3 research outputs found
Keefektifan Metode Fitoremidiasi dengan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Eceng Gondok untuk Menurunkan Kadar Amoniak Limbah Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Liquid waste containing ammonia subtances can affect human health and the enviroment. Ammonia levels based on preliminary test result will be undertaken at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta of 0,620 mg / l, the result exceeded the water quality standar of waste. One of the ways that can be done to reduce levels of ammonia with fitoremidiasi method using the water hyacinth plant. This research study design was a true experiment with pretes and posttest with control grup. Location of researc at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Phytoremidiation uses 4 plants, 6 plants, and 8 plants hyacint done for 7 days in 15 liters of waste water. The average yield of the activity level of ammonia after the treatments is 99.459%, 99.524%, and 99,606%. The statistical test used is the One Way Anova. The result of the study obtained plants water hyacinth effectiveto reduce the ammonia on the water waste debgab doses effevtie 8 plant (p-value 0,001)
Keefektifan Dosis Poly Aluminium Chloride (Pac) Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Phosphate Pada Air Limbah Laundry Di Gatak Gede, Boyolali
Phosphate dalam air dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan lumut dan mikro algae berlebihan yang membuat pancaran sinar matahari ke dalam air berkurang, sehingga proses fotosintesis di dalam air yang dapat menghasilkan oksigen juga berkurang. Hasil pengukuran kadar phosphate air limbah laundry di Gatak Gede, Boyolali sebesar 9,50 mg/l. Nilai ini melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dosis koagulan Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) yang paling efektif dalam menurunkan kadar phosphate pada air limbah laundry. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan true exsperiment dengan rancangan penelitian pretest posttest with control group. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah air limbah laundry yang dihasilkan dari seluruh proses pengolahan dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling.Uji statistik menggunakan uji One Way Anova dengan hasil analisis data p–0,0001 (p≤0,01), sehingga Ha diterima yang artinya terdapat dosis yang paling efektif dalam penambahan koagulan PAC dalam penurunan kadar phosphate air limbah laundry di Gatak Gede, Boyolali. Penurunan paling efektif didapatkan sebesar 88% (1,09 mg/l) pada dosis 0,75 gram.
Kata Kunci : Air limbah laundry, phosphate, Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC
Hubungan Peran Kelompok Pendukung Ibu Dengan Keberhasilan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gambirsari Surakarta
Exclusive breastfeeding is only giving breast milk, when baby was born until six month, without any other food. The aim of exclusive breastfeeding program is to implementation one of MDGS project, for decrease morbidity and mortality from neonatal and babies. The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Surakarta (55,7%) is still under national target level (80%). One of the eforts from goverment to increase exclusive breastfeeding is to decided ten steps for succesfully suckle program, among of them is to organization mother supporting group. The aim of this research is to knowing the role in mother supporting group with succesfully of giving exclusive breastfeeding at Puskesmas Gambirsari Surakarta. The method of this research is using crossectional design. There were 88 samples. They were taken by simple random sampling technique. Chi-square and Fisher exact were used as bivariat analysis. The result of bivariat analysis showed that there are relationship between mother decided for suckle with succesfully giving exclusive breastfeeding (p=0,039) and there are not relationship between the role in mother supporting group with mother decided for suckle (p=0,611) and succesfully of giving exclusive breastfeeding (p=0,192)