22 research outputs found
Surveillance Of Nosocomial Infections İn General Surgery Unit: Data Of Ten Years Period
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiologic data of nosocomial infection (NI)occurring in the General Surgery Unit (GSU).Method: This study was performed between January 1997 and December 2006. The surveillancemethod was active, prospective, and based on laboratory and patient. NIs were defined accordingto Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention criteria (CDC).Results: During the ten-year period, 305 NI episodes were detected in 290 patients. The overallincidence rates and incidence densities of NIs were 2.0% and 2.3/1,000 patient-day respectively.The most common NIs by primary site were surgical site infections, urinary tract infections,and pneumonia. The most prevalent microorganisms were Escherichia coli (36.8%),Staphylococcus aureus (17.7%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10.5%). Meticillin resistanceamong S. aureus isolates was 76%. Meropenem and amikacin were the most effective agentsagainst to Gram-negative bacteria. Conclusion: In order to detect of the variation and trends of NIs, the data of surveillanceactivities must be evaluated decisively and regularly with collaboration among infection controlteam, Infectious Disease clinic, and GSU
Aydınoğulları Beyliği'nin askerî durumu
Moğolların Anadolu'ya gelişinin kaçınılmaz bir sonucu olarak Orta Anadolu'da sıkışan Türk unsurları, Anadolu'da Bizans İmparatorluğu'nun elinde kalan son toprak parçası olan Batı Anadolu kıyılarına yönelerek; bu coğrafyanın da fethini tamamlamışlardı. Bu bağlamda iki menderes nehri arasında kalan verimli topraklar da, Aydınoğullarının hâkimiyet sahası olarak şekillenmişti. Aydın Bey ve Mehmed Bey ile başlayan fütûhat hareketinin neticesinde, bir asırdan fazla siyasî ömrü olan bir beylik kurmuşlardı. Latinlerin oldukça etkin olduğu ve canlı bir kıyı ticaretinin bulunduğu bir coğrafyada kurulan Aydınoğulları, kaçınılmaz olarak faal bir askerî faaliyet içerisindeydiler. Bu tezde XIV. yüzyılın başlarında kurulan ve XV. yüzyılın ortalarına doğru kat'i bir surette Osmanlı hâkimiyetine giren Aydınoğullarının kuruluş sürecinden, dağılma dönemlerine kadar sürdürdükleri her türlü askerî faaliyetleri incelenerek, genel bir panoramasının çıkarılması hedeflenmiştir.ĠÇĠNDEKĠLER
KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI .............................................................................................. iii
BĠLĠMSEL ETĠK BĠLDĠRĠM SAYFASI ............................................................................... iv
ÖZET ....................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... vi
ÖNSÖZ .................................................................................................................................. vii
KISALTMALAR DĠZĠNĠ ...................................................................................................... xi
GĠRĠġ ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1. BÖLÜM .............................................................................................................................. 7
1. SELÇUKLULARDAN BEYLĠKLERE KALAN ASKERÎ MĠRAS .................................. 7
1.1. Askerî Ġdare .................................................................................................................. 8
1.2. Orduda Komuta ve Askerî Makamlar ........................................................................ 10
1.2.1. Beylerbeyi ........................................................................................................ 10
1.2.2. Emîr (Sipâsâlâr) ............................................................................................... 12
1.2.3. SübaĢı (SerleĢker) ............................................................................................ 14
1.2.4. Kûtval (Kale Komutanı/Muhafızı) .................................................................. 16
1.2.5. Hâcib (Emîr-i Hâcib/Hâcib-i Bozorg/Melikü‟l-Hâcib) ................................... 17
1.2.6. ÇavuĢ (Serheng) ............................................................................................... 18
1.3. Gulâm ve Iktâ Ordusu ................................................................................................ 19
1.3.1. Gulâm Sistemi ................................................................................................. 19
1.3.2. Iktâ ................................................................................................................... 23
1.4. Ordu Ġçerisindeki Muharip Askerî Sınıflar ................................................................ 28
1.5. SavaĢ Düzeni .............................................................................................................. 30
1.6. Askere Yapılan MaaĢ ve Ödemeler ........................................................................... 31
1.7. Orduda Kullanılan Silah ÇeĢitleri .............................................................................. 32
1.8. Kazanılan SavaĢtan Sonra Fetihnâme Göndermek .................................................... 32
2. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 33
2. BATI ANADOLU‟DA TÜRKMENLERĠN GÜCÜ ......................................................... 33
2.1. Batı Anadolu‟ya Türkmenlerin GeliĢi ....................................................................... 34
2.2. Batı Anadolu‟ya Gelen Türkmenlerin YerleĢim Alanları ve Bölgedeki Türkmen Boy Ġle AĢiretler (Cemaâtler) .................................................................................. 37
2.2.1. Germiyan Ġli ..................................................................................................... 38
2.2.2. Aydın Ġli ........................................................................................................... 38
2.2.3. MenteĢe Ġli ....................................................................................................... 39
2.2.4. Saruhan Ġli ........................................................................................................ 39
2.2.5. Karesi Ġli .......................................................................................................... 40
2.3. Batı Anadolu‟da Beyliklerin Kurulma Süreci ve Kurulan Beylikler ......................... 40
2.3.1. Germiyanoğulları Beyliği ................................................................................ 41
2.3.2. Aydınoğulları Beyliği ...................................................................................... 44
2.3.3. MenteĢeoğulları Beyliği ................................................................................... 49
2.3.4. Saruhanoğulları Beyliği ................................................................................... 52
2.3.5. Karesioğulları Beyliği ...................................................................................... 55
3. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 58
3. AYDINOĞLU BEYLERĠNĠN ASKERÎ FAALĠYETLERĠ ............................................. 58
3.1. Aydın Bey (Emîr Aydın) ........................................................................................... 58
3.2. Aydınoğlu (Mübârizeddin) Mehmed Bey .................................................................. 62
3.3. Gazi (Bahaüddin) Umur Bey/PaĢa ........................................................................... 100
4. BÖLÜM .......................................................................................................................... 148
4. AYDINOĞULLARINDA DONANMA ......................................................................... 148
4.1. Aydınoğulları Beyliği‟nde Donanmanın Kurulması ve Ġlk Denizcilik Faaliyetleri 148
4.2. Gazi Umur Bey Döneminde Aydınoğulları Beyliği Donanması ............................. 152
4.3. Aydınoğulları Beyliği Donanmasında Bulunan Gemi çeĢitleri ve Özellikleri ........ 161
4.4. Aydınoğulları Beyliği Donanmasının Askerlerinin Özellikleri ve Komutanları ..... 164
4.5. Aydınoğulları Beyliği‟nin Donanmasında Kullanılan Silahlar ............................... 167
5. TARTIġMA VE SONUÇ .............................................................................................. 168
6. KAYNAKLAR ............................................................................................................... 172
ÖZGEÇMĠġ ....................................................................................................................... 18
A case of brucellosis complicated with acute pyelonephritis
Brucellosis, is an endemic disease in our country, may lead to bacteremia and cause different clinic manifestations.A 44-year-old male patient admitted to our policlinic with high fever, shivering, chilling, pollacuria, and left costovertebral pain, and interned with diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis. Subsequently, acute pyelonephritis due to acute brucellosis was detected in the clinical and laboratoryexamination. Antibiotic treatment for brucellosis was given to patient for eight week and after treatment full recoverywas seen. Patients with brucellosis may refer with symptoms of acute pyelonephritis in endemic areas for brucellosis.By using brucellos serologies to patients who have the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis may available in the diagnosis of this rare complication in areas where brucellosisis endemic
A new approach to predicting the carbonyl stretching frequencies of Co₂(CO)₈ with D₃d symmetry
1388-1392This paper describes a method for determining C-O stretching frequencies of dicobalt octacarbonyl belonging to D₃d point group. The method is based on the variation of fundamental C-O stretching frequencies and C-O stretching force constants of axially substituted X₃MCo(CO)₄ (M=Si, Ge, Sn and Pb; X=Cl, Ph and Et) molecules with the dipole moment of X₃M-Co(CO)₄ bond. Frequencies of a1ɡ⁽¹⁾, a₂ս⁽²⁾ and ℯս modes have been evaluated from the graph of frequency versus dipole moment, and the frequencies of a1g⁽²⁾ and ℯɡ modes determined from the equations derived by using the CO-factored force field. The calculated frequencies have been found to be consistent with the experimental values. With the use of the calculated frequencies, the C-O factored force constants of Co₂(CO)₈ with D₃d symmetry have been calculated. In addition, frequencies of mono-¹³CO substituted species of Co₂(CO)₈ have been estimated and compared with observed frequencies of the species
Risk Factors for Multi-Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections in a University Hospital-A Case Control Study
WOS: 000375099700002Purpose: This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with multi-drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDR-Pa) infections. Methods: A case control study was conducted at the Dicle University Hospital which is 1150-bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Diyarbakir, Turkey. The study cases were recruited from patients with nosocomial MDR-Pa infections. Two control cases were arranged to compare risk factors of MDR-Pa infections. One of the control groups was composed of patients with non-MDR-Pa infections and the other group with non-MDR Gram-negative bacterial infections except P. aeruginosa. Results: Overall, 225 patients were included in the study, 75 with MDR-Pa infections, 150 control cases (75 non-MDR-Pa and 75 MDR Gram-negative non P. aeruginosa infections). The incidence of MDR-Pa infections was found as 3.1/1,000 admissions. Multivariate analysis showed that multiple invasive procedures (Relative Risk 24.57 (95% Confidence Interval 4.45-135.73) p10 days) (RR 4.68 (CI=2.09-10.49) p<0.001), were found to be risk factors for MDR-Pa. Conclusions: This study revealed that severity of clinical course and carbapenem use are significant risk factors for MDR-Pa infections
Alterations of Serum Copper and Zinc Levels, and Copper/Zinc Ratios Among Patients with Brucellosis
Tegin, Ibrahim/0000-0002-5661-7195; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk/0000-0002-0906-0902WOS: 000309698500011Objective: To determine the alterations of serum copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) levels and Cu/Zn ratio in patients with brucellosis. Material and Methods: A total of 170 individuals were included in the study. Of these, 45 (26.5%) currently had acute or sub-acute brucellosis, 35 (20.6%) were previously diagnosed with acute or sub-acute brucellosis and successfully treated, and 90 (52.9%) were healthy volunteers. After fasting overnight for 10 hours, 5 ml of venous blood was taken from all subjects. Serum Cu and Zn levels were measured using a Unicam 929 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. SPSS 16.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Mean serum Cu levels of 45 patients with acute or sub-acute brucellosis, 35 patients previously diagnosed with acute or sub-acute brucellosis and 90 healthy volunteers were 88.6 +/- 26, 58.7 +/- 13 and 56.7 +/- 16 mu g/dL, respectively. Mean serum Zn levels of 45 patients with acute or sub-acute brucellosis, 35 patients previously diagnosed with and treated successfully for acute or sub-acute brucellosis and 90 healthy volunteers were 38.3 +/- 12, 58.5 +/- 14, and 55.8 +/- 13 mu g/dL, respectively. Serum Cu levels (p<0.001) and Cu/Zn ratios (p<0.001) were statistically significantly higher while serum Zn levels (p<0.001) were lower in patients with acute or sub-acute brucellosis when compared to the individuals who previously diagnosed with acute or sub-acute brucellosis and the healthy volunteers. Conclusion: This study revealed significant alterations of serum Cu and Zn levels, and Cu/Zn ratios in patients with acute or sub-acute brucellosis. Serum Cu, Zn, and Cu/Zn ratios may be available biomarkers in the course of acute or sub-acute brucellosis
The efficacy of dexamethasone treatment in massive enteric bleeding in typhoid fever
Geyik, Mehmet Faruk/0000-0002-0906-0902WOS: 000263789900025PubMed: 19211432
Yılan ısırığı olgularında yılan zehirinin serum bakır, çinko ve magnezyum seviyesi üzerine etkisi
Amaç: Yılan ısırıkları Türkiye'nin doğu ve güneydoğu bölgelerinde sık görülen önemli bir problemdir. Bu çalışmada yılan ısırığı vakalarında serum bakır (Cu), çinko (Zn) ve magnezyum (Mg) düzeylerindeki değişiklikler araştırıldı.Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 40 yılan ısırıklı hasta ile kontrol amaçlı 80 sağlıklı gönüllü alındı. Yaklaşık 10 ml venöz kan çalışmaya alınan her bir bireyden alındı. Serum eser element düzeyleri Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektormetre cihazı kullanılarak ölçüldü. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 40 yılan ısırıklı hastanın yaş ortalaması 40,1 12 yıl olup, 18'i (% 45) erkek idi. Sağlıklı 80 bireyin yaş ortalaması 40,6 10 yıl olup, 36'sı (% 45) erkek idi. Yılan ısırıklı hastaların serum Cu, Zn, ve Mg düzeyleri sırasıyla 75,8 20,9; 86,9 25,2 ve 1201 562 µg/dL bulundu. Sağlıklı gönüllülerin serum Cu, Zn, and Mg düzeyleri sırasıyla 57,6 17,2; 55,8 12,4 ve 1454 278 µg/dL bulundu. İstatistiksel olarak sağlıklı gönüllüler ile karşılaştırıldığında, yılan ısırıklı hastaların serum Cu ve Zn düzeylerinde anlamlı bir artış (p 0.001) ve serum Mg düzeylerinde anlamlı bir düşüş (p0,001) saptandı.Sonuç: Yılan zehiri, yılan ısırığı olan hastaların serum Cu, Zn ve Mg düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı değişimler oluşturmaktadır. Yılan zehrinin serum eser element düzeylerinde oluşturduğu bu değişimlerin ileri düzey çalışmalarla araştırılması yılan ısırığı olan hastaların tedavisinde yeni gelişmeler sağlayabilir.Objective: Envenoming resulting from snakebites is a common devastating problem that is frequently seen in eastern and southeastern regions of Turkey. This aim of this study is to observe the changes of snake venom on serum copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and magnesium (Mg) levels in patients with snakebite.Materials and Methods: Patients with snakebite and healthy individuals as control group were included in the study. Overall 10 ml venous blood sample was taken from each study individuals. Serum trace elements were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results: Forty patients with snakebite and 80 healthy individuals in the control group were included in the study. The mean age of the patients with snakebite was 40.1 ±12 years; of these, 18 were male (45%). The mean age of the 80 healthy individuals was 40.6 ±10 years; of these, 36 were male (45%). Serum Cu, Zn, and Mg levels of patients with snakebite were 75.8 ±20.9, 86.9 ±25.2, and 1201 ±562 µg/dL, respectively. Serum Cu, Zn, and Mg levels of healthy individuals were 57.6 ±17.2, 55.8 ±12.4, and 1454 ±278 µg/dL, respectively. There were statistically significant increasing in serum Cu and Zn levels (p< 0.001), and decreasing in serum Mg levels (p0.001) in patients with snakebite when compared to healthy individuals. Conclusion: Snake venom produces significant alterations on serum Cu, Zn, and Mg levels in patients with snakebite. Investigating of these changes caused by snake venom through further studies may provide novel developments in the treatment of patients with snakebite. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2013; 3(2): 71-7
Mastoiditin komplikasyonu sonucu gelişen proteus mirabilis menenjitine ba?li beyin absesi: Olgu sunumu
Meningitis and intracranial abscess due to Proteus mirabilis is seen especially in the neonatal period and among the patients with immune deficiency. It was learned that 35 years old male patient who applied to the emergency room with ongoing fever, nausea and vomiting for three days have had their upper left jaw tooth out 10 days ago. As clinical and laboratory to patients with acute bacterial meningitis empirical ceftriaxone 2x2 gr/day parenteral was started. The cranial MR of the patient, that has P. mirabilis producing in their blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, was taken at the seventh day of hospitalization as his complaints started again. In the MR, abscess was detected in the left temporal brain of the patient and a surgical treatment was applied. Complete healing was seen eight week treatment with antibiotics after surgery. During application it was though that meningitis has occurred due to the dental surgery, however after the temporal BT, mastoiditis was detected. It was thought that meningitis and brain abscess developed on the patient was caused by mastoiditis. Even with sensitive antibiotics if no recovery is observed in patients with meningitis, intracranial abscess should be considered, also it should not be forgotten that in adults and patients with no immune deficiency meningitis due to P. mirabilis may develop. © 2010 Düzce Medical Journal