291 research outputs found

    Attributing and Defining an Unbuilt 1859 Architectural Plan for the Site of Trogir’s Medieval Walls

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    This paper discusses the attribution of an anonymous and unbuilt 1859 plan for a four-storey apartment building with commercial spaces on the ground floor, located on the site of the old town walls in Trogir. It proposes Josip Slade as the architect of the plan, interpreting Slade’s architectural language and the development of his approach to architectural heritage. An analysis of the project in a historical socio-political and spatial context, moreover, supports the conclusion that this was intended as rental property, and this paper therefore offers insights into the first known example of the tenement housing building typology in the nineteenth-century Trogi

    HEXACO dimenzije ličnosti u hrvatskom uzorku

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    The paper examines Ashton and Lee\u27s six-factor model of personality (2001; Lee & Ashton, 2004). The Croatian version of HEXACO-PI-(R) has been applied on a sample of Croatian university students (N=1004). According to the data obtained, the designated six HEXACO factors were confirmed in the Croatian sample. Six HEXACO dimensions showed expected relations with Big Five personality traits. Gender differences in HEXACO personality domains are mainly in line with theoretical expectations. The results of our study confirm the validity of the HEXACO personality model in Croatia.U ovom radu ispituje se prikladnost HEXACO modela ličnosti autora Ashtona i Leea (2001; Lee i Ashton, 2004). Hrvatska inačica instrumenta HEXACO-PI-(R) primijenjena je na uzorku studenata Zagrebačkoga sveučilišta (N=1004). Na temelju provedenih analiza potvrđena je očekivana šesterofaktorska struktura te je šest ekstrahiranih HEXACO dimenzija pokazalo očekivanu povezanost s dimenzijama ličnosti modela Velikih pet. Utvrđene rodne razlike u HEXACO dimenzijama ličnosti odgovarale su teorijskim očekivanjima i ranijim empirijskim nalazima. Na temelju svih rezultata zaključuje se kako je HEXACO model ličnosti, operacionaliziran instrumentom HEXACO-PI-(R), potvrđen u hrvatskom uzorku

    Übereinstimmung von Interessen und wahrgenommener Selbsteffizienz bei der Berufswahl

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    Person-environment (P-E) congruence and its relation to study satisfaction and academic achievement were examined. Two interest measures and one self-efficacy measure were used to represent RIASEC personality types. The Croatian version of Personal Globe Inventory was administrated on a sample of 630 university students. The congruence indices have shown that students\u27 future occupations are almost equally related to their interests as to their self-efficacy beliefs. P-E congruence shares less than 1% of common variance with study satisfaction and academic achievement, regardless of the RIASEC personality measures used to estimate the congruence.U studentskom uzorku ispitana je sukladnost osobina pojedinca i osobina njegove radne okoline (kongruencija ili person- -environment fit), kao i njezina povezanost sa zadovoljstvom studijem i uspjehom u studiju. Osobine pojedinca opisane su u okviru RIASEC modela primjenom dviju mjera interesa i jedne mjere percipirane samoefikasnosti. Hrvatska inačica Upitnika profesionalnih interesa PGI (Personal Globe Inventory) primijenjena je na uzorku od 630 studenata različitih profesionalnih usmjerenja. Indeksi kongruencije pokazuju kako je izbor studija podjednako sukladan interesima studenata, kao i s njihovim procjenama samoefikasnosti. Kongruencija studenata i njihove radne okoline dijeli tek 1% zajedničke varijance sa zadovoljstvom studijem i uspjehom u studiju, neovisno o tome jesu li interesi ili percipirana samoefikasnost upotrijebljeni za procjenu osobina pojedinca.Im Rahmen einer Umfrage unter Studenten sollte die Übereinstimmung zwischen den Charakteristiken des Einzelnen und den Charakteristiken seines Arbeitsumfelds (Kongruenz oder person-environment fit) untersucht werden sowie der Bezug zur Zufriedenheit mit der Wahl des Studienfachs und zum Studienerfolg. Die Merkmale des Einzelnen wurden ausgehend vom RIASEC-Modell, anhand zweierlei Kriterien zur Bestimmung von Interessen sowie eines Kriteriums zur Bestimmung der wahrgenommenen Selbsteffizienz, beschrieben. In einer Untersuchungsgruppe von 630 Studenten unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen wurde die kroatische Variante des Fragebogens zur Ermittlung von Berufsinteressen (PGI: Personal Globe Inventory) angewandt. Die Kongruenz-Indizes zeigen, dass die Wahl des jeweiligen Studienfachs mit den Interessen der Studenten übereinstimmt, ebenso mit den eigenen Einschätzungen zur Selbsteffizienz. Die Kongruenz von Studentencharakteristiken und den Charakteristiken des Arbeitsumfelds weicht in nur 1% von der Zufriedenheit mit der Wahl des Studienfachs und dem Studienerfolg ab, egal ob dabei Interessen oder wahrgenommene Selbsteffizienz zur Einschätzung der Merkmale des Einzelnen zum Tragen kamen oder nicht

    Experimental Determination of Stern Tube Journal Bearing Behaviour

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    The most sensitive component in the propulsion shafting system is the aft stern tube bearing, which is exposed to heavy static and dynamic propeller loads exerted to the bearing surface by the propeller shaft. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, and the American Bureau of Shipping intend to work on the development of the theoretical model of the stern tube journal bearing behaviour, which is proposed to be done in several stages. The initial stage is to consider nonlinear fl uid structural interaction, and this is the theory shown in this article. Owing to the fact that the shaft journal in operation lies on a lubricating fl uid fi lm, which separates the journal in the bearing from the bearing liner, the theoretical nonlinear model of the journal bearing may provide more insight in the behaviour of the shaft inside the bearing and help us to determine a more realistic elastic line of the shafting. The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) initiated a research project to measure actual interaction between the shaft and the stern tube bearing with the goal of applying obtained knowledge in development of an accurate analytical/numerical model for shaftbearing analysis. The initial focus of the investigation was to capture the transient operation of the shaft inside the bearing and to observe the shaft’s hydrodynamic lift during starting, stopping and reversing of the engine. Proximity probes were used to monitor the shaft bearing interaction with micron precision. The installed probes measure the distance between the shaft and the bearing at eight locations inside the aft stern bush and at four locations inside the forward stern bush, and utilize obtained data to defi ne the shaft orbit and dynamics as it revolves in the bearing. The results of presented measurements show that the shaft behaviour inside the stern bush is very different depending on the locati inside the bush. Therefore, an analytical approach, which uses a simplifi ed theory of shaft bearing interaction, provides no practical value since it neglects shaft dynamics and interaction between fl uid and the structure


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    This paper aims to examine some of the macroeconomic drivers of nonperforming loans (NPL) in Croatia. Unemployment rate, industrial production index, construction works volume and the number of tourist arrivals were evaluated as the drivers on a quarterly data sample from 2008q4 to 2020q4. Following quantile regression approach, unemployment rates and construction works volume appeared as significant drivers of NPL in Croatia. Furthermore, empirical findings from this paper suggest asymmetric effects on NPL from its drivers. While decrease in construction works volume and increase in unemployment rates were found to correspond with increase in NPL, an increase in construction works volume and decrease in unemployment rates were not correlated with decrease in NPL. Consequently, the paper brings implications for credit institutions in Croatia within the context of COVID-19 pandemic crises

    Optimizirani NP i PP filtri drugog i četvrtog reda

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    In this paper general second-order low-pass and band-pass filter sections are presented. The voltage noise spectral density and Schoeffler sensitivity are calculated for the simple design procedure and for three different types of optimization. The optimization procedure is also done for the forth-order low-pass and band-pass filter. The resulting low noise and sensitivity is investigated using the RMS noise voltage and multi-parameter sensitivity measure. The optimization gives lower noise and lower sensitivity filters. All analyzes are performed using Matlab and Spice programming tools.U radu su prikazane opće filtarske sekcije drugog i četvrtog reda. Izračunati su spektralna gustoća napona šuma i Schoefflerova osjetljivost i to za jednostavan proračun te za tri različita tipa optimizacije. Optimizacija je takođ er provedena za nisko propusni i pojasno propusni filtar četvrtog reda. Dobiveni niski šum kao i osjetljivost ispitani su računanjem efektivne vrijednosti napona šuma i više-parametarske mjere osjetljivosti. Rezultati optimizacije daju filtre koji imaju manji šum k ao i osjetljivost. Svi su proračuni izvedeni korištenjem programskih alata Matlab i Spice