

    Uticaj klimatskih promena na vodoprivredu Srbije i mere koje treba preduzimati u cilju zaŔtite od negativnih uticaja

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    Emisija gasova staklene baÅ”te (GSB) dovodi do klimatskih i hidroloÅ”kih promena koje će sve nepovoljnije uticati na vodoprivredne i vodene ekosisteme. Da bi se sagledala opasnost od tih promena, u članku se najpre sistematizuju zaključci o realnom stanju vodnih resursa Srbije. To stanje se može sažeti u stav da je Srbija vodom siromaÅ”na zemlja, koja nije u stanju da čak i na nivou prosečnih protoka podmiri svoje potrebe samo iz domaćih voda. Stanje mnogo pogorÅ”ava velika prostorna i vremenska neravnomernost voda, tako da se u malovodnim periodima suma svih domaćih voda smanjuje na samo oko 50 m3/s, Å”to je oko deset puta manje od prosečnih protoka voda koje se formiraju na prostoru Srbije. U posebnoj glavi se razmatra uticaj dva scenarija emisije GSB na promene klimatoloÅ”kih i hidroloÅ”kih parametara na području Srbije. Bitni klimatoloÅ”ki pokazatelji se pogorÅ”avaju: po oba scenarija povećavaće se temparature u svim godiÅ”njim dobima, Å”to je vrlo nepovoljan proces i za vodoprivredne i za ekoloÅ”ke sisteme. Smanjuju se prosečne padavine, posebno u južnom i ističnim delovima zamlje. Međutim, mnogo nepovoljnija je činjenica da će smanjenje padavina biti posebno izraženo u letnjem, vegetacionom delu godine, i da će pogorÅ”anje biti posebno veliko u južnom i istočnom delu zemlje, koji su i do sada bile oskudne. To u veoma nepovoljan položaj dovodi sve grane vodoprivrede, posebno navodnjavanje. Vrlo su nepovoljne posledice i na režime proticaja. Po oba scenarija smanjuju se prosečni godiÅ”nji protoci na rekama na slivovima sve tri Morave, Ibra, Timoka, Drine. Međutim, neuporedivo je nepovoljnija i viÅ”e zabrinjava nepovoljna raspodela smanjivanja protoka tokom godine: u zimskim periodima dolazi čak i do izvesnog povećavanja u odnosu na sadaÅ”nje vrednosti, a najveće smanjenje se očekuje u vegetacinom delu godine, posebno u mesecima koji su se i do sada smatrali malovodnim ā€“ od jula do oktobra. Veoma je nepovoljno i znatno smanjenje intenziteta obnavljanja podzemnih voda (čak i preko 50%, zavisno od područja zemlje i perioda), i u tom slučaju najviÅ”e u južnom i istočnom delu zemlje. U skladu sa tim predviđanjima u centralnom delu članka se razmatraju posledice u svim vodoprivrednim granama, kao i mere koje se moraju preduzeti da bi se neutralisale ili umanjile posledice tih napovoljnih procesa. Važan je zaključak da će u novim okolnostima budućnost Srbije zavisiti od ā€“ akumulacija sa godiÅ”njim regulisanjem protoka. Neohodne su brojne nove akumulacije i daje se okvirni pregled takvih objekata, onih koji su najneophodniji. Zahteva se da se za sve njih izradi projektna dokomentacija na nivou Generalnih projekata, kako bi se prostornim planovima prostora posebnih namena svi ti prostori sasvim konkretno zaÅ”titili samo za te namene. To isto važi i za sva izvoriÅ”ta, posebno ona velika, regionalnog značaja. Daje se zaključak o najvažnijim aktivnostima koje treba uraditi da bi se vodoprivredni sistemi pripremili za funkcionisanje u sve nepovoljnijim uslovima delovanja klimatskih promena.Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are causing climate and hydrological changes that will increasingly affect water management systems and ecosystems. In order to see the danger of these changes, the article first systematizes the conclusions about the real state of Serbia's water resources. This situation can be summarized in the view that Serbia is a water-poor country, which is not able to meet its needs only at the level of average flows only from domestic waters. The situation is much more unfavorable due to the large spatial and temporal unevenness of the water. In low-water periods, the sum of all domestic waters decreases to only about 50 m3 / s, which is about ten times less than the average water flows that are formed in Serbia. The third chapter discusses the impact of two scenarios of GSB emissions on changes in climatological and hydrological parameters in Serbia. Important climatological indicators are deteriorating: in both scenarios, temperatures will increase in all seasons, which is a very unfavorable process for both water management and ecological systems. Average precipitation is decreasing, especially in the southern and eastern part of the country. However, much less unfavorable is the fact that the decrease in precipitation will be especially pronounced in the summer, vegetation part of the year, and that the deterioration will be especially large in the southern and eastern part of the country, which have been insufficient so far. This puts all branches of water management in a very unfavorable position, especially irrigation. The consequences on the flow regimes are also very unfavorable. According to both scenarios, the average annual flows on the rivers in the basins of all three Morava, Ibar, Timok, Drina are decreasing. However, the unfavorable distribution of flow reductions during the year is much more unfavorable and more worrying: in winter there is even a certain increase compared to the current values, and the largest reduction is expected in the vegetation part of the year, especially in the months considered so far. low-water - from July to October. It is very unfavorable that the intensity of groundwater renewal is significantly reduced (even over 50%, depending on the part of the country and the period), and in that case mostly in the southern and eastern part of the country. In accordance with these predictions, the fourth chapter discusses the consequences in all water management branches, as well as the measures that must be taken to neutralize or reduce the consequences of these favorable processes. An important conclusion is that in the new circumstances, the future of Serbia will depend on - accumulation with annual flow regulation. Numerous new accumulations are necessary and a table of such facilities is given, the ones that are most necessary. An important conclusion is that in the new circumstances, the future of Serbia will depend on - accumulation with annual flow regulation. Numerous new accumulations are necessary and a table of such facilities is given, the ones that are most necessary. It is required that project documentation be prepared for all of them at the level of General Projects, so that the spatial plans specifically protect all these areas only for those purposes. The same should be done for all sources, especially large ones of regional importance. A conclusion is given on the most important activities that need to be done in order to prepare water management systems in time for functioning in increasingly unfavorable conditions of climate change.[https://www.vodoprivreda.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/3-Djordjevic-Dasic-Plavsic.pdf

    Milk: Past and Present

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    Although milk/dairy consumption is part of many cultures and is recommended in most dietary guidelines around the world, its contribution to overall diet quality remains a matter of controversy, leading to a highly polarized debate within the scientific community, media and public sector. The present article, at first, describes the evolutionary roots of milk consumption, then reviews the milk-derived bioactive peptides as health-promoting components. The third part of the article, in general, presents the associations between milk nutrients, disease prevention, and health promotion

    Jedno zdravlje ā€“ izazov i prilika za veterinare

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    U danaÅ”nje vreme, viÅ”e nego ikad, naglaÅ”ava se međuzavisnost ljudi, životinja i njihovog okruženja. Na osnovu onoga Å”to veterinar- ska profesija jeste u svojoj osnovi, ā€žJedno zdravljeā€œ nudi veterinarima jedinstvenu priliku da zauzmu ključnu ulogu u ovom specifičnom pri- stupu sagledavanja sveukupnosti zdravlja. Pitanje koje se neminovno postavlja je ā€“ da li su i u kojoj meri veterinari spremni da odgovore na postavljeni izazov
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