34 research outputs found

    Detecting the Relationship between Adaptation and Learning Performance of Second Generation Immigrant Students in Elementary Schools

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to determine the relationship between student adaptation and learning performance among second generation immigrant children in elementary schools. We collected 364 students’ data to fit this scope from New Taipei City in 2013. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings reveal that the second generation immigrant students’ adaptation is pretty well compared to that of their counterparts. The learning performance is also better than that of the expected level. The result indicates there is different individual adaptation among second generation immigrant children due to their mother’s education attainment. The different interpersonal adaptation has also shown on their father’s education attainment. Mother’s occupation can explain the differences of family adaptation, learning adaptation, and student’s adaptation. The second generation immigrant student’s adaptation has shown low positive correlation with their learning performance. The findings may use to enhance second generation immigrant student’s adaptation and prompt to their learning performance.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150419~20150420[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Hong Kon

    Determining the Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and Student Engagement by Meta-analysis

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    [[abstract]]Academic self-efficacy has become an important factor that will affect students’ choices of their learning task and behaviors, as well as their mentality and emotions on learning. Moreover, student engagement has been found playing a key to success in learning. This study tried to analyze the relationship between academic self-efficacy and student engagement through meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is the statistical procedure for combining data from series of studies focused on specific topics. When the effect varies from one study to the next, meta-analysis may be used to identify the variation. To determine their relationship, we selected 26 previous studies from 1990 to 2014 in the target data banks and conducted by Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA). The results reveal: (1) There is a relationship existed between academic self-efficacy and student engagement; (2) In different school level, that only shows the moderating effect on academic self-efficacy and behavioral engagement.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150419~20150420[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Hong Kon

    Selecting the Strategies for Implementing Teacher Evaluation in Junior High Schools

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to select better strategies for implementing teacher evaluation in junior high schools. Based on the fuzzy questionnaire, this study collected the data from teachers’ perceptions on importance and feasibility in related teacher evaluation strategies. The survey was targeted at 17 junior high school and 400 teachers in New Taipei city, Taiwan. The return rate of fuzzy questionnaires is 89.5%. This study transformed the interval data by way of fuzzy means, defuzzification, and fuzzy distance. The result reveals, for the purposes of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies are improving the quality of teaching and assisting teachers in their professional development; For the principles of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies including set the evaluation indicators according to teachers’ teaching fields and let teachers participate in related decision making; For related methods of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies are classroom observation, using teacher self-evaluation, and using teaching portfolio. The inappropriate strategy is evaluated by parent questionnaires. The study suggests ten strategies for improving the current teacher evaluation system.[[booktype]]紙

    Building Better Discipline Strategies for Schools by Fuzzy Logics

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to realize better discipline strategies for applying in high schools. We invited 400 teachers to participate the survey and collected their perceptions on the discipline strategies in terms of the acceptance of strategies and their effectiveness in schools. Based on the idea of fuzzy statistics, this study transformed the fuzzy interval data by way of fuzzy means, fuzzy centroids, and fuzzy distances to select better discipline strategies. The result reveals, in positive discipline domain, the high acceptable and effective strategies are “praise student in oral frequently”, following “integrated life events in classroom management”, “grant awards, small merit, and work incentives”, and “leading students to participate volunteering activities”; In general discipline domain, the high acceptable and effective strategies are “notify parents to associate to solve”, then “adjusting students’ seating”; In special discipline domain, there is no high acceptable and effective strategies available. The selected discipline strategies might be used to improve the current issues in high schools.[[sponsorship]]International Association for Development of the Information Society; 淡江大學教育學院[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20141210~20141212[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]New Taipei City, Taiwa

    Determining the relationship between college student engagement and learning development by SEM

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    Quantitative data analysis[[abstract]]This study aims to explore the latent impact of college student engagement on learning development. We have considered students’ background to determine the effect of student engagement and learning development. Based on the Student Engagement Questionnaire, this study collected 2,651 valid questionnaires from public and private universities in Taiwan. Factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and SEM were used to analyze the data. The result reveals that the relevant factors of learning will promote student engagement and their future development. The findings may provide useful information for policy and practice in campus.[[sponsorship]]IMIP 2014[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20141023~20141024[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    Fuzzy Relationship between Facebook Using and Security awareness

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to realize the issues of increasing number of high school students accessing Facebook. We used the simple random sampling technique to collect 1,206 valid samples in New Taipei city, Taiwan. The fuzzy statistics was used to determine the student users' behaviors and the level of their safety awareness on Facebook. The result reveals both boy and girl students agreed that entertainment and information needs of Facebook using are relatively safe. However, the virtual feeling related using on Facebook is less reliable than do the others. The result shows that the students' Facebook using and their security awareness have positive fuzzy correlation. Most students are aware of possible consequences of providing personally identifiable information to the Facebook, but nevertheless feel comfortable using it. This study suggests that the teachers and parents do need to take care of those students why they spent two or over three hours on Facebook. Do the student users realize their privacy and security properly on Facebook? It needs to be treated and viewed carefully. This study also provides an example of interval data transformation with fuzzy correlation to interpret this issue.[[sponsorship]]ICIC International[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130914~20130917[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kumamoto, Japa

    Colleagues’ Perception on Servant Leadership Explained by Fuzzy Measurement

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    [[abstract]]Servant leadership has less been mentioned in previous leadership discussions until in recent literature. Servant leadership emphasizes respect, care, spirit and attitude of the service in organizations. The servant leadership allows leaders to pay more attention to the persons, face the challenges of uncertainty, and stimulate enthusiasm. This study aims to determine the colleagues’ perceptions on the servant leadership. A self-designed fuzzy questionnaire was used to tackle the specific servant leadership in organizations. The target groups are 425 teachers in 15 junior high schools in New Taipei City. The valid samples are 341. It represents 80.2% response rate. This study applied fuzzy statistics to transform the interval data and interpret the results. The findings provide suggestions for those who are responsible for supervising, evaluating, and developing people in leadership positions or who want to analyze their leadership performance for further development. Lessons from these schools may provide some useful information for enhancing leadership. This study suggests that the fuzzy distance is an alternative way to interpret a specific issue.[[sponsorship]]ICIC International[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130914~20130917[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kumamoto, Japa

    Principals' Service Leadership Perceived by Teachers in High Schools

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    Fuzzy statistics[[abstract]]Servant leadership is a way that leaders can restore and recreate rather than exploit the goodwill of organizational members. Servant may be an important way to persuade followers that they are not merely being used as a means to an end that may or may not be in their interest. However, servant is less frequently mentioned in previous leadership discussions until in recent literature. In this study, we focus on the educational settings that needed to change in the upcoming years. Given this purpose, this study examines Teachers’ perceptions on the principals’ servant leadership in schools. A self-designed fuzzy questionnaire was used to tackle the perceptions of junior high school teachers on principals’ servant leadership. The target groups are 425 teachers in 15 exemplary junior high schools in New Taipei City. The valid samples are 341, it represents 80.2% validated response rate from those teachers. This study applied fuzzy methods to transform the data and interpret the results of analysis. The fuzzy means and fuzzy distance were used to interpret the fuzzy interval data. The results provide suggestions for those who are responsible for supervising, evaluating and developing people in leadership positions or who want to analyze their leadership performance and plan for further professional development. Lessons from these exemplary schools may provide some useful information for related leadership preparation programs to create new ideas for future school leaders to shape more vibrant schools.[[sponsorship]]Wasada University, et al.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20121024~20121028[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Osaka, Japa

    Strategy Selecting for Building Learning Community Explained by Fuzzy Measurement

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to address how the strategies been identified for building better learning community in teacher groups. The study designed a fuzzy questionnaire and collected 332 teachers’ perceptions on the learning community in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The useful strategies were transformed by teachers’ perceptions on the importance of learning communities and their implementing feasibility. Fuzzy statistics was used to interpret the interval data, including fuzzy means, defuzzification, and fuzzy distance to find the better strategy for enhancing their learning community. The results reveal that different strategies will impact on sharing knowledge & practices, peer supports, community operations, and visions & management in learning communities. This study found that “acquiring new knowledge and information,” “being willing to try innovative concepts,” “investment of community manpower & resources,” and “constructing knowledge sharing mechanism” in the learning community have been listed in top concerns by teachers. Based on the results, this study provides some suggestions for related organizations to promote their learning communities.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20131011~20131013[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Hangzhou, Chin

    The Challenges of Student Engagement and Learning Performance in Teacher Preparation Programs

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    Statistic analysis[[abstract]]Because of the decline of birthrate and over supply of pre-service teachers, numerous teacher preparation programs have shown shrinkage in Taiwan. The intentions of students to select the programs have diminished reflecting on their scores of the united entrance examination in different universities. The purpose of this study is to examine the issues and the connections between student engagement and learning performance in teacher preparation programs under current situation. Given this purpose, this study selected 330 students in junior as target group. The validated samples are 328, it represents 99% response rate in 6 normal or education universities in Taiwan. The measurement of this study includes students’ family backgrounds, student engagement, and learning performance. Family backgrounds include (a) parents-student relationship and (b) students’ socioeconomic status. Student engagement has been defined as (a) behavioral engagement, (b) emotional engagement, and (c) cognitive engagement following the related literature. Student learning effects will focus on (a) academic performance, (b) students’ satisfaction, and (c) students’ identification. The regression models were used to test the hypotheses of the models to further explain the issues of student learning. This study compared the gender difference, family background difference in students’ engagement patterns and their learning outcomes. The results of regression models provide more detail information to explain the linkages and their impacts on the key factors. The findings provide some suggestions to ameliorate the problems of learning and teaching in teacher preparation programs.[[sponsorship]]Wasada University et. al.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20121024~20121028[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Osaka, Japa