2 research outputs found
Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan, Dukungan Keluarga Dan Sarana Terhadap Keaktifan Lanjut Usia Mengikuti Kegiatan Posyandu Lansia Bagas Waras Di Desa Pabelan
Posyandu is a forum for communication, technology transfer, and health services
by people and for people who have a strategic value for the development of
human resources, especially the elderly. IHC Elderly Bagas Sane is one posyandu
located in Dukuh Village Pabelan Subdistrict Tegal Mulyo Kartasura where the
number of elderly in the activeness of Posyandu activities is relatively low. Based
on preliminary observations of research, several factors are assumed to be related
to the activity of the elderly in participating in Posyandu elderly Posyandu
program Bagas Sane is knowledge of the elderly, family support and
completeness of facilities and infrastructure posyandu. This study aims to
determine the relationship between knowledge about the benefits of integrated
health, family support facilities, with liveliness elderly in participating in
Posyandu activities Bagas Sane elderly Dukuh Village Tegalmulyo Pabelan
District of Kartasura. This research is quantitative research with correlative
descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The study population is elderly
Posyandu Bagas Sane Pabelan Kartasura, while the study sample was 54 people
who obtained using simple random sampling method. Collecting data using
questionnaires, while data analysis using Spearman rank test. Conclusion of the
study is the knowledge of the elderly about the benefits of Posyandu elderly is
largely lacking (43%), family support for the activity of the elderly in
participating in Posyandu elderly mostly moderate (41%), means available to the
facility Posyandu elderly is largely lacking (41% ), active elderly in participating
in posyandu activities are mostly inactive (52%), and there is a relationship of
knowledge elderly, family support and infrastructure to the liveliness of the
elderly following the posyandu elderly posyandu in Bagas Sane Pabelan
Keywords: elderly liveliness, knowledge, family support, infrastructure,Posyandu
Hubungan antara pengetahuan keluarga tentang diit hipertensi dengan kekambuhan hipertensi pada lansia di posyandu Setya Budi desa Reksosari kecamatan Suruh Kabupaten Semarang
Hypertension was a disease that classified as a silent killer. Hypertension was a disease that currently includes high and continues to rise, one of which caused non-adherent patients carry hypertension diet. Initial survey research on elderly Setya Budi elderly health center of Reksosari showed 7 of 9 elderly had a relapse, and most of the family members not understand about diet hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about family relationships hypertension diet with recurrence of hypertension in the elderly in Setya Budi neighborhood health center of Reksosari Suruh Semarang. That study was a descriptive correlative study with cross-sectional design. The sample was 46 elderly family members who had hypertension in the elderly Setya Budi neighborhood health center of Reksosari Suruh Semarang with simple random sampling technique. The data processing techniques used Spearman Rank technique. Based on the results of research and discussion, the conclusions of this study were: (1) knowledge of the family of hypertension as a major diet was moderate category, (2) the recurrence rate of hypertension in the elderly mostly in the category often recur, and (3) there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge about diet hypertension families with recurrence of hypertension in the elderly in Setya Budi neighborhood health center of Reksosari Suruh Semarang