9 research outputs found

    An investigation of SO2 and PM10 emissions sourced from residential areas by using different models of distribution in körfez district

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    In this study, the behaviours of SO2 and PM10 emissions emitted from the settlements located in the Körfez district in Kocaeli Province into the atmosphere was studied with the use of different distribution models. This study area is one of the most intense points in Kocaeli province in terms of industry. Therefore, the increases of region's population and residential areas have been observed in recent years. According to the obtained data from Körfez Municipality, 15 villages, 11 districts, 865 streets, 14150 buildings and 29128 housings locate in this study area. In the county, occupied area of housing buildings was found as 5,31 km2 with the help of Google Earth program and the area of housings was divided into four different areas while modelling. In the study, firstly, the fuels and their amounts used by housings for heating were determined according to the data obtained from Kocaeli Province Environmental Status Report and then the emissions rates were calculated with the use of mass - based emission factors of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and with the help of obtained data. These rates were divided into occupied spaces of residential areas and were obtained the data in g/m2. The obtained data were entered into AERMOD (American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model), ISCST-3 (Industrial Source Complex Short Term) and CALPUFF VIEW (California Puff Model) programs in order to make modelling. As a result of the modelling work, daily and annual distribution maps were obtained. Analyzing maps, the obtained daily high concentrations for SO2 were calculated as 41,13 µg/m3 (AERMOD), 14,10 µg/m3 (ISCST-3), 35,16 µg/m3 (CALPUFF) and the obtained annually concentrations were calculated as 6,52 µg/m3 (AERMOD) 4,33 µg/m3 (ISCST-3) 10,18 µg/m3 (CALPUFF). The estimated highly daily concentrations for PM10 emissions were calculated as 86.70 µg/m3 (AERMOD), 69,47 µg/m3 (ISCST-3), 92,21 µg/m3 (CALPUFF) and annually concentrations for PM10 emissions were calculated as 17,10 µg/m3 (AERMOD), 11,51 µg/m3 (ISCST-3), 26,7 µg/m3 (CALPUFF). Analyzing of distribution maps created with the use of all programs, it was seen that, according to both daily and annual time options for both pollutants, the area where the most intensity of pollution located in residential areas. When the results of dispersion model program were examined, it was revealed that the results of each program different from each other. The causes of this situation were supported by literature research and these causes were reviewed

    Determining Performance and application of steady-state models and lagrangian puff model for environmental assessment of CO and NOx emissions

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    Air quality modellings are highly useful systems used to investigate the possible impact of emissions diffusing into the atmosphere in any area they might have on that area. There are many modelling methods whose capacities are limited by their advantages and disadvantages or the equipment they use. In this study, therefore, both steady-state models (AERMOD and ISCST-3) and the Lagrangian model (CALPUFF) are used. This study has two purposes: one is to specify performance of the models. Performances were determined with various statistical methods such as fractional bias (FB), mean squared error (MSE), and geometric mean bias (MG). The other purpose of this study is to evaluate temporal and spatial variations of point (P), area (A), and line (L) - sourced CO and NOx emissions in the research area by using the modelling methods. The district of Korfez, which is one of the districts of the province of Kocaeli, was chosen as the study area. When the results obtained with modelling all P and A sources by three programs are analyzed, the highest annual concentration AERMOD, ISCST-3, and CALPUFF were found as 128.82, 86.96, and 201.30 mu g/m(3) for CO, and 7.56, 26.31, and 6.10 mu g/m(3) for NON, respectively. On the other hand, when the results obtained with modelling all P and A and L sources by two programs are investigated, the highest annual concentration AERMOD and ISCST-3 were found to be 155.12, 92.46 mu g/m(3) for CO, and 166.93 and 89.98 mu g/m(3) for NOR, respectively. When contributions of the pollutant sources on pollution are evaluated, it was observed that area sources and line sources are more predominant than other sources for CO and NOx emissions. It was observed by analyzing the diffusion maps that residential areas in the district are more concentrated. Therefore, in the study the predicted and observed values were also compared with national and international limit values and determined to meet these limit values. According to the results obtained by evaluation of performances of the models with FB, MS, and MG statistical methods, performance sorting for NOx emissions was found to be ISCST-3 > CALPUFF > AERMOD, while for CO emissions it is given as CALPUFF >AERMOD > ISCST-3. However, since it is not correct to distinguish between performance of a model for an application and that of another model accurately, performances of the models were interpreted according to the results of this study and literature review

    Evaluation of CO and NOx distributions from point (industry) sources in Körfez district of Kocaeli province with ISCST3 model

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    This study was performed for the modelling of the distributions of CO and NOx emissions emitted to the atmosphere from point sources in Körfez District of Kocaeli Province. ISCST3 (Industrial Source Complex Short Term) dispersion model approved by the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) was used for the study. The model uses steady state Gaussian plume flow equation for high point sources. Due to the nature of the steady-state condition, the model is able to predict distribution of emissions from point, area and volume sources within 50 km in a successful manner; therefore it is defined as a suitable model for estimating air quality. Accuracy of the estimates depends on the correct measurement of meteorological parameters in the study area, as well as the detailed and accurate emission inventory for all resources. Körfez district has a number of pollutant sources including many industrial plants, ports and docks, railway and busy traffic arteries together with a high density of urbanisation. It is one of the most polluted sites in Kocaeli region and determination and monitoring of air quality here has a great importance. For this purpose, CO emissions emitted from 20 factory chimneys and NOx emissions emitted from 15 factory chimneys were modelled and the daily and annual distribution maps were obtained. The modelling study showed that the maximum ground-level CO concentrations were calculated as 335.24 µg/m3 and 70.02 µg/m3 in daily and annual basis respectively. On the other hand, for NOx concentrations, daily and annual maximum values were calculated as 372.05 µg/m3 and 26.29 µg/m3 respectively

    Evaluation of three pollutant dispersion models for the environmental assessment of a district in Kocaeli, Turkey

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    Air Quality Modeling is a method used to manage urban air quality. Various pollutant dispersion models are available, and each of these models is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the models and to determine their performance by applying them to a specific district. This study also enabled the determination of the contribution of pollution sources to the total pollution and the current air quality of the study area according to the selected pollutants. In this study, both steady-state models (the American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model-AERMOD and the Industrial Source Complex Short Term Model-ISCST-3) and the Lagrangian model (the California Puff Model-CALPUFF) were used as the dispersion models. The Korfez district of Kocaeli was selected as the study area. SO2 and PM10 emissions were observed as pollutants. The statistical methods of mean squared error (MSE) and fractional bias (FB) were employed to evaluate the performance of these models. The results of the study revealed that the highest concentration varied according to the models and time options. However, when the modeling results for all of the sources were examined, the highest concentration was calculated by ISCST-3. The effect of the line source was less than the other sources (point and area). The contributions of the pollution sources differed according to each modeling program. The results of the statistical methods, which were used for evaluating the performance of the models, varied according to both the pollutant type and the time option. An overall ranking regarding modeling performance is as follows: CALPUFF > AERMOD > ISCST-3 for PM10 and ISCST-3 > CALPUFF > AERMOD for SO2. The MSE/FB results demonstrated that the predicted values were lower than the measured outcomes. Similarly, a comparison of the predicted and measured values with national and international limits revealed that various measures are necessary to reduce SO2 and PM10

    Evaluation of co and nox distributions occuring point sources in Korfez district of Kocaelı province with varied dispersion models

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    Bu çalıGmada, Kocaeli Gli Körfez Glçesi’nde noktasal kaynaklı (sanayi) CO (karbon monoksit) ve NOx (azot oksit) emisyonlarının dağılımları incelenmiGtir. Körfez Glçesi’nin hava kalitesinin belirlenmesi ve izlenmesi, oldukça önemlidir. Çünkü bölge sahip olduğu sanayisi, kentleGme yoğunluğu, liman ve iskeleleri, demiryolu ve karayolu ile Kocaeli Gli’nin hava kirliliğinin yoğun olduğu ilçelerinden birisidir. Bu nedenle çalıGmada, hava kirletici dağılımlarını matematiksel olarak modelleyen üç farklı dağılım modeli kullanılarak, ilçenin hava kalitesi bakımından mevcut durumu belirlenmeye çalıGılmıGtır. Farklı hava kalitesi modellerinin kullanılması, bu alanda kullanılan programların birbirlerine göre artı ve eksilerinin değerlendirilmesini sağlaması bakımından önemlidir. ÇalıGma kapsamında kullanılan modelleme programlarından ilki; USEPA tarafından geliGtirilen ve tavsiye edilen “AERMOD VIEW 6.5.0” sürümüdür. Bu program doğrusal kararlı hal duman modellemesidir ve algoritmaları atmosferik türbülans hareketlerine dayanmaktadır. ÇalıGmada kullanılan diğer program; yine EPA tarafından geliGtirilen ve tavsiye edilen AERMOD View 6.5.0 sürümündeki “ISCST-3 Modeli”dir. Model, yüksek noktasal kaynaklar için kararlı hal Gauss duman akımı eGitliği kullanmaktadır. Kullanılan üçüncü program “CALPUFF VIEW 5.8 sürümü”dür. Model, “Atmosferik ÇalıGma Grubu” tarafından geliGtirilen kararlı olmayan durumlarda zaman ve bölgeye göre değiGen meteorolojik koGullar içerisinde kirleticilerin taGınımlarını, kimyasal dönüGümlerini ve giderimlerini tahmin etmekte kullanılan Gaussian Puff modellemesidir. Yapılan çalıGma sonucunda; çalıGma alanında bulunan 20 adet fabrika bacasından yayılan CO emisyonu ile yine Glçe’de bulunan 15 adet fabrika bacasından yayılan NOx emisyonu modelleme programlarına girilerek, günlük ve yıllık dağılım haritaları elde edilmiGtir. Günlük en yüksek konsantrasyon miktarları AERMOD, ISCST-3, CALPUFF sıralamasıyla; CO için 171,34 µg/m3, 335,24 µg/m3, 140,88 µg/m3, yıllık en yüksek konsantrasyon miktarları ise sırasıyla 49,59 µg/m3, 70,02 µg/m3, 17,21 µg/m3 olarak tahmin edilmiGtir. Buna karGılık günlük en yüksek NOx konsantrasyon miktarları sırasıyla 187,70 µg/m3, 372,05 µg/m3, 62,33 µg/m3, yıllık en yüksek konsantrasyon miktarları ise sırasıyla 7,84 µg/m3, 26,29 µg/m3, 3,89 µg/m3 olarak elde edilmiGtir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde programların birbirlerinden farklı sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiG ve nedenleri literatür araGtırması ile desteklenerek yorumlanmıGtır.In this study, dispersions of CO (carbon monoxide) and NOx (nitrogen oxide) emissions of point source (industry) in Kocaeli Körfez district have been evaluated. Determination and observation of air quality of Korfez district is very important. Because Korfez district is one of the province of Kocaeli where there is intensive air pollution caused by the industry, urban density, ports and docks, rail and road districts. Therefore in this study, three different models that mathematically modeling the dispersion of air pollutants has been used and the current situation of with regard to air quality determination has been studied. The use of different models of air quality, the programs used in this area is important in terms of providing the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages to each other. The first modeling program is AERMOD VIEW 6.5.0 version that has been used in scope of work, developed and recommended by USEPA. This program is a linear steady-state plume model and algorithms are based on the movement of atmospheric turbulence. The other program has been used in this study that also developed and recommended by USEPA, ISCST-3 modeling in AERMOD VIEW 6.5.0 version. The model for the steady-state high-point sources using Gaussian plume flow equation. The third program is CALPUFF VIEW 5.8 version. Model, has been developed by "Atmospheric Model Working Group".It’s depending on the meteorological conditions are not stable in the time and place where the pollutants transport and the chemical transformation and used to estimate the Gaussian puff modeling of removals. As a result of the study, CO emission emitted from chimnes of 20 factories and NOx emission emitted from the chimneys of 15 factories have been entered to the modeling programs and daily and annual distribution maps have been obtained. The amount of the highest concentrations of day with AERMOD, ISCST-3, CALPUFF ranking; for CO was estimated as 171.34 µg/m3, 335.24 µg/m3, 140.88 µg/m3, the highest concentration of annual quantities was respectively estimated as 49.59 µg/m3, 70.02 µg/m3, 17.21 µg/m3. However, the amount per day, respectively, the highest concentration of NOx was estimated as 187.70 µg/m3, 372.05 µg/m3, 62.33 µg/m3, the highest concentration of annual quantities was respectively estimated as 7.84 µg/m3, 26.29 µg/m3, 3.89 µg/m3. Examining the results it is observed that the programmes gives different results from each other programs and the reasons are supported by literature and interpreted

    Dispersion modeling of traffic emissions originated from mining: the case of Artvin

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    Madencilik; yer kabuğunda bulunan cevher, endüstriyel hammadde, kömür ve petrol gibi ekonomik değeri olan herhangi bir maddeyi yeryüzüne çıkarma ve gerekli hammaddeyi sağlama işi olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Günümüzde gelişen teknoloji ve artan enerji ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla maden sektörüne olan ilgi artmıştır. Ancak madencilik faaliyetlerinde ciddi bir çevre yönetim sistemi uygulanmadığı için, bu faaliyetlerin önemli zararlı etkileri olmaktadır. Bu etkilerden bir tanesi de çıkarılan hammaddenin taşınması sırasında taşıtlardan kaynaklanan emisyonların oluşturduğu hava kirliliğidir. Bu çalışmada Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin Artvin İli Cerattepe Mevkii’nde kurulan bakır madeni cevherinin çıkarıldığı noktadan işletme alanına taşınana kadar sebep olduğu trafik kaynaklı CO, NOx ve PM10 emisyonları incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında, belirtilen yol güzergahı 5 bölgeye ayrılmış ve her bir bölgedeki maden açılmadan önceki ve açıldıktan sonraki trafik kaynaklı emisyonlar CALROADS 4.0 programı içerisinde bulunan CAL3QHCR modülü yardımıyla modellenmiş, kirlilik dağılım haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Emisyonlar CORINAIR’in işlem temelli emisyon faktörleri kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Modelleme çalışması sonucu elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilebilmesi amacıyla konsantrasyon artış yüzdeleri hesaplanmış ayrıca her üç kirletici için sonuçlar iki yönlü ANOVA testi ile incelenmiştir. ANOVA testinin sonuçları, %95 güvenilirlikle, maden sonrası oluşacak trafiğin kirlilik etkisi üzerinde olumsuz bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.Mining can be defined as the work of extracting any material that has an economic value such as ore, industrial raw material, coal and petroleum in the earth’s crust and providing necessary raw material. Today, interest in the mining sector has been increased in order to meet the developing technology and the increasing energy needs. However, since there is no serious environmental management system applied to mining activities, these activities have significant harmful effects. One of these effects is the air pollution caused by the vehicles during transportation of the extracted raw material. This study investigates the emissions of CO, NOx and PM10 due to traffic from the point where ore is extracted to the operation site in the copper mine which was established at Cerattepe location, Artvin city of Eastern Black Sea region. Within the scope of the study, the mentioned road route was divided into 5 regions and the emissions due to traffic before and after the establishing of the mine in each region were modeled by CAL3QHCR module in CALROADS 4.0 program and pollution distribution maps were created. Emission rates are calculated using CORINAIR's task-based emission factors. In order to evaluate the data obtained as a result of the modeling, the percentage increase in concentration was calculated and the results for each of the three pollutants were examined by a two-way ANOVA test. The results of the ANOVA test indicate that the traffic that will be formed after the mine has an adverse effect on the pollution effect with 95% reliabilit

    Investigation of PCB ve PAHsin Soil: Alikahya Region

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    Bu çalışmada, Kocaeli İli Alikahya bölgesinden toprak numuneleri alınarak, organik kirleticilerden PoliklorluBifeniller (PCB) ve Poliaromatik Hidrokarbonlar (PAH) incelenmiştir. Bölgede örnekleme yaklaşık 2,5 km yarıçaplı dairesel bir alanda, koordinatları önceden belirlenen 6 farklı noktada yapılmıştır. Bu yarıçaplı alanın çevresinde yerleşim yerleri, endüstriyel tesisler, TEM otoyolu, E-5 karayolu ve atık yakma tesisi bulunmaktadır. Belirlenen noktalar, atık yakma tesisinin kuzey, güney, doğu ve batı yönlerinde yani her bir yöndeki durumu temsil edecek şekilde seçilmiştir. 5 ve 30 cm derinliklerden alınan numunelerde öncelikle ekstraksiyon işlemi yapılmıştır. PCB ve PAH konsantrasyonları Gaz Kromatografi/Kütle Spektrometresi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Konsantrasyonlar "Toprak Kirliliği Kontrolü ve Noktasal Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahalara Dair Yönetmeliği" (TKKY)' ndeki sınır değerler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Alınan numunelerde Yönetmeliğe göre sınır değerlerini aşan PCB türevlerinden bazılarının tesisin kuzey ve doğu yönünde olduğu belirlenmiştir. PAH türevleri arasında, Benzo(a)antrasen ve Benzo(a)piren'in numunelerin alındığı tüm yönlerde, Benzo(k)florantenveBenzo(b)floranten'in kuzey, doğu ve batı yönlerinde, Dibenz(a.h)antrasen'in kuzey ve batı yönlerinde, İnden(1.2.3-cd) piren'in ise batı yönünde sınır değerleri aştığı belirlenmiştirIn this study, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) andPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in the soil samples taken from Alikahya, Kocaeli. For this purpose, Sampling was conducted in a circular area with a Radius of approximately 2,5 km at six points of which coordinates are determined before. There are residential places, industrial facilities, TEM highway, E-5 motorway and a waste incineration plant around the area. The soil samples were collected from north, south, east and west side of a waste incineration plant. Samples were taken from 5 to 30 cm depth within 1,25 km and 2,5 km Radius of incineration plant. PCB and PAH concentrations in the soil samples were determined by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The determined concentrations of these pollutants in the soil were compared with the limit values of Turkish Soil Contaminated Sites on Point Source Pollution Control and Regulation. Among the PCB derivatives, whose concentration shave exceeded the limit values of the regulation, were measured at North and east direction. Among PAH derivatives, concentrations of Benzo(a)anthracene and Benzo(a)pyrenemeasured at all directions, Benzo(k)flouranthene and Benzo(b)flouranthene measured at North and west and east directions, Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene measured at North and west directions and Indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene measured at west directions are above the limit value

    Kocaeli ili Körfez ilçesi konut kaynaklı CO ve NOx emisyon dağılımlarının farklı modeller yardımıyla değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışma, Kocaeli İli Körfez İlçesi'nde bulunan alansal kaynaklı CO ve NOx emisyonlarının dağılımlarının farklı modeller yardımıyla incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bl?,ede..al_nsal..kaynak ola_rak, konutlardan kaynaklanan emisyonlar ele alınmış ve konutlar 4 farklı alana bolunmuştur. Korfez Beledıye­ si'nden alınan bilgilere göre ilçeye ait 15 adet köy, 11 mahalle, 865 cadde ve sokak bulunmakta olup, ilçe merkezindeki bina sayısı 14150, konut sayısı 29128'dir. İlçede konutların kapladığı alan, 5,31 km2 olarak bulunmuş ve bölgede konutlarda ısınma amacıyla kullanılan yakıtların doğalgaz, fuel-oil, odun ve kömür olduğu belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerden US Environmental Protection Agency'nin mass-based emis­ yon faktörleri kullanılarak emisyon oranları hesaplanmıştır. Bu oranlar konut alanlarına bölnerekIs. m2 cinsinden veriler elde edilmiş ve modelleme amacıyla AERMOD (American Meteorologıcal Socıety/ Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model), ISCST-3 (lndustrial Source Complex ShortTerm) ve CALPUFF VIEW (California Puff Model) programlarına girilmiştir

    Seasonal Source Apportionment of Heavy Metals and Physicochemical Parameters: A Case Study of Sapanca Lake Watershed

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the water quality and pollution sources in Sapanca Lake and its tributaries by applying multivariate statistical techniques to physicochemical parameters and toxic metals. For this purpose, the multivariate statistical methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) model have been employed. It was tried to determine the seasonal pollution sources of physicochemical parameters and toxic metals obtained from 22 different sampling points between the years of 2015 and 2017. PCA was applied to the datasets, and 6 varimax factors describing 84%, 80%, 76%, and 79% of the total variance for each season were extracted. The obtained factors were analyzed using the APCS-MLR model for the apportionment of various pollution sources affecting physicochemical parameters and toxic metals. The results show that the natural soil structure, municipal-industrial wastewater, agricultural-atmospheric runoff, highways, and seasonal effects are the major pollution sources for toxic metals and physicochemical parameters. The material contribution of pollutant sources to toxic metals and physicochemical parameters was calculated and verified by the concentrations analyzed. Consequently, multivariate statistical techniques are useful to determine the physicochemical parameters and toxic metals through reciprocal correlation and assess the seasonal impact of pollutant sources in the basin. This study also provides a basis for the creation of measurement programs, determination of pollution sources, and provision of sustainable watershed management regarding other water resources